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Gigabyte (200 XP Gangster Meight Bishonen)

Obligatory Introductory Fiction

"Do you want the good news or the bad news first?" the Crimson Fox asked as he jumped up into the driver's seat of the carriage, next to Gigabyte, then tossed two huge bulging bags in through the windows to the interior of the carriage where Pokemon would stand guard over them.

Gigabyte instinctively whipped the horses into motion. "Don't care," he said.

The first wave of guards rushed out of the doors just in time to get hit with a wave of oil and a lit torch from cannisters on the back of the wagon when Gigabyte flipped two switches. They went up in flames as the horses began to run.

"They were the bad news. The good news is that I got the Star of Halnia! An Emerald the size of a cabbage! We're set for life!" Crimson Fox grinned.

"Who can afford it?" Gigabyte asked. You could buy and sell half the Hundred and One Dalmations with that.

He heard galloping noises; he guessed that the cavalry was after them now. "Take the reins."

Crimson Fox did so and Gigabyte moved over to kneel backwards, studying the onrushing squad of ten men on horseback.

"I don't know, but someone with big money will surely want it," Crimson Fox said. He always let tomorrow take care of itself.

They still had the lead on the cavalry; Gigabyte had made sure of that. He remembered what the Broodingly Handsome Sun had told him. 'The fastest vehicle wins the race; the fastest deer doesn't end up on someone else's plate; you don't have to be THE fastest, but you'd better not be the slowest. Burn rubber in my name.'

But that might change. Gigabyte studied the cavalry, picking out the leader by his fancier hat and shoulder decorations.

"Turtle-Shell Cracking Shot," he whispered, and Moe flowed into his firewand, correcting his aim and sending the gout of flame curling about in streamers which found the weakpoints in the shining steel armor the commander wore, curling inside it to boil him in his own armor. He screamed and fell, knocking down three of his men and scattering the rest.

They rallied around their commander, and he turned and sat back down.

Then Pokemon stuck his head out the window. "Crimson Fox."


"Why have you stolen a large cabbage?"

"It's a giant gemstone!" he protested.

Pokemon stuck it out the window. "This is a CABBAGE." Indeed, it was.

Gigabyte pulled his hat down over his eyes and sighed.

"DAMN YOU MATA HARI!" Crimson Fox shouted, waving his fist in the air. "Make the damn thing into coleslaw."

"I refuse to draw my blade to make coleslaw," Pokemon said. "But perhaps we can get the cook at the inn to do so."

He withdrew back into the carriage, while Crimson Fox grumbled to himself.

Just another typical afternoon, really.


  • Physical: Primary
    • Strength: 4
    • Dexterity: 4
    • Stamina: 3
  • Mental: Secondary
    • Perception: 2
    • Intelligence: 4
    • Wits: 4
  • Social: Tertiary
    • Charisma: 1
    • Manipulation: 4
    • Appearance: 2


(Bold are Favored)


  • Archery: 5 (+2 dice Firewands) (+4 dice from Artifact)
  • Brawl: 4
  • Martial Arts:
  • Melee: 3
  • Thrown:


  • Endurance: 3
  • Performance:
  • Presence:
  • Resistance: 2
  • Survival:

Meight: All are Caste Abilities

  • Crafts: 4 (+2 Dice Vehicles)
  • Investigation: 4
  • Lore: 3
  • Medicine: 1
  • Occult: 3


  • Athletics:
  • Awareness: (+4 from Artifact)
  • Dodge:
  • Larceny:
  • Stealth: 4


  • Bureaucracy:
  • Linguistics: ()
  • Ride: 4
  • Sail:
  • Socialize:


  • Artifact 3
  • Backing 3 (La Cosa Nostradamus)
  • Contacts 3
  • Resources 4

Charms and other powers:

Anima Power: My Brilliant Plan - The Meights always know the best solution to a problem... ALWAYS. Those who suggest otherwise are nasty nasty fibbers! But, just to prove it, they can use this anima power to shore up what might have otherwise been weaknesses in their plan. Whenever a Meight makes a roll to develop a plan and this plan later proves inadequet due to unforeseen circumstances of information the Meight didn't have at the time he may spend ten MOe to simply change his plan on the spot. As far as anyone remembers the Meight knew the unforeseen problem ahead of time and they have been workign with that in minds for days or weeks. This does not improve the original roll, merely removes the penalty of the changed circumstance.

Combo: Turtle-Shell Cracking Shot Graceful Bishonen Archery + Distant Sniper + Piercing Shot + Crevice-Seeking Shot . 10+ motes, 1 WP He can shoot anyone he can see without environmental or range penalties. For every mote above 9 that he spends, he adds 1 die to his Dex + Archery Pool. If he hits, he reduces the target's soak against the shot and his hardness by your Archery + Moe. In addition, roll your Dex + Archery + any extra successes to hit after defense is determined. The difficulty is your foe's Moe. Every success reduces the soak of the armor by one against this shot.


