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Bishonen Medicine Tree

  • Graceful Bishonen Medicine 1/1
    • Superior Bishonen Medicine 2/2
      • Unfailing Bishonen Medicine 3/3
        • Invariant Bishonen Excellence of Medicine 4/4
    • Alleviation of Agony Method 3/1
      • Crippling Injury Removal Method 4/2
      • Bed Rest with Beautiful Chicken Soup Technique 4/2
        • Healing Hands 5/3
        • Tender Loving Care 5/3
    • Unveil the Hidden Ailment 2/1
      • Purge the Body 3/2
        • Innoculating Touch 4/3

Alleviation of Agony Method

  • Cost: 1 mote/-1
  • Duration: Medicine + Moe Hours
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Medicine: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 1
  • Prerequisite Charms: Graceful Bishonen Medicine

With a simple touch, the Bishonen can temporarily negate any pain or wound penalties the target is suffering, elminating one -1 for every mote invested. The Bishonen can spend up to Medicine + Moe motes.

Crippling Injury Removal Method

  • Cost: 3 motes/-1
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Medicine: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Alleviation of Agony Method

Some injuries leave lingering penalties. This heals those permanently; for every three motes invested, you may remove 1 -1 penalty die caused by injuries, charms, sorcery, etc, which reflects physical damages. This will not remove actual wound penalties until the wounds are healed, however.

Bed Rest with Beautiful Chicken Soup Technique

  • Cost: 10 motes
  • Duration: One Day
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Medicine: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Alleviation of Agony Method

The Bishonen cooks up some chicken soup and puts the target on bedrest with chicken soup three times a day. The target (which can include himself) must spend the day resting; he then recovers wounds equal to the Moe of the Bishonen plus the successes on an Intelligence + Medicine roll by the Bishonen. The Bishonen can use this charm on as many people at once as he can find the Moe to burn to do it.

Healing Hands

  • Cost: 3 motes / wound
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Medicine: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: Bed Rest with Beautiful Chicken Soup Technique

With but a touch, the Bishonen heals up to his Medicine worth of lethal or bashing wounds, spending 3 motes per wound to do so. This does not heal aggravated damage.

Tender Loving Care

  • Cost: 10 motes, 1 WP
  • Duration: One Hour
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Medicine: 5
  • Minimum Moe: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: Bed Rest with Beautiful Chicken Soup Technique

The Bishonen spends an hour lavishing care and attention on the target (This may look rather vain if you are healing yourself); barraged by so much affection and flattery, the target cannot help but quickly recover, healing wounds equal to the results of a Charisma + Medicine roll. This can heal aggravated wounds (which count as two wounds), small maimings (one wound) or big maimings (like limbloss, two wounds).

Unveil the Hidden Ailment

  • Cost: 2 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Medicine: 2
  • Minimum Moe: 1
  • Prerequisite Charms: Graceful Bishonen Medicine

With but a glance, the Bishonen determines all poisons, diseases, and infections which afflict the person he is looking at. Magically concealed ailments require him to roll Perception + Medicine with a difficulty of the creator's Moe to find it.

Purge the Body

  • Cost: 5 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Medicine: 3
  • Minimum Moe: 2
  • Prerequisite Charms: Unveil the Hidden Ailment

With a touch, the Bishonen purges the subject's body of all foreign substances, curing diseases and infections and removing any lingering effects from poison (the wounds it causes must be cured in some other way.) This requires rolling Wits + Medicine with a difficulty equal to that required to treat the disease or infection by mundane means or to resist the poison.

Innoculating Touch

  • Cost: 3 motes + 1 mote/die
  • Duration: One Day
  • Type: Speech
  • Minimum Medicine: 4
  • Minimum Moe: 3
  • Prerequisite Charms: Purge the Body

With a touch, the Bishonen grants the target the level of resistance which Exalted have to disease, infection, and poison for a day. He can also grant the target bonus dice to resist such equal to the number of motes he invests, to a maximum of his Stamina + Medicine.