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<dissolvegirl> Session Three: Broken Wings

  • Oaryet looks to Enarae for the new plan.

<Enarae> "The plan is simple... give me about oh.... half an hour."

<Oaryet> "Allright, care to fill us in on the plan?"

<Enarae> "You'll find out if it works... otherwise, don't worry. Just keep away, I'll need some silence."

  • Zhumaydan raises an eyebrow at the captain, but doesn't comment.
  • Enarae walks back into the most quiet part of the ship and closes it off, with a smile.

<Zhumaydan> "So what do you suppose she's up to?"

  • Oaryet shrugs and shakes his head. "No idea really..."

<Zhumaydan> "I'll give you two silver bits if you sneak in there and find out what she's up to."

<Oaryet> "I wouldn't want to interupt whatever she has planned."

<Zhumaydan> "Fair enough."

  • Oaryet lets a quiet silence drop around us.

<dissolvegirl> You hear muted noise from the engineering room, where Enarae has sequestered herself.

  • Oaryet draws his daiklaive and inspects and cleans it to pass the time.
  • Zhumaydan examines the Shrike's navigation controls. "Do you think I can use this thing to find a particular person?"

<Oaryet> "In theory...the controls are designed to create an essence map of the world and its adapts as things change in time so presumably one could find a person with it. Would be quite difficult though."

<Zhumaydan> "Hm. I'm wondering what happened to that dragon we came across. Maybe I can retrace our path..." She twirls some knobs.

<Oaryet> "You should be able to in theory."

<dissolvegirl> The faint sound of flapping wings is heard from outside the shrike.

  • Enarae emerges and walks to the hatch, looking outside first.

<dissolvegirl> Enarae also hears a polite, familar clearing of one's throat.

  • Zhumaydan peeks out of a porthole.
  • Enarae then opens the door with a smile and invites the person there in. "Please come in good Virtuous Gale of the Iceflow."

<dissolvegirl> Virtuous Gale has perched on the palace rooftop, and while he looks worried, he chuckles at Enarae's suggestion. "Thank you for the invitation, my friend, but I could not fit in that small doorway. What is it you need?" He glances over his shoulder, icicle-whiskers twitching. "I only have a short time."

  • Enarae steps up to the dragon and whispers to him after saying. "Thank you, I know you are busy, but I had no other I could call or trust, my friend."
  • Zhumaydan perks a little at the dragon's familiar voice.
  • Enarae pulls a necklace out so the dragon can see it.
  • Oaryet smiles as he hears the dragons voice.

<dissolvegirl> Virtuous Gale turns from periwinkle to ice as he sees the necklace. "Oh, my. That's-- lovely. Who gave it to you?"

<Enarae> "We have been treated most foul here, good Virtuous Gale, as this necklace given by the Perfect tried to strangle me to death. Unfortunately our ship will not rise. While we can wait, I do not wish to war with them. I ask if you might carry a message to our home Manse for our mentor to come and grant us aid. I am sorry for imposing so on you."

<Enarae> "While I know we could lay this city to waste, it is not the decorous thing to do. I only wish to leave without harm to myself or the innocent people of this city."

<dissolvegirl> The dragon looks deeply troubled. "Ah, well, you see, I am not free of my oblig--" he stops speaking abruptly, wincing for a moment. "Oh, dear."

<Enarae> "I know, and I ask that if you have time after your obligation is done to do this as a favor. We can last for a time in our ship."

<Enarae> "If it were just me, I would not worry, but the same has happened to good Zhumaydan."

<Delicate-Petal> "Gale, what in Creation do you think you're doing?" A melodious voice calls as one of your dinner companions leaps smoothly onto the rooftop from an above balcony, her ebony curls shimmering in the moonlight.

<Delicate-Petal> "Oh." She regards Enarae blankly, full lips curling into a half-frown.

  • Enarae grants Delicate Petal with a soft and sweet smile. "Oh, how nice to see you again, Delicate Petal."

<Delicate-Petal> Petal's expression dissolves into a saccharine smile. "And you too, lovely Enarae. Was my servant bothering you?"

<Delicate-Petal> (At this point, Gale looks as awkward and uncomfortable as a dragon can. his feathers ruffle slightly.)

<Enarae> "Your servant? I am shocked you would call one so noble just a servant. But, no, as I call him friend. Friends do not bother one another. Only offer comfort."

  • Enarae toches Gale's neck gently and strokes down his feathers.

<Delicate-Petal> Petal raises an obsidian eyebrow. "I summoned and bound him; his duty is to water the crops of Paragon, that the citizens of this noble city may eat." She tilts her head curiously. "How did you come to meet my pet?"

  • Oaryet looks at Zhumaydan for a second before standing and moving closer to where Enarae is. Talking like this about the noble elementals is not proper.

<Enarae> "I have dealt with many sorts in all the world. Some were base, and yet others were good and kind. A few were noble and deserving of at least respect, if not more. Gale is of the last group. I just decided to ask him something for the moment, before he had to return to his duty."

