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New Charms

These Charms replace the Deft Official's Way --> Consumer Evaluating Glance and Insightful Buyer Technique chain, which was decidedly subpar. The replacement Charms still culminate in Irresistable Salesman Spirit.

Marketplace-Evaluating Glance</b>

<b>Cost: 4 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Min. Bureaucracy: 2
Min. Essence: 1
Prereqs: None

This Charm taps into the collective consciousness of a population to give the Solar instant familiarity with the mercantile situation of a given location, such as a city or small group of villages. The characters is as familiar with the economic wheeling-and-dealing of the location as if he had known it his entire life, and is intuitively aware of who sells what, where, and for how much. This knowledge extends to services as well as goods and provides a general knowledge of quality as well (i.e. where to find the best deals and the highest quality goods and services). It provides general knowledge, and so could not tell the character where he could find a rare and unique book, but it would tell him who would be most likely to have one, should it exist.

Efficient Businessman Practice</b>

<b>Cost: 7 motes
Duration: One day
Type: Simple
Min. Bureaucracy: 4
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: Marketplace-Evaluating Glance

Extending the intuitive expertise of the preceding Charm, the Solar becomes a master capitalist, instantly recognizing the best deals, flawlessly correcting minor errors, and executing sweeping transactions with aplomb. Mechanically, this Charm allows the character to perform a week's worth of business wheeling-and-dealing in just a single day. Bookkeeping, investments, hiring practices and performance reviews that would have consumed hours are dealt with in mere moments as the Solar casually recognizes the most efficient choice in each and every situation. If used on consecutive days, the Solar can rapidly conclude months of business, and will be forced to wait for more work to produce itself for his attention, setting a practical limit on the use of this Charm. During the First Age, many Solar governors employed this Charm in combination with the Power-Awarding Prana to grant their chancellors amazing administrative ability, and used Charms to ensure the chancellor's loyalty, allowing them to rule over remarkably responsive nations, or terrifyingly effective dictatorships.

Sharp-Tongued Negotiator Style</b>

<b>Cost: 5 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Min. Bureaucracy: 3
Min. Essence: 2
Prereqs: None

This Charm gives the Solar insight into the minutiae of offer and counter-offer on which bargains are made. His mastery of the nuances of contractual language, minor details, and his ability to recognize and capitalize on loopholes make him a peerless businessman and an unsurpassed negotiator. When used to enhance a Bureaucracy roll to negotiate something (from a sale to a political treaty or military surrender), this Charm adds a numder of automatic successes to the roll equal to the Exalt's Essence.