Thus Spake Zargrabowski/GeoffTheMan

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>>>Geoff Grabowski, creator of the Exalted line, is the worst kind of naive anarchist, whose personal opinions I hold lower than neo-nazis. However, he's a great writer and I seek out things he has written, and continue to buy the Exalted line despite my feelings for him.<<<

I'm not an anarchist, Tanuki. I'm a new conservative. Think Arianna Huffington and Andrew Sullivan. I am, however, flattered.

Geoffrey C. Grabowski\\ Not posting professionally\\

>>>Huh. I didn't think they LET conservatives write for White Wolf. I though you had to sign some sort of Vow Of Trendy Leftism or something.<<<

White Wolf is actually a very diverse work environment, with several flavors of conservatism, several flavors of leftism, and several flavors of I-don't-care-and-would-you-all-shut-up. I think there were probably some outspoken developers who encouraged like-minded writers to express their politics in their work. I personally try to keep my writers pretty apolitical -- that's just required for the game. Exalted really only works when it's explicit that the only reason your character is looking heroic is because you're the protagonist. While I'm not shy about my own politics, I try not to let it color my work.

Geoffrey C. Grabowski\\ Still posting on his own nickle

>>>And raindog, if you don't mix political statements in your writing, who made that Get Your Ass Out, DO something and quit Bitching! sheet at the end of Exalted?<<<

You mean the page where I thank my mom, the people who worked on the project and the lovers who put up with me and supported me while I did it? I'm not real ashamed to say that's all about me. =)

Geoffrey C. Grabowski\\ Public Citizen and stuff\\