Taerinshar/Colbey Veran

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Colbey Veran

Colbey is a middle aged Air aspect who has been obsessed with the study of life and its interaction with essence since a young age. Due to some unfortunate circumstances he has been forced to work for some unethical groups which indirectly led to a horrific transformation of a loved one. He now spends his days scouring the world for information on how to reverse this process while using every resource he has available.

Motivation: Restore/rescue wife-to-be

Str/Dex/Sta: 2/5/2
Cha/Man/App: 2/4/3
Per/Int/Wit: 4/5/3

Air: Linguistics 1 (Old Realm, High Realm), Lore 5, Occult 5, Stealth 4, Thrown 0
Earth: Awareness 1 , Craft 5 (Air, Fire, Wood, Magitech, Genesis), Integrity 2, Resistance 1, War 1
Fire: Athletics 1, Dodge 0, Melee 0, Presence 2, Socialize 4
Water: Bureaucracy 2, Investigation 0, Larceny 2, Martial Arts 5 , Sail 0
Wood: Archery 1, Medicine 3, Performance 0, Ride 0, Survival 0
Ability bonus points: 6 (MA 5, Occult 5, Crafts 5, Lore 5, 4 specialties)

White Veil Style: Birdsong Over Blades
Alehouse Memory Technique

Apprentice Thaumatergy: Art of the Dead
Elemental Concentration Technique
1st Stealth Excellency
Distracting Breeze Meditation
1st Crafts Excellency
Flaw Finding Examination
Lesser Charm of Unmaking
Terrestrial circle sorcery, Emerald Countermagic (Bundled)
Infallible Messenger (spell)

Compassion 3
Conviction 4
Temperance 1
Valor 1
Willpower 8 (2 bp)

Backgrounds: Backing 3 (Craftsmen of Pasiap), Breeding 3, Resources 5 (4 bp), Artifact 6 (6 bp), Connections (White Veil Society) 3, Manse 3 (3 bp)

Merits and Flaws Total: -4
Flaws: Mortal Healing Rate -4

Manse: Veritas, level 3 eastern manse.
Hearthstone: Gem of Whispers (3 dot)

Artifacts (18 dots + 1 2-dot and +2 1-dot from Resources 5):
/Bramble (4 dot - Poisonous Quarterstaff, 4 commit)
Amulet of Shadow Walking (5 dot - Teleporting stealth device, 5 commit)
Bracers of Universal Crafting (3 dot - Tools + essence suxx on small manipulation, 0 commit)
Silken Armour (2 dot, 0 commit from aegis)
Damaged Discreet Essence Armour (1 dot, works 1/2 the time)
Perfected Boots (1 dot)
Aegis Inset Amulet (1 dot) (-2 attunement to Armor)
Goggles of Night Vision (No low-light penalties, 3m for essence sight)
Silver Brush (1 dot)(Provides ink and writes on any surface aka Sharpie)
Jade Seal (1 dot) (Seals message for single recipient for 2m)
Personal Companion Device (1 dot)
Noisemakers (1 dot) (aids stealth rolls if set up in advance)

Experience expenditure (starting: 50):
Essence 4 (30)
Str 2 - 4
Sta 2 - 4
Wits 2, 3 - 12:

Current Game XP (Sept 24): 31
Backing 3 - 4
Bureaucracy 2 - 2
Infallible Messenger - 10
1st Martial Arts - 10 (training)