  • Delicate-Petal is suddenly oblivious to Enarae's monologue as she squeals with delight. "Look at how the sun hits this magnificent beast of a machine!" Her eyes light in joy as she runs to the hull of the Shrike, caressing the orichalcum hull almost lovingly. She looks up at Oaryet standing in the doorway and flutters dark lashes. "You look like you're an amazing.. tour guide."
  • Oaryet blinks and looks suddenly uncomfortable, much like a man who has suddenly discovered his once sure footing is nothing more then thin ice. "Er..."
  • Delicate-Petal chews her lower lip, sadness rapidly filling her eyes. "Please?"

<Oaryet> "Its not my ship to give a tour of...very sorry."

  • Oaryet 's eyes dart about trying to find an escape route from the sad looking, yet all so beautiful, figure before him.
  • Enarae smiles to Oaryet, "Did you not say you wished the company of one of the most beautious women of this world before? While you can not take her around the ship, perhaps you can talk for a time outside in the sun where it is so beautiful."
  • Oaryet glances to Enarae and then back to Delicate Petal. "I suppose I could do that..."

<Zhumaydan> "Unfortunately, our vessel will not permit those it has not bonded to in the proper manner to enter its auspices. It is this matter."

  • Delicate-Petal slips up next to Oaryet and threads a lithe arm through his. "Works for me." She lays her head on his shoulder and whispers quietly. "A walk around the outside of the ship would be fine, right? I mean, anyone who can get up to the rooftop can do that by themselves." She winks.

<Enarae> "It tends to have a most... messy way of dealing with intruders, I'm afraid."

<Oaryet> "Sure, I could do that." He smiles to her, noticing the faint smell of her perfume and becoming quite entranced as he leads her slowly around the great hull of the Five Metal Shrike.

  • Enarae whispers very close to Gale. "Might I know, who in Heaven you serve, that I might thank for having the chance to meeting you, and ask for you to be rewarded?"
  • Delicate-Petal feels Oaryet's muscles, and occasionally points at things on the outside of the shrike and asks what they do.

<dg-ST> Gale raises a fluffy eyebrow and suppresses a laugh. "I serve in the Bureau of Seasons, under the supervision of Kriala, the Ice Swan."

  • Oaryet answers all her questions as best he can, trying to show he is more then just a set of muscles and is actually quite knowledgeable on many matters.
  • Enarae kisses Gale's cheek. "I will go sing your praises to him now, that you need not tarry longer here, good friend."

<dg-ST> The dragon blushes deeply at the kiss. "Thank you, gentle Enarae." He flies back towards the fields.

  • Enarae walks back inside and looks to Zhumaydan. "I need to go in back, can you make sure none enter or disturb me or the ship?
  • Zhumaydan nods shortly.

<dg-ST> Petal looks genuinely surprised by the amount Oaryet knows about the Shrike. "My, but I was foolish for assuming you were another pretty face." She giggles.

  • Oaryet smiles a little more at her. "I get that sometimes, but I have always believed in learning as much as one can."

<dg-ST> Oaryet spots a crystal bubble carrying what appears to be Zhumayadan's brother coming swiftly to the roof.

  • Oaryet smiles as he sees him approaching and stops the tour around the vessel to wait for him to arrive so that there can be introductions.
  • Unrepentant_Glory surveys the scene, appearing very confused about the roof over the shrike

<dg-ST> The Globe of Transport lands next to the shrike on the roof.

<Unrepentant_Glory> "Sister? Where is Zhumaydan?"

<dg-ST> Petal giggles. "My, but you boys certainly travel in style!"

  • Zhumaydan makes a discreet noise, drawing Glory's attention to the hatch.

<Oaryet> "That is Unrepentant Glory."

  • Unrepentant_Glory acknoleges his sister with a very feint nod.
  • Enarae stops her speaking and returns from the back of the ship. "It is done, now we need but wait for the judgement of heaven."
  • Unrepentant_Glory bows at his introduction.

<Zhumaydan> "It's good to have you with us again."

  • Oaryet introduces Delicate Petal to him.

<dg-ST> She raises her eyebrows. "A big name for a big guy." She grins. "My name is Delicate Petal; I am the Magistrate of Construction in Paragon, as well as the Perfect's personal jeweler. It is a pleasure to meet you."

  • Enarae looks around at the empty ship and goes outside.

<Unrepentant_Glory> *As charmingly as possible* "Delicate Petal, the pleasure, is all mine. You must excuse me, for but a minute, but i promise i will return to talk some more with you."

  • Enarae hears this then walks over to Zhumaydan and says this in a pleasant voice. "My friend, could you accompany me inside for a moment?"

<dg-ST> She smiles brightly. "I cannot wait, Glory." She slips her arm back around Oaryet. "Now where were we?"

  • Unrepentant_Glory Motions to Zhumaydan to come off to the side with him.
  • Oaryet smiles and continues the tour around the vessel with her.
  • Unrepentant_Glory joins Enarae and Zhumaydan.
  • Zhumaydan ducks her head inside the Shrike. "Yes?"
  • Enarae takes Unrepentant Glory's arm to lead him inside with her. "Come in and please close the hatch. I need to inform you of something."

