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The Blade, First of the Seven Unspeakable Ronin

Background and Information

The Blade was once a talented but undisciplined swordsman of the Haslanti League who became involved in a love triangle with a merchant-prince of the Guild and his best friend, a great swordsman in his own right. The merchant-prince loving both, could not make a choice, and instead slew himself by drinking the poison of a devil-cobra from the jungles of the East. The Blade and his competitor, coming upon the body, accused each other of murder, and the Blade slew his friend. Then, realizing what he had done, he drank of the devil-cobra poison.

As he lay lolling in the throes of the venom, he heard the whispering voice of the mysterious Deathlord who is the master of the Seven Unspeakable Ronin, and arose in the Underworld to find himself renewed, an Abyssal, a Deathknight.

The Blade, in all actuality, despises the other Ronin, even the Mirror, his erstwhile lover. The only reason that he puts up with them is his sardonic sense of humor, honed over years of bitter sadness during his mortal lifetime. The Blade also is unsure if he truly wishes the world to be consumed by Oblivion, but he believes that the artistry of his blade would fail should he leave the side of his companions.


The Blade is a man, tall, thin, and shaven-headed, and wears a woman's white porcelain funeral mask over his face. His skin is nearly the same color as the porcelain, though less shiny and more corpselike and rubbery.

His entire body up to his neck is encased in a suit of black, slick leather, worked with spiralling designs which confuse the eye. In addition, he wears gloves and gauntlets of black-lacquered steel.

Overall, in white mask, smooth, hairless, pale skin, and slick black leather armor, he cuts a figure that could almost be described as dashing, quick, or dynamic. Yet when he moves, it is with oily, sliding motions that seem almost to ooze along the ground like slop being poured from a bucket, and his head lols and rolls heavily upon his shoulders, as if dead. In battle, however, the Blade's movements become entirely a different thing- lightning fast and nigh unavoidable, with head held high.

His voice is high and melodious (despite being slightly muffled through the mask), almost womanly, and when he speaks, there is a trace of a vague accent which none can place. He is gregarious and long in his speech, and almost always has a sardonic tone. When he is especially excited, he rubs his hands together in an unpleasant, sycophantic manner.

He wears his long, straight daiklave, Imleyan, across his hips, wrapped in a huge snake-skin.


The Blade

  • Concept: One of the Seven Unspeakable Ronin
  • Nature: Hedonist
  • Caste: Dusk
  • Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
  • Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 4
  • Abilities: Melee 4 (Daiklaves +1), Martial Arts 3, Thrown 2, Athletics 3, Awareness 1, Dodge 3, Stealth 2, Endurance 2, Resistance 4, Survival 2, Linguistics (Native: Riverspeak; High Realm, Firetongue, Forest-Tongue, Eastern barbarian dialects) 4
  • Backgrounds: Artifact 1 (as per "Artifact" as described for Abyssals)
  • Charms: The Blade possesses only a small number of Charms (Abyssal ones, of course), mostly Melee Charms related to swordplay, as well as Charms to boost his Dexterity and his ability strike quickly.
  • Base Initiative: 7
  • Attack:
  • Soulsteel Daiklave (Imleyan): Speed 3, Accuracy 3, Damage 5L, Defense 2
  • Throwing Knives: Damage 2L, Rate 3, Range 15
  • Fearsome Warrior's Advance {Special Attack}: Speed *, Accuracy *, Damage 7L- Fearsome Warrior's Advance is a rapid series of attacks (the stats above reflect the entire attack altogether). Escaping from the Fearsome Warrior's Advance is a Difficulty 2 Dexterity-Dodge roll.
  • Willpower: 7
  • Health Levels: -0/ -1/ -2/ -2/ -4/ Incap
  • Dodge Pool: 8
  • Soak: 6 Lethal, 9 Bashing (Leather bodysuit +4L/+5B)
  • Essence: 3
  • Personal: 16
  • Peripheral: 33 (38 - 8 {committed})
  • Committed: 5