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The United Republic of Fruit

  • Location: The West: Just off the western coast of the Southwest, South of the Sugar Islands
  • Population
    • Urban: 50,000 (Kalukambe) and 60,000 more in major port towns
    • Surrounding Area: 1.3 million
  • Ruler: President Yoliko, Magical Girl (Sailor Warrior)
  • Status: Tributary of the Realm, Nebbish Gang

The United Republic of Fruit was once one big island during the Harem Age and the Iron Millenium, a tropical paradise of lush plants and endless fertility, a giant Green Zone where manses maintained the fertility of the land and where fruit and spices were produced in abundance.

Then, during the Chaos Plague, the central Volcano detonated. Ironically, it wiped out the spearhead of the Oni invasion in the area, sparing the lands further north. It buried the surviving islands in volcanic ash, making them highly fertile, though it wrecked the Green Zone.

The inhabitants became jungle barbarians, raided for slaves by the Ragnarok Gang, until the Nebbish Gang colonized the area and built up the Republic of Fruit as its own tropical paradise of slavery, disease, sugar, cotton, coffee, and death by heatstroke.

However, the Nebbishes have never been strongly positioned to help it and it tends to be on the losing side of fights with the Sugar Islands. As a result, it is nearing the point of revolt and may well rise up whenever some incident provides an excuse.

Like the other major island tributaries of this area, it is a republic of free slaveowners ruling over a huge number of slaves taken from other nations and from the tribes of the Southwest.

The Nebbishes have put more emphasis on fruit and spice production, so as to avoid direct competition with their economically more potent rivals.