<dg-ST> "So how long have you been travelling on the Shrike, Oaryet? It must be terribly exciting!"

  • Unrepentant_Glory follows Enarae and Zhumayadan inside and closes the hatch.

<Oaryet> "It is quite an experience yes, but we havent been using it for long yet. Still, I have seen more of the world then I ever thought I would in it."

<Unrepentant_Glory> update me on the situation, Saheel is not pleased with this.

<Enarae> "Now that we likely can not be heard... I have sent a message to those who would care, and I believe they shall punish Delicate Petal soon... and to be honest, I want that daughter of an unclean whore to suffer for trying to choke you and I, Zhumaydan... I mean, do you imagine the necklaces could be enchanted without her knowlede?"

<dg-ST> "Did you ever find out what was wrong with it?" Petal asks, her face full of concern.

<Zhumaydan> "It's possible, but I would rather be cautious than generous, all things considered."

  • Oaryet nods. "Yes, it seems it was an arrow lodged in an exhaust port. We must have been hit while out over the desert miles and miles to the south of here."
  • Unrepentant_Glory raises his eyebrows. "What is this?"

<Unrepentant_Glory> "What has occured?"

<Enarae> "I believe that the judgement of heaven shall be harsh, as she has summoned a dragon to serve her for a year and a day. Dragons are powerful and respected beings, and I doubt heaven would smile on her lack of respect for their own."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "That beautiful woman abaove us tried to slay you and my sister?"

  • Enarae shows the marks around her throat and the necklace she broke. "Through this most beautiful jewelry... given to us here."

<dg-ST> Petal sighs heavily. "The Perfect does what he can to try and bring the local savages to bear, but they are.. unresponsive.. to civilization and culture."

<Enarae> "And she is the jeweler in this place."

<Oaryet> "It was far from here, don't worry at all about it, he couldn't have done anything."

<Zhumaydan> "She's a talenten woman, you san see. Look at the subtlety of this workmanship."

<Zhumaydan> "Putting the assassination feature aside for just a moment."

<Enarae> "I have only respect for the beauty of this necklace, I just resent that her... extra enhancements forced me to break the catch."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "Are we sure it was her? I notice the sign of the perfect on her."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "Do you think he may have tried this?"

<Zhumaydan> "The Perfect's Circle does not seem to be wholly...unbroken, brother."

<Zhumaydan> "I wonder if we are only caught up in machinations of their own."

<dg-ST> The Twilight looks at Oaryet earnestly. "I have many talents with machines. Perhaps if you let me examine it, I could be of some service in repairing the damage."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "What do yuou mean sister?"

<Enarae> "She is a member of his Circle... I think they work as one whole. A twisted whole, but a whole circle."

<Oaryet> "I will mention your wish to help to Enarae, but it is her descision to make, not my own. I will see what I can do for you of course, you have my word."

<Zhumaydan> "I think i sense a bit of dissension in their ranks, but they are close enough that they as a whole cannot be trusted."

<Enarae> "I think that they may have planned to take this ship from the begining. They knew far more of it than I expected."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "I have nigh liked the power the perfect holds over his people, but until now, i never had a real reason to strike against him."

<dg-ST> Petal squeezes Oaryet's hand, and gently tosses her hair. "I only wish to do the right thing." She smiles warmly at him. "But I know you understand that."

<Enarae> "And perhaps it is just me, but I suspected them when they spoke more of the ship than of us."

  • Oaryet nods in complete agreement. "I know exactly what you mean, I too only want to do the right thing."

<Zhumaydan> "I agree."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "Well then, we need to get this ship operational as soon as possible"

<Enarae> "While they are not wholely innocent, I would not wish to punish the people of this city for the crimes of their ruler."

<dg-ST> Petal giggles again, and rests her head on Oaryet's shoulder for a moment. "It seems we have much in common, you and I."

<Zhumaydan> "Shall I go rescue Oaryet while the two of you finish conferring?"

<Unrepentant_Glory> "No, no, that, i can do" UG says with a smile. <Enarae> "That would be good, since he seems to be unable to keep his mouth from speaking in more than generals at the moment. You seem as immune to her charms as I."

  • Zhumaydan smiles wickedly. "That remains to be seen."
  • Oaryet closes his eyes for a moment. "What is that lovely perfume you have?"
  • Unrepentant_Glory laughs "and to think, such beauty."

<dg-ST> Petal grins. "Why, none at all. It's just.. me."

<Zhumaydan> She steps out the door and rushes to catch up to Oaryet and Delicate Petal, allowing herself to become slightly out of breath."

<dg-ST> Petal looks up in surprise at Zhumayadan.

  • Oaryet was trying to form some sort of brilliant, charming, and yes even witty response before Zhumayden's arrival distracts him. "Yes Zhumaydan?"