  • Graceful Bishonen Archery
  • Superior Bishonen Archery
  • Keen Arrow
  • Arrow-Sharpening Stance
  • Long Shot
  • Wind-Carried Messenger
  • Distant Sniper
  • Piercing Shot
  • Crevice-Seeking Shot
  • Swift Sniper
  • Hail of Arrows
  • Death From Above Technique
  • Firewand Ace (5 motes, causes a firewand to load itself whenever fired as a free reflexive action; the wand gains a rate equal to your Moe. Scene-long.)


  • Graceful Bishonen Brawl
  • Superior Bishonen Brawl
  • Right Hook


  • Graceful Bishonen Craft
  • Superior Bishonen Craft
  • Improvised Tools Technique
  • Problem-Eliding Method
  • Time and Motion Studies Method


  • Resoundingly Pretty Body Method: Gigabyte has taken it three times, giving him 3 -1 and 6 -2 health levels.


  • Graceful Bishonen Stealth
  • Superior Bishonen Stealth
  • Evidence Concealing Prana
  • Traceless Passage

Nature, Moe, Willpower, and Virtues

Nature: Taciturn. He keeps his own counsel unless carefully drawn out. He gets willpower whenever he avoids a chance to speak at length.

  • Permanent Moe: 3
    • Personal: 16
    • Peripheral: 38 (16 motes committed)

Willpower: 7


  • Compassion 1
  • Temperance 3
  • Conviction 4
  • Valor 2

Virtue Flaw: Stubborn. Once he makes a plan, he doesn't like to change it. He takes a point of limit whenever he's forced to change his plans. When he limit breaks, he becomes totally inflexible.



  • Tricked out carriage (it has mechanisms to dispense oil, hurl lit torches, drop smoke bombs, caltrops, etc)
  • Craftsman's tools
  • Black Hat, pulled down over eyes


  • Reinforced Orichalcum Buff Jacket (3 motes, +9L/+12B, -1 Mobility)
  • Firelance, Orichalcum Firewand (10 motes, Spd 1, Acc +3, Dam 14L, Rate 2, 50 Yard Range. Its Orichalcum Bayonet is Spd 2, Acc +3, Dam 5L, Def +2. The Firewand is auto-loading to its rate of 2. It has a sight which grants +4 Awareness and +4 Archery)
  • Orichalcum Knuckles (3 motes, Spd 3, Acc 2, 3B, Def 2, allows him to parry lethal attacks)


  • Lethal Soak: 11
  • Bashing Soak: 15
  • Dodge: 4 dice ( 3 dice with armor)
  • Fatigue: 0
  • Mobility Penalty: -1
  • Weapons:
    • Firelance, Orichalcum Firewand
      • Gun Mode (Spd 9, Acc 18, Dam 14L, Rate 2, 50 Yard Range. The Firewand is auto-loading to its rate of 2.)
      • Orichalcum Bayonet is Spd 10, Acc 10, Dam 9L, Def 9.
    • Orichalcum Knuckles (Spd 11, Acc 10, 7B, Def 10, allows him to parry lethal attacks)
  • Health:
    • 1 -0
    • 5 -1
    • 8 -2
    • 1 -4
    • Incap.


He is on the shorter side of middling in height with a thick, scraggly black beard and short black hair with a black hat jammed down to where you rarely see his eyes. He wears a black and gold coat over a white shirt and black pants and boots.


His Moe 2 fetish is his Meight status; his Moe 3 fetish is his hat hiding his eyes.


Gigabyte doesn't talk much unless he is buying something or needs someone's assistance with a project. He mostly tags along with the Crimson Fox, providing combat and get-away backup and sometimes critiquing the Fox's wilder plans. He communicates more with body language and grunting.

He likes to build elaborate vehicles and will spend time tricking out any vehicle he obtains. He hopes to eventually learn enough to begin building artifact vehicles.

Unlike his allies Pokemon and Crimson Fox, he doesn't have much use for women. He seems more asexual than gay, however. (Though given how taciturn he is, he could be gay and probably no one would ever realize.)


Gigabyte grew up on the streets of Nexus and ended up joining La Cosa Nostradamus. Its masters, however, foresaw his exaltation and stage managed his meeting with the Crimson Fox and directed him to assist the Fox, who they frequently manipulate into doing work for them.

He has been working with the Crimson Fox ever since, and is likely the man's best friend.

Storyteller's Notes:

Gigabyte typically operates with Crimson Fox, Pokemon, and sometimes Mata Hari to pull off outrageous crimes, which unknown to them, advance the fate agendas of the masters of La Cosa Nostradamus. Were they to fully realize this, they would likely take it amiss. For now, they remain simply some of the greatest thieves in Creation, but one would expect the Broodingly Handsome Sun had some higher purpose for them than just that...