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The Celestial Bureaucracy

The Celestial Bureaucracy is best described as a fifth-dimensional bowl of sphagetti, in which chains of command twist and bend about in impossible ways, making it nearly impossible to describe it in full detail without the use of five-dimensional Ultimate System projections.

Certain offices, however, impinge the most upon the life of Exalts and can be described in some detail.

The Helping Goddess Office

The Helping Goddess Office has the central job of maintaining the Ultimate System. All the Goddesses of Heaven, in theory, help to keep Creation running smoothly, but the Helping Goddess Office reports to the Five Sisters, heads of its five major Divisions: Moderation, Tech Support, Bug Suppression, the Archives, and Hardware. Together, they keep the Ultimate System running Smoothly, while the Five Sisters party with the Broodingly Handsome Sun, Luna, and Gaia at the top of the Crystal Palace. In theory, the Helping Goddess office can shanghai any other Goddesses into backing its efforts to maintain the Ultimate System. In practice, it may take months to years for the necessary paperwork to clear unless you pay for 'rapid processing' (IE, Bribes)

The Censorship Office

The Censorship Office's original role was to ensure Creation remained 'Family-Friendly', whatever that means. Overtime, however, continual exposure to all the perversions which have crept into Creation since the defeat of the You'll See as part of their curse gradually twisted and bent the goddesses of the Censorship Office. They have ceased to enforce the laws of Heaven; some have withdrawn to private retreats where they try to keep themselves pure by hiding from the world, others have created private pleasure palaces and indulge in what they sought to repress, while yet others now try to make the world as X-rated as possible until bribed to stop or they get bored.

Oddly, the Censorship Office does sometimes intervene to help families survive great difficulties, regarding this as a way to justify their continued reciept of their salaries.

Or to recruit new harem members.

The Office of Glacier Management

The Office of Glacier Management is not, of itself, all that important. Rather, it illustrates many of the problems of the Celestial Bureaucracy. The loss of the outer areas of Creation during the Contagion greatly weakened the importance of many geographically based or geography-dependent celestial offices. Reluctant to give up their old budgets, they have turned to mad expedients in order to justify their continued receipt of bandwidth.

The shrinking of the North destroyed over half the glaciers which this office once maintained. However, they continue to maintain a false front of the existence of such, blowing most of their budget each year in fraudulent activities to keep Celestial investigators from discovering that they're getting bandwidth for maintaining long-destroyed glaciers. This forces them to take bribes from people in Creation in order to make ends meet, as well as raiding other offices for office supplies.

Thus, they have become part of the general problem of corruption of Heaven.

The War Office

The War Office answers, in theory, through intermediaries, to the Broodingly Handsome Sun. In practice, he's too busy brooding and playing the Games of Infinity with the Five Sisters, Gaia, Luna, and assorted hangers on to bother with running herd over it. As a result, it is left to its own devices, namely, promoting war all over creation in order to justify bucking for a higher budget.

The War Office is headed by Shogun Leia Tsu, author of The Art of War, a 3,000 volume treatise on war-themed art. Those with MUCH patience can glean a lot of strategy and tactical advice from it. The Shogun spends much of her time updating her work and preventing her subordinates going at each other with knives until she's ready to have them die so they can't try to take her job. Given she is arguably one of the three greatest strategists in Creation, she's very good at her job.

There are six suboffices; one for each direction + Heaven. Certain subordinates are bucking for a seventh department with the job of fighting the things which come from beyond Creation. She is not sure whether to approve this.

The Daimyos of the Six Offices are:

  • Belisaria the War Hound, Goddess of the Center
  • Bessie the Cow, War Goddess of the South
  • Charlene the Tuna, War Goddess of the West
  • Toni the Tiger, War Goddess of the East
  • Toucan Samantha, War Goddess of the North
  • Tricia the Rabbit, War Goddess of the Celestial City