<Zhumaydan> "There you are! I've been looking all over for the two of you." She unsteadily catches Petal's arm to regain her balance, and takes the opportunity to admire her necklace.

  • Unrepentant_Glory shows Enarae the engineers hearthstone.
  • Oaryet reaches out an arm to help support Zhumaydan.

<Unrepentant_Glory> "This may help us repair the Shrike quicker"

<Zhumaydan> "Thank you. What is that delicious smell?"

<Unrepentant_Glory> "Which i think needs to be our primary concern"

<Zhumaydan> "At any look lovely this evening, mistress Petal...I only wanted to warn you."

<dg-ST> Ignoring Zhumayadan, Petal turns to Oaryet with an apologetic smile. "I really should be going. But, should you ever wish to talk.. I'm usually up all night." She draws a quick map to her room from Oaryet's using his forearm, some freckles, and a carefully-manicured fingernail.

<dg-ST> She blinks at Zhumayadan. "Warn me of what?"

  • Oaryet nods softly, the knowledge seemingly burned into his mind.

<Zhumaydan> A thoughtful look crosses her face. "Never mind, you're already aware. But Oaryet, you should put something warmer on. These nights get terribly cold."

<Zhumaydan> "Excuse me." She trots off.

<dg-ST> Petal slips away into the night.

  • Enarae looks to Unrepentant Glory... "Guess neither of us was right, I wondered if she'd punch the lights out of that whore."

<Oaryet> "Hmm? Wha...right.." He centers himself and then with a quick wistful look after Delicate Petals retreating form heads back into the ship.

<Enarae> "I mean, she did try to kill both of us, so I couldn't blame her. I mean, she's obviously jealous of our fall greater beauty and grace."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "Now that we are all here..."

  • Zhumaydan slips back into the Shrike and adjusts her hair.

<Unrepentant_Glory> "I wanted to inform all of you that i have brought with me the Engineers Hearth Stone"

  • Enarae listens to Unrepentant Glory as any good captain would listen to her crew.
  • Oaryet seems to be in a good mood.

<Unrepentant_Glory> "I believe it may be able to help us repair the Shrike quicker"

<Enarae> "Yes, but where is our Engineer?"

<Enarae> "No offense meant, but I expected him to come with the stone."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "He was...fired"

<Unrepentant_Glory> "Sent away really, some strange dreams or something"

  • Oaryet slowly deliberates in his mind wether or not to visit Delicate Petal later that night.
  • Enarae blinks. "Fired? What ever do you mean? Was he burned alive? Disappeared? Turned into a rutabaga?"

<Enarae> "Sent away, really some strange dreams or something.... Can you translate, Zhumaydan?"

<Unrepentant_Glory> "He was experiancing some strange dreams, and Saheel sent him to Nexus with some jade to make his own fortune"

<Unrepentant_Glory> "regardless, we are now here on our own"

<Zhumaydan> "I wasn't familiar with the engineer in question...but as I recall, Saheel is uncomfortable with visionaries."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "And, if i remember correctly, we will need a lot of gems if we wish to get this bird off of the ground before its month is up"

<Enarae> "Oh yes... his "Visions"... the ones given when he took his 'wing dustz'"

<Unrepentant_Glory> "It may be folly to try, with just the 4 of us, but i am not about to just hand over the Shrike to the perfect"

<Enarae> "Well, there is one option though I am loathe to say it."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "Well, we are running short of them, so lets hear it"

<Enarae> Well, the judgement of heaven is on Petal and the Perfect's circle... if we can get a bit away, it would be best... but I remember that someone mentioned that it would be better to attack if need be, than let this ship be taken."

<Oaryet> "Maybe we should try to help them out instead of letting Heaven punish them? We would be lax to not try to redeem them."

<Zhumaydan> "I don't suspect that the ship is in any grave danger - I would be more concerned about those citizens that /do/ serve the Perfect willingly, and would be willing to attack us."

<Zhumaydan> "I do not with them any harm."

<Enarae> " am unsure they can be redeemed one and all... I am not sure who among them is even open to being saved."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "My sister is right"

<Enarae> "Neither do I, which is why I would rather leave without a battle here."

<Oaryet> "Well clearly what the Perfect has done to them is wrong."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "But let us not assume that the Perfects circle needs to be redeemed"

<Enarae> "The only ones who would suffer are the people... and it is more than the Perfect who has done wrong."

<Zhumaydan> "But we are jumping to conclusions."

<Unrepentant_Glory> It may be teh Perfect himself who needs to be shown that none can chain the servants of teh unconquered sun"

<Enarae> "Warning even one person of our intent to leave would only open us to the chance of them revealing our intentions."

<Zhumaydan> "We don't know that they will attempt anything, and I'm not certain that they mean us any harm. There may be more than two hands in this."

<Enarae> "The Perfect is chosen himself, Glory."

<Oaryet> "The Perfect isn't one of the chosen..."

