Touch Of The Sun

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This is a rather pyrotechnical third circle spell.

Touch of the Sun</b>

<b>cost: 50 + motes

caster should know Old Realm

This spell takes 5 turns to be completed and that should be treated as casting time. The casters begins closing his eyes, focusing his essence around his body and whispering the following prayer in Old Realm, to the Unconquered Sun:

"Let the Unconquered cross the skies down to the Earth. Let his glory be at my side and guide me. So that I may bring his light up to the edges of creation and that with a single touch of the Sun, my enemies falter to their knees in despair."

The following effects appear as the spell is being cast:

  • First turn: A small wind (10 yards radius) appears around the caster, carrying the caster's words in low voice.
  • Second turn: The winds grows stronger (50 yards radius), the caster's words appear as if in normal voice. A slight golden light appears around the caster.
  • Third turn: The wind turns into a mighty windstorm (200 yards radius), characters should make a Stamina+Endurance roll, difficulty 3, not to be knocked down. Archery and Throll rolls are at -2 penalty. The prayer is now louder than ever and a few whispers can be heard too. The golden light becomes stronger.
  • Fourth turn: The wind keeps it's strength (500 yards radius, the penalties remain the same. It's up to the storyteller if there should be a new rolling). The caster begins to float reaching 10 yards high. The prayer remain it's volume but many different voices accompany the caster's, each one at a different point of the prayer and at different speeds (It sounds more like a mess). It is said those are the voices of all the solars that have alredy died since the Primordial War.
  • Fifth turn: The wind reaches a mile radius and the caster stops at about 50 yards high. He finally finishes his prayer and all the voices reach the end at the same time. The caster opens his eyes and becomes as bright as the Sun ending the casting and spending the essence to fuel the spell.

The caster must spend 50 motes plus 5 motes for each extra turn he wishes the spell to last. At each turn he can choosea region