The Book Of Fire/Gods2

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The Glorious Office of Magical Materials

This is the Department within the Bureau of Heaven responsible for the Magical Materials. Each god within the department represents something found throughout all Creation, and so is Essence 7. All appear to be made out of the substance they represent and have special Charms giving them power over items and creatures made from said material. Each is also favored by the Deity whose Exalted type favors that form of Material, and often aids that Deity in various ways...

The Five Goddesses of Jade

Currently, the Five Goddesses of Jade have the most influence within the Department. This was not always so, but is the case ever since the Usurpation. Obviously, they are all great supporters of the Bronze Faction and the Scarlet Dynasty. They style themselves as the Daughters of Gaia, and once formed her arsenal in the few times the Primordial armed herself for battle. Rumors constantly fly as to whether they consider themselves the sisters, lovers or both, of the Five Elemental Dragons, but the Sisters simply smile. The Five Goddesses of Jade are:

Myrna, Goddess of White Jade: The de facto leader of the Jade Sisters, altho she leads by quiet example and subtle suggestion. Myrna is the largest of the five, humbly affecting the appearance of a matronly older woman. Often seen in the company of the Goddess of the Imperial Mountain. Transforming into a Tetsubo is her method of aiding Gaia in battle.

Seeva, Goddess of Black Jade: The sneakiest of the Sisters, Seeva often quietly blends into whatever shadows are present, making her features difficult to make out. Some question her loyalty, altho she always helps out her sisters in the end, just through incredibly convoluted fashions. In battle, she takes the form of a pair of Tiger Claws.

Darlat, Goddess of Blue Jade: The most scholarly of the five sisters, Darlat is often seen in the centers of learning of Yu-Shan, conferring with gods of wisdom and knowledge. She is also curiously absent-minded and has little grasp of time. When used for combat, she assumes the shape of a spinning Chakram.

Yarmone, Goddess of Green Jade: Considered the most beautiful and socialable of the five, Yarmone makes whatever area of Heaven she happens to be in a constant party. The tales of her dalliances with gods, mortals, and other things, are legendary. In combat, she becomes a Power Bow.

Lasmia, Goddess of Red Jade: Easily the most hotheaded and impulsive of the jade goddesses, Lasmia can often be found starting a fight in the rougher parts of Heaven. She doesn't like to waste a lot of time on talking or planning, prefering to get straight to the heart of the problem. In battle, she can assume the form of a Daiklave.

== Argene, God of Moonsilver == Placid, yet playful, Argene has as many moods as his fluid form has appearances. Like his mistress, Luna, even her gender is not fixed (Argene's gender is usually the opposite of whatever Luna's is at the time, however). Argene has actually lost very little power since the First Age, due to the No Moons of the Silver Pact diligently forging new Moonsilver Artifacts constantly. Argene spends most of his time carrying out various covert duties Luna doesn't trust anyone else with. Should Luna ever use Argene in battle, she can become a multitude of weapons for her to use.

== Auros, God of Orichalcum == Once the toast of Heaven, Auros' glory days are now behind him. He can most often be found drowning his sorrows in one of Heaven's many entertainment palaces, loudly telling old tales of his heyday, bemoaning his lot and cursing the Dragon-Blooded; the Celestial Lions long ago learned how to handle him and to get him to move on. Because he can't stand the condescending attitudes of the Five Jade Goddesses (who, to be fair, are only returning the treatment they got from him in the First Age) he has not been to his office in ages, and so has not yet noticed the slowly increasing pile of paperwork on his desk...

== Stellas, Goddess of Starmetal == Once a simple goddess of iron ore deposits, Stellas leapt at the chance for promotion when the previous god of Starmetal vanished, despite the rumors behind his disappearance. She has since regretted her eagerness, as the open secret behind the nature of Starmetal has led to her being politely ostracized from godly society. Few would dare openly snub a direct servant of the Five Maidens, but in a thousand little ways they manage to make their disdain known. To make matters worse, the Five are blind to her lonely suffering, and simply treat her as a secretary/gopher. And since the Sidereals were never great craftsmen, the rarity of her Material means that she has the least amount of influence in the Department. If things don't change soon, she may end up doing something desperate...

Yamite, God of Soulsteel

Yamite was the god of Starmetal before Stellas, and suffered much the same treatment as his successor. So when he came to Creation on a routine accounting of a meteorite landing, he was approached by the Deathlord, The Dowager of the Irreverent Vulgate in Unrent Veils, he actually listened to her proposal. It didn't take him long to take her up on her offer. Submitting himself to the Necromantic spell Joyless Spirit's Corruption, Yamite renounced the Celestial Bureaucracy and became a Spirit of the Underworld. Soon therafter, he used his heavenly expertise to claim stewardship over Soulsteel, which was and is not represented in Yu-Shan's offices. He now appears to be made of the stuff, a fearsomely looming dark figure, whose corpus occasionally shows the agonized faces of those ghosts who have displeased him. Since their is no spiritual heirarchy in place to reign in his excesses, he is arguably the most powerful entity in the Underworld, save for the Deathlords, of course. He is always most pleased to fulfill any task the Dowager puts him to each year, in exchange for his current position and power.
