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Eri (100 XP Wealthy Heiress Idol Bishoujo)

Obligatory Introductory Fiction

Travelling with a Prince (or in this case Princely Princess) has its advantages, and one of them is riding in nice fancy carriages instead of riding on horses and having a sore behind at the end of the day.

It has the disadvantage of cooping up seven people in close quarters for long hours of the day, however, and poses the problem of who sits next to who.

By day twenty of the trip, they had managed to work out a seating order which kept the biggest trouble spots quiescent. Yakumo sat next to Tenma who sat next to Harima who sat next to Akira in the rear-facing seats, while Eri, Mikoto, and Hanai sat facing them in the front-facing seats, with Eri by the left window so she could give orders to the driver when necessary.

This cut the number of pointless brawls down to only two or three per day.

Eri had set up a gateway set in the space inbetween them, and was playing against Yakumo when the next round of trouble started. Tenma was napping, Akira was trying to read a book, so was Hanai, and Mikoto was watching the game. This left Harima, who was bored, which was NEVER a good thing, though he seemed oddly more accepting of it than usual, perhaps because of Tenma slumping over on him.

In fact, he had an odd look on his face like he was having a dream with his eyes open. Eri found this goofy look to be rather irritating, but she tried to ignore it.

Eri reached out to move a piece, only to see Yakumo looking disapproving of the move. Was this a bluff? Or did she really think this move was in error? Or am I imagining things again, she wondered. Yakumo, like Akira, had a very good poker face, and it could be hard to read her emotions.

Eri reached for another piece, and Yakumo shook her head slightly.

Eri grimaced, then went back to the first. Stuff it, why am I worrying about what Yakumo thinks, anyway, Eri told herself.

The carriage stopped, and the driver said, "Oujo-sama, I fear we are confronted by bandits."

At least this time we probably won't have to fix the carriage, Eri thought. "Hige, do you want to deal with them?" she said to Harima. 'Hige', which meant 'beard' was her nickname for him.

He was too lost in his fantasies to be of any use.

She sighed. "I'll deal with this."

Hanai looked up from his book. "You sure? We can all come out."

"I'll call if they have anything worth your time," Eri said.

She got out and walked to the front; there were twenty-five men with bows and crude leather clothing confronting them. They all looked like ordinary mortals to her. Their eyes widened as she came out, and she smiled winningly at them, calling upon the power granted her by the Broodingly Handsome Sun. "Hello, gentlemen. Is there a problem?" She'd learned from childhood that a smile could get you further than a sword on many ocassions.

One of them grinned goofily and took his hat off nervously. Many of the others did the same. "Begging your pardon, Miss, but I'm afraid we're here to rob you." He elbowed the man next to him. "Take your hat off in the presence of a Princess, you idiot."

The rest of the hats came off.

Eri smiled a little broader. Always so gratifying to be treated as she deserved. "I must regretfully inform you that we are not transporting wealth, but rather, there are six of the Anathema within this carriage, and should violence ensue, they are likely to escape and kill you all. That would be a shame." She put some of the power of the Sun into her words, remembering what he had told her, "The true noble rules not by force of arms but by kindness of the heart and attention to the needs of the people, though you are allowed to have a harem of cute guys to attend to YOUR needs when you're not busy ruling." The sword was her last resort, not her first, unlike that muscle-bound buffoon, Harima.

Nervously, the men backed up. "Anathema?" one of them asked in fear.

"The Dread Delinquent, Harima, rides within this very vehicle, locked in his own delusions for now, but likely to rouse if awakened from his drooling fantasies," Eri said.

The men's mouths opened and their eyes widened and they all began backing up quickly.

She didn't notice the shadow looming over her from behind.

"He commands legions of hungry, feral animals, and like them, he is a relentless beast who..." Okay, she was laying it on A LITTLE thick, but the idea was to scare these guys off, right? Harima really wasn't such a bad guy, but he was probably having some perverted fantasy right now and...

"Who are you calling a relentless beast?" Harima said angrily from behind her.

The bandits screamed and fled, seeing him glow with an angry golden aura. His caste mark was showing.

The best defense was a good offense. "You agreed to stay in the carriage!" she shouted angrily at him. "Can't you ever stick to the plan?"

"I...what...plan? There was a plan?" he asked in confusion.

"Get back in!" She shoved him back into the carriage. "I'll deal with this."

Confused, he let himself get shoved back in, wondering if he'd dreamed the whole thing.

Eri watched the bandits run, then said to the driver, "Onwards."

She hopped back in, and they rode on.


  • Physical: Secondary
    • Strength: 3
    • Dexterity: 3
    • Stamina: 3
  • Mental: Tertiary
    • Perception: 2
    • Intelligence: 3
    • Wits: 2
  • Social: Primary
    • Charisma: 5
    • Manipulation: 3
    • Appearance: 4


(Bold are Favored)


  • Archery:
  • Brawl: 3
  • Martial Arts:
  • Melee: 5 (+3 dice Swords)
  • Thrown:

Stalwart: All are Caste Abilities

  • Endurance: 1
  • Performance: 5 (+3 dice--'Being Princely')
  • Presence: 5 (+6 dice from Sword)
  • Resistance: 1
  • Survival:


  • Crafts:
  • Investigation:
  • Lore:
  • Medicine:
  • Occult:


  • Athletics: 3
  • Awareness:
  • Dodge: 1
  • Larceny:
  • Stealth:


  • Bureaucracy: 1
  • Linguistics: 3 (High Realm, Low Realm, Rivertongue, Old Realm)
  • Ride: 1
  • Sail:
  • Socialize: 4 (+6 dice from Artifact)


  • Allies (Akira, Tenma, Mikoto, Harima) 4
  • Artifacts 3
  • Resources 5

Charms and other powers:

Anima Power: Call Me Queen - By spending five Moe and striking a pose the Idol becomes the instant center of attention. Everyone must turn and look at her. So long as she does nothing hostile, she retaisn their undivided attention for a number of minutes equal to her Moe.