<Enarae> "In a manner, I mean, having the loyal service of not just one of those chosen by the Sun."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "The Children of the Unconquered Sun will not be content serving a mortal for long, it is not their way"

<Oaryet> "Their loyal service is only because they are bound to him by that scepter."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "if they are truely loyal to him, then we have no need to interfere with this, but, if there are in bondage to him, then they must be freed"

<Enarae> "From what I can tell, those Solars I have met here are arrogant, believing themselves above all others, excepting the Perfect. They believe their way is the only way. It is a sort of tyrrant most terrible, as it points to streets perfectly ordered and clean and says how wonderful it is... not mentioning the fear and enforcements of laws so harsh as to seem like more a prison than city."

<Unrepentant_Glory> But, until we know which is the truth, I will ask Zhumaydan to accomany me to Paragon and help me find some talented mortals, who may be able to help us with the Shrike.

<Enarae> "I do not think they are forced to think as he does... they are too fractious for that, yet too united to be trusted either."

<Oaryet> "There is also no recourse or way to appeal anything here. If you break the laws or if the Perfect wills it you all die and they all accept and believe that the person such a fate falls to deserved it."

<Unrepentant_Glory> Enarae, Oaryet, as long as the perfect rules wisely and justly, then this is not a matter of ours, yet

  • Enarae looks around through the screens to the outside world as if waiting for something.

<Enarae> "Law is not justice... merely order."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "Nor are we in any position to do anything about it yet"

<Oaryet> "We could cut him down."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "And then what?"

<Unrepentant_Glory> "The people of Paragon have been restrained for so long, do you truely wish to burst that dam?"

<Oaryet> "Are these people good people only because they fear death? Or are they actually good people who wouldn't break the law anyways?"

  • Zhumaydan looks at Oaryet. "Let's determine this."

<Enarae> "Agreed, for now we can not cast him down. My point is only that I do not believe we should ignore the Perfect either. Remembering what we have seen for the future."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "I whole heartedly agree Enarae"

  • Oaryet nods to Enarae.

<Unrepentant_Glory> "But for now, i must go seek out some talented mortals in Paragon"

<Unrepentant_Glory> "And i need many,many gems if we are to repair this Shrike"

<Oaryet> "How will we afford these repairs?"

<Enarae> "And where is that judgement I asked for? I really expected something by now... A dust devil tossing Petal off the roof, a whirlwind picking her up to take her to the other end of Creation. I'm a bit suprised."

<Enarae> "I knew I should have called in my favors."

<Zhumaydan> "Heaven has its methods. Oaryet...-I- can hardly refuse it when our sister in the Sun makes a request."

<Unrepentant_Glory> Oaryet, the South is rich with gems

<Oaryet> "But we are not rich in money to buy them."

<Zhumaydan> "We are rich in talent and persuasion. We will manage."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "True, but, with a little bit of luck, and a little bit of charm, we not not need be."

  • Enarae smiles. "Then only question is, who stays, and who goes out to persuade?"

<Oaryet> "Delicate Petal has invited me to talk more with her, perhaps I could do that and see if I can learn more about wether or not our brethren here are here willingly?"

  • Zhumaydan nods.

<Unrepentant_Glory> "Are you sure that is what you will talk

  • Unrepentant_Glory winks

<Oaryet> "Uh..wha...yes of course, I am sure she only wished to talk with me."

<Oaryet> "Perhaps I should ask her about the strangling jewelery?"

  • Zhumaydan pats Oaryet on the back. "Don't forget to bring flowers."
  • Unrepentant_Glory laughs
  • Oaryet frowns, trying to be serious here.

<Oaryet> "Should I ask her about it or do you wish to keep that part of things to ourselves for now?"

<Unrepentant_Glory> "Sister, let us go into the city, and get the workers i will need first, Oaryet, maybe you can use your charm to get us some gems?"

<Unrepentant_Glory> on "loan" from the perfect?

<Oaryet> "I am skilled with a blade, not with my tongue. Any of you would be far more likely to get gems on a loan."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "Oaryet, but you seem to have caught Petal's eye."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "Maybe you can bargain with her?"

<Oaryet> "I will ask her if we could get some then. Enarae, you didn't answer my question on the matter of the strangling jewelery."

  • Zhumaydan is now known as willows-class

<Enarae> "I'll leave that to your opinion Oaryet... though if you do ask, make sure it is when she is most off guard... *lowers her voice* and likely her garments off her."

<Oaryet> "Wha...I.."

  • Oaryet is left somewhat speachless by that implication.
  • Oaryet will take the advice of his female friends and see about aquiring some flowers for her before he visits.

<Unrepentant_Glory> "Oaryet, these desert flowers are beautiful, try these."

<Oaryet> "Oh, thank you. I hope she will like them."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "And, if i may, i need to speak to you before you leave."

<Oaryet> "Of course, what is it?"

<Unrepentant_Glory> "I cannot stress to you the importance of being careful while with Petal"

<Oaryet> "I will be very careful. I know the situation."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "if the Perfect or the Perfect's circle truely wants the Shrike, theu will use all of their skills and CHARM to get it"

<Unrepentant_Glory> "But..."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "We can use their own desires against them."

