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The Bloodied Prince Bearing A Thousand Knives

Description: The Bloodied Prince usually appears to the world as an incredibly handsome young man, who apparently disdains the dark regalia other Deathlords prefer, often appearing in bright, colorful clothes. His hair is short and blond, and he usually wears a golden circlet. His body is well toned and muscular, his factions sharp and strong... in short, between all the Deathlords, with the sole exception of the Lover (who hates his guts), he is the most handsome, and perhaps more human of Deathlords.

Make no mistake: the Bloodied Prince is no less evil or crazy than the rest of the Deathlords. He just -appears- to be.

Most people don't see him when he's alone, however. There, his face is covered with a horrible red mask. A mask filled with spines, which can clearly be seen piercing his skull. Most people that see him like this die... the rest are his most faithful servants. The Prince actually lacks a face entirely... the one he wears for the world to see is not actually his own, but that of the most handsome man he could have found. Without his mask or that face, his actual face lacks eyes, nose and a mouth, appearing as a perfectly smooth surface.

All The Prince remembers of his life was that he was a truly beautiful man, and thus the loss of his face has driven him half insane. In life, he -was- a Solar of almost impossible beauty, whose eventual narcissism drove him to scar (or slay) every remotely handsome man and beautiful woman so that his face would be the only one worth looking at. When the usurpation came, his face was marred with acid and fire upon his death.

His relationship with the other Deathlords is fairly neutral, with the exception of the Lover. She is the only being whom beauty he is truly jealous of, and thus wishes to scar her face permanently. The Lover hates him for her own reasons. As for the other Deathlords... as the Prince never seems to do much of anything, they leave him alone for the most part.

They, however, do not know that the Prince has a terrible ability he's trying to control. This suits him just fine... he doesn't wish for anybody to know what this ability is until he's well and ready to use it.

The Castle of Mirrors and Red Sand

A magnificent palace, the Prince once more seems to break the tradition of the Deathlords for dark and foreboding places. The place is beautiful on its own right, fit for a king. Its upper levels is filled with grandiose mirrors... in fact, the only problem of the castle seems to be the odd red sand, which even if sweeped returns to the room only a moment later.

However, death hides in this beauty. Mortals who step into the castle are soon overtaken by the beauty of it all, and the mirrors only seem to remind them of their own uglyness. Most of them fly into rage or dispair soon after, and many kill themselves thanks to this. The castle, thus, has plenty of ghosts around, all of whom have hidden their faces behind masks and are busy trying to mantain the castle on its pristine condition, futilely trying to get rid of the red sand. From time to time, the Prince comes to them, and they flock to him to see his beauty.

On the lower levels lie the Prince's room. Only his most trusted Abyssals are allowed there, and any other creature entering will likely face a gruesome death.

The Prince's Weapons

Unlike the other Deathlords, the Prince seems to favor his bare hands when it comes down to kill an enemy. He is an incredible martial artist -and- brawler, possesing great strength and speed. However, like his name indicates, he sometimes -does- use knifes... soulsteel knifes that are otherwise unremarcable, except for his great skill at throwing them.

It's hard to tell how many knifes he has on him, but judging by the last person he decided to knife to death, he has roughly a million.

However, his most terrible weapon is an ability which he discovered recently...

The Bloodied Prince's Goals

He is not entirely sure how it happened, but the Prince discovered something very interesting recently.

He can stop time.

He can stop it for a few seconds only, but he can stop time. In this short period of time, he can act freely, and nobody else notices his doing. Moreover, he seems to be able to do it almost instantly, allowing him to dodge an attack with ridiculoud ease, and attack his opponent while he's frozen. So far, he has used this ability to confuse the hell out of would-be attackers before killing them.

His goals are fairly simple: find the way to use this ability to stop time for as long as he wishes to, and then kill every living being as slowly as he wishes.

This, of course, is easier said than done. While powerful, this ability tends to drain him fairly fast, and he wonders whose attention he'll call if he does it too often. It is certain that Setesh has noticed an odd click in the calendar here and there, and chances are that his malfean lords are well aware of it.

But this hasn't exactly stopped him, and thus he keeps trying. The first thing he'll do once he can stop time for as long as he wishes will be to rip the Lover's face off and leave her for her servants to see her as he believes it should be.

The Prince's Faithful Servants

The Prince has several servants at his service, and few of which are downright fanatic to his cause.

The Hag Who Brings Justice To the Dead : This Moonshadow Abyssal appears to the world as a short, frail, very old and very ugly woman. Few suspect that the Hag is a very powerful Necromancer, and that she can bring forth dozens of undead in instants. She is incredibly devoted to the Prince, and is the only one who knows about this new ability of his... and the one entrusted in finding answers about it.

The Rider Holding The Emperor On His Hand : Few people suspect that this Day caste abyssal is a terrible, terrible coward. He's good at bravados and at intimidating people obviously weaker than he is, but he panics when faced against terrible odds. The Prince, surprisingly, seems to be unaware of this. The Rider once tried to kill the Prince, by foolishly trying to shoot him on the back of his head with his soulsteel Firewand (which lets him control the direction of the bullets to a degree). When the Prince was suddenly behind him, the Abyssal was so scared he couldn't even move... and surprisingly, the Prince mistook his fright with courage, and thus forgave him. The Rider will -never- do that again, and has since served faithfully.

The Decapitated Servant of the Void : While not truly decapitated, this Dusk caste abyssal has a hideous scar all around his neck. He will proudly say he took off his own head while he was living, to prove his devotion to the Prince... and that the Prince gave him his life back and turned him to a priced Abyssal. The Servant is fanatically devoted to the Prince, as his story might prove. He's also incredibly deadly, and is a terrifying Martial Artist... it is said that, what he touches, is devoured by the void itself, and thus his enemies, if they can be found at all, are always missing pieces... as if said pieces had been simply vaporized.