  • Graceful Bishonen Athletics


  • Graceful Bishonen Brawl
  • Right Hook (Eri calls this 'Shining Wizard', and typically uses it with a kick)


  • Graceful Bishonen Endurance


  • Graceful Bishonen Melee
  • Instinctive Parry
  • Riposte
  • Wolf's Fang


  • Graceful Bishonen Performance
  • Artistic Mastery


  • Graceful Bishonen Presence
  • Superior Bishonen Presence
  • Invoke Respect
  • Wrathful Contenance


  • Graceful Bishonen Socialize
  • Top Hat and Tails

Nature, Moe, Willpower, and Virtues

Nature: Oujo-sama. Eri regains willpower when treated with the respect she expects is her due. She acts in a noble manner and expects to be treated as such.

  • Permanent Moe: 3
    • Personal: 15
    • Peripheral: 36 (13 motes committed)

Willpower: 6


  • Compassion 2
  • Temperance 1
  • Conviction 3
  • Valor 3

Virtue Flaw: Explosive Temper Whenever Eri has to suppress her temper, she gets a point of limit. Once she limit breaks, she goes on a rampage of exerting her dominance on everyone around her--shaving heads, making people sing embarrassing karaoke songs, delivering Shining Wizards for petty offenses, dressing them up in embarrassing outfits, etc.



  • Anything she wants. Resources 5 = living the HIGH LIFE


  • Reinforced Orichalcum Buff Jacket (3 motes, +9L/+12B, -1 Mobility)
  • The Sword of Princes (10 motes, Spd 4, Acc 3, Dam 5L, Def 3, The sword grants +6 to Socialize and Presence of its attuned owner)


  • Lethal Soak: 11
  • Bashing Soak: 15
  • Dodge: 4 dice ( 3 dice with armor)
  • Fatigue: 0
  • Mobility Penalty: -1
  • Weapons:
    • The Sword of Princes (Spd 9, Acc 14, Dam 8L, Def 14, The sword grants +6 to Socialize and Presence of its attuned owner)
    • Punch (Spd 5, Acc 6, Dam 3B, Def 6)
    • Kick (Spd 2, Acc 5, Dam 5B, Def 5)
    • Fighting Gauntlet (Spd 5, Acc 6, Dam 4L, Def 6)
  • Health:
    • 1 –0
    • 2 –1
    • 2 –2
    • 1 –4
    • Incap.


Eri is a beautiful long-haired blonde with a propensity for changing her hairstyle. She has a medium figure, somewhat athletic, neither hugely skinny nor hugely buxom. She is neither very short nor very tall. She wears expensive, elegant clothing which she also varies by the ocassion. When on an adventure, she usually wears long white pants, a white buttoned shirt, and her Orichalcum Reinforced Buff Jacket. At parties, she typically wears blue and yellow dresses of the finest materials.


Her Moe 2 Fetish is her Idol status. Her Moe 3 Fetish is being rich and princely.


Eri was raised to inherit a throne, and conveys a strong sense of nobility and royalty in her actions so long as she doesn't lose her temper. She becomes a holy terror when she does lose it, though she usually gets her balance back quickly. Most of the time, she is very charming and noble and probably a little too used to every falling in love with her and doing what she wants. When insulted or defied, her temper often comes out.

She and Harima have what may be a feud or possibly a comedy love affair or both; he is a frequent target of her temper but also of her softer side. She is uncertain of her own feelings; he's not the sort of man she ever expected to marry...

Eri does not back down from a challenge and she always plays to win.


Eri would have become the Queen of the Eastern nation of Sawachika, had not Fate intervened. Her parents wanted a broader education for her, and sent her off to school in the Goro League, where she met many of her current friends. It was there that she exalted during an attempted assassination attempt. This left her unable to return, and she banded together with her friends, becoming a wandering (but still wealthy) adventurer. (As she still has access to her trust fund, which the Joint-Stock Company refuses to give up to the Wyld Hunt or her parents because they hope she will die and they'll be able to keep it...)

Eri acquired her sword and armor during the Infamous Sleeping Beauty Disaster, of which we will not speak in order to avoid her wrath, but it is said that she had to undergo many tests to obtain them due to Tenma fumbling a simple riddle when Eri took too long thinking about it...

Storyteller's Notes:

Eri is very close to Akira, Tenma, and Mikoto, feuds with Yakumo and Harima, and is on neutral terms with Hanai, though his bossiness sometimes irritates her. She spends her time helping her friends and trying to find some way to eventually be able to return home without it leading to the Realm DESTROYING said home...