  • Oaryet nods seriously. "I understand, and I go into this with all the seriousness of a soldier in enemy territory."

<Unrepentant_Glory> I need 1000 pounds of gems to get the Shrike operational before its time"

<Unrepentant_Glory> "The Perfect and his circle will try to woo us."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "If you can see any oppertunity to use that to get us some of those gems, i would most grateful."

<Unrepentant_Glory> "And by the way *tells him some tips to woo Delicate Petal*

  • Unrepentant_Glory winks "Good luck"
  • Oaryet doesn't think he can do the last one, he just wasn't raised that way but takes them to mind before he goes to see Delicate Petal.

  • Oaryet brings flowers of course.
  • Delicate-Petal smiles brightly when Oaryet shows up at her door. "It's so good to see you again, my friend. Come in!" She gestures into her expansive suite.
  • Oaryet smiles and pulls out some flowers for her as he steps in. "I thought that you might like these, and a guest should never come empty handed."

<Delicate-Petal> "Thank you!" They're lovely." She puts them in a nearby vase, cut out of a single huge ruby.

  • Delicate-Petal looks hopeful. "Did you have a chance to speak to your friends about my offer of help?"
  • Oaryet nods softly. "Yes, and there is something that would allow the repair of the ship. Unlike most vessels it repairs itself so long as it has materials with which to synthesize what it needs. Valuable metals and gems are consumed by it for repairs."

<Delicate-Petal> "My. That certainly is quite a unique craft you have, I must say."

<Oaryet> "It was designed by three of the most brilliant Twilights of the first age."

  • Oaryet smiles, looking around the room and noticing it shares the very same smell as she does.
  • Delicate-Petal smiles softly, her eyes softening with a faraway look. "I know it was."

<Oaryet> "So perhaps if you could talk with the Perfect on the matter of perhaps helping us get some gems and metals that would be all we would need."

<Delicate-Petal> Her smile becomes more playful. "I won't talk to the Perfect about getting you gems."

<Oaryet> "Oh...thats too bad. I suppose we will manage to find some another way."

<Oaryet> "It is a very nice room you have here."

  • Delicate-Petal pouts, as if Oaryet isn't playing along. "I won't ask because I don't need to. As the Palace Jeweler, I aquisition whatever gems I like."

<Oaryet> "Oh, yes of course, sorry I didn't even think of that."

  • Oaryet smiles apologetically.

<Delicate-Petal> "So perhaps you should make your case for why I should give you so much wealth." She giggles wickedly.

  • Oaryet has never been the greatest at these sorts of games, just not his way but he tries. "Well...I would feel very greateful for one."

<Delicate-Petal> "Oaryet-- poor, sweet, Oaryet." She looks at her companion as if he's a puppy sitting out in the rain. "You're really over your head on this one, aren't you? Did your friends send you?"

<Oaryet> "No, I wanted to come here on my own..."

  • Oaryet looks at her, mentally berating himself, he had such good lines too...why do they always flee his head when he is around girls like her.

<Delicate-Petal> She sits in the largest chair in the room, seeming like a queen in her own domain. All of a sudden, she is all business. "I'll give you the gems," she says flatly. "On one condition."

  • Oaryet waits for the condition.

<Delicate-Petal> "You let me on the Shrike, give me a tour, and allow me to help fix it."

<Oaryet> "I will have to ask them. It is not mine to make such a descision over."

<Delicate-Petal> "I don't think it is a decision; it's the only way. You don't understand-- Paragon controls the entirety of the gem trade for scores of miles around. You will not have a single gem unless the Perfect wills it so, and I speak for him on this matter." She tilts her head, but instead of impish curiousity it is cold calculation. "What are you so afraid of, sabotage?"

<Oaryet> "Did you know one of the necklaces you gave to my friends tried to choke her to death?"

  • Oaryet says, quietly but with a voice like steel hidden under velvet cloth.
  • Delicate-Petal blinks, her face inscrutably blank. "I bought those necklaces personally from an outcaste Terrestrial artisan who was passing through Perfect. Any trap was most likely meant for me. Or for the queen."

<Oaryet> "You had not used them before tonight?"

<Delicate-Petal> "They have been sitting in the Circle's personal safe since I aquired them."

  • Oaryet nods once, not accepting or disbeliving, for it is to the others of his circle that will decide that.
  • Oaryet subtly shifts his position as he detects the soft magic weave around her, though unsure what kind of power she has up right now.

<Delicate-Petal> "I will approach the Perfect with information regarding the misuse of his most illustrious guests. I'm sure he will bend over backwards to make it up to you." Her smile is cold. "But not with gems, not unless it is on my advice."

<Oaryet> "May I ask why you are so intent on seeing within the Five Metal Shrike?" His own reply is businesslike, the meeting having gone from good to very bad.

<Delicate-Petal> "Because I bear the shard of one of the three most brilliant Twilights of the First Age."

<Oaryet> "And?"

<Delicate-Petal> "You don't understand. I was one of the Shrike's CREATORS. The Shrike is-- was-- mine. I want to see it as much for my own curiousity as to ensure you and your friends do not do more harm than good in your attempt to get it off the ground."

<Oaryet> "The Shrike was the Deliberatives, not your own. You built it for them. We know how to work it, more so then I suspect you could know of it."

<Delicate-Petal> Her face flushes. "If you know the Shrike as well as you claim, you would gave been able to unclog the Emissions Vein without landing it and getting stuck here."

<Oaryet> "If you knew the Shrike as well as you claimed you would know that your help wont do much."

<Delicate-Petal> "I remember it took large crews of Terrestrials knowledgeable in artifice to soothe the beast after each flight." She smirks. "Where's your crew of engineers? Did you leave them in your other vessel?"

<Oaryet> "I am sorry, I am being rude. Please, forgive my rudeness to you my host. I did not wish to insult your knowledge. As for our engineers, they are not with us but that only means it will take us longer, not that we will not be able to fix things on our own. I should go."

  • Delicate-Petal shrugs noncomittally. "Perhaps you should."
  • Oaryet bows once, keeping his eyes on her in case she suddenly decides to attack for some reason and leaves the room.

As dawn rises touching a city that is barely awake, the heroes wander through it's streets with noble intention to take that which is not theirs. The rosey light filters down on the well dressed threesome making them seem like the aliens they are... gods from the heavens who have come to the greatest city in Creation for jewels so wonderous they are known even in Heaven.

  • Enarae is dressed in the wonderous jewelry she had gained in the palace except for the necklace, as well as the gown she wore there. Over that is her wolfeared tunic giving her the appearance of both a princess, and a barbarian. Someone who's nobility makes others cast themselves at her feet.

<Zhumaydan> "We should find the jewelers' quarter."

<Enarae> "Trust me, I am sure we're headed in the correct direction this way. I can smell the scent of riches and gems this direction."

<Zhumaydan> "Lead on, then." Zhu pauses to say hello to two children playing in the street as they travel.

<Unrepentant Glory> is wearing his pure white robes, with golden embroidery. He walks with an air of confidence about him

<Unrepentant Glory> " I think we may want to try to learn more about where these gems are being 'mined' as opposed to obtaining them here, but kets see what we can learn"

<Enarae> "I don't think we have time to mine our own, or travel to them."

Many ornate tents and booths line the Jewel Bazaar, all of them proudly displaying the mark of the Perfect.::
  • Enarae giggles, "But, I hope we're here long enough to see how the flower deals with that which I've set for her."
  • Enarae wanders quickly, glancing through the area, obviously not seeing what she's looking for in the first ones.

<Unrepentant Glory> "Enarae, we may be here a month if we cant find what we need."

<Enarae> "Worry not, I just was planning on humoring you two, now let's move on to where I think we'll find what we wish."

  • Unrepentant Glory examins the goods in the Bazaar
  • Zhumaydan considers whether her decision to leave Vermillioin Heart of the Shore back in the Shrike was wise.
There are all grades of gems available, from rough-hewn to the most expensive, clear and faceted gems. There are also dreamstones for sale.::

<Enarae> "You two search here, I need to move on alone. I'll return in a time."

<Unrepentant Glory> Well Sister, it seems we have our work cut out for us

  • Zhumaydan nods and engages the nearest gemologist dealing in bulk, attempting to discover whether these people accept credit without actually speaking the fatal word.

<Zhumaydan> "Yes, it seems we do. I suspect Enarae has something...slippery up her sleeve. This one is lovely, Omar, may I call you Omar? Where do you find this wonderful green amber?"

  • Zhumaydan turns to show Unrepentant Glory the exceptional stone.
  • Omar smiles. "Well, it comes from a mine about halfway between here and Gem." He coughs into an ornate tissue. "It's known for its amber and its fire opals. Best quality in the south."
  • Unrepentant Glory smiles at Omar "Omar, you must be especially well off with just quality goods such as this
  • Zhumaydan flashes orichalcum fingernails as though they were some cosmetic alteration as she continues. "Fire opals, you say? Do you have any of the Sleeping Dragon variety, with the pattern that looks like scales? My jeweller tells me he would like to work with some. He has some -grand- project in the works, it seems."

"Well, we all sell gems for the Perfect." He runs his hand through a bin of small rubies. "But yes, my commission is quite tidy." Omar grins.

"Sleeping Dragon, you say?" He furrows his brows and picks up an inventory sheet. "I don't have any right now, but I should have some coming on a caravan tomorrow-- I'm guessing they'll be in my hands in the early afternoon."

  • Zhumaydan nods and makes a vaguely disapproving noise. "Brother, did Endless Knot mention anything else about his project to you? Maybe we could surprise him with some other component."
  • Unrepentant Glory face becomes solemn "Omar, a man with such wealth as yourself must feel very content in life, correct?
  • Zhumaydan falls quiet...perhaps her sibling has something in mind.

The man laughs warmly. "I'd say so, yes. There's nothing better than living richly and safely."

  • Unrepentant Glory slightly nudges Zhumaydan to play along "Omar, but spirtually, do you ever feel something missing?"

He looks rather surprised by the question. "You don't look like a monk."

<Unrepentant Glory> "Omar, do you think one needs to be a monk to find spirtual contentment?"

"I think monks and Dragons are the only ones who worry about contentment." He eyes Glory critically. "And while you are dressed in finery, you do not strike me as a Dragon."

<Unrepentant Glory> "So, Omar, you are telling me that you never feel empty inside sometimes? As though your soul is longing for something better?*roll goes here"

  • Despite Glory's rousing speech in favor of the Unconquered Sun, Zhumayadan's comparison of the dragon-blooded to children who murdered their parents, and the Perfect to the Dragon-Blooded's annoying baby brother offended Omar thoroughly. The pair are thrown out of the stall, but because Omar liked Glory so much, he did not call the guard.
  • Unrepentant Glory glares at Zhu, lets leave that part out of it at the next stand, okay?
  • Unrepentant Glory and Zhumaydan approach another vendor, attempting to try that tactic again, WITHOUT the slip up
  • With a few well-turned phrases from Zhumayadan and a stirring speech from Glory, the shopkeeper-- an older woman named Noble Pearl-- becomes a follower of the Unconquered Sun.

<Unrepentant Glory> "Pearl, the world is dangerous for those of us who believe in the Unconquered Sun"

<Unrepentant Glory> "But, it is needed that we remain true to our faith, as the UCS is the true light of the world"

  • Pearl nods somberly. "I understand. And thank you for opening my eyes to that light." She peers at Glory curiously. "Although I imagine the embargo against you is not because of your religion-- why, the Perfect employs Ana-- er, Solars of his own. So what have you done to raise his ire?"

<Unrepentant Glory> Especially here, in Paragon, where the whims of the Perfect could tighten the chains he has around you to a chokehold"

<Unrepentant Glory> "What is this embargo of which you speak?"

  • She lowers her voice. "All gem merchants were informed during the night of strangers in ornate clothing who were not to be sold gems under any circumstances." She sighs. "We were shown pictures-- two of which were you and your friend."
  • "It is said that Delicate Petal herself ordered the embargo. Which, to my rememberance, she has never done before."

<Unrepentant Glory> "It would seem that a friend of mine has spoken too much"

<Unrepentant Glory> "Regardless, i could not ask you to break any vows you have taken before the Perfect

  • Pearl looks relieved by that.

<Unrepentant Glory> "However, in order for enlighted ones such as yourself to further enrich your souls with the joys of the UCS, i need a place the enlightened ones can all meet, and discus their new found glory"

<Unrepentant Glory> do you know where such a place might exist?

  • Pearl looks thoughtful for a moment. "Houses, I suppose. There is enough of a Realm presence that anything substantial would be frowned upon."

<Unrepentant Glory> of courseit wold have to be descreet

<Unrepentant Glory> How can i contact you, to get in touch when i have found a safe house?

  • "I am here every day of my life." She smiles.

<Unrepentant Glory> i will return for you,my lady

  • "Sun bless you, Sir." She smiles and goes back to sorting gems.

  • Enarae searches through, using her understanding of criminals and their ways to find her way to a hive of scum and villany... she almost wipes a tear away... "home"
The hive is more of a small tent village of Barbarians who refused the mark of the Perfect. Enarae is stopped by a large man who steps from one of the tents, and says something in a language unfamiliar to her.::
  • Enarae smiles as her travels across the world have given her the skill to speak nearly any tounge she encounters, and at least understand those she can not speak. With clever words and a wise ear does she respond. "Hello, I am Enarae of the northern tundra."
  • Enarae picks out certain words and gestures-- the man wants to know what she is doing there.
  • Enarae motions, asking that she be allowed inside as she has business she wishes to conduct with their leader... and makes it obvious that it will lead to great riches.
  • The barbarian draws his weapon and gestures with it to the largest tent in the villiage.
  • Enarae nods her head with a gleaming smile and moves towards that direction.
  • Inside the tent sits an older man, surrounded by rich pelts and small bits of savage wealth. "Why are you here?" He asks, in stern and halting Flametongue.
  • Enarae bows her head. "All I ask for is some of your time to discuss business that could lead to great wealth for you, at your convience of course."
  • "Wealth?" He repeats, his interest piqued. He gestures for Enarae to sit on the floor of the tent in front of him.
  • Enarae sits for a moment. "Yes, much wealth. I have been inside that city of people who consider themselves better than you and I. I have seen inside their heart of hearts, and I have seen only emptiness and death. They have much, only because they are unable to think of anything else."

<Enarae> "They are unable to even think of living a true and pure life, because such goes against the will of those who would rule there and do."

  • He nods curtly. "But they are many. We are few." He snatches Enarae's hand with lightning reflexes and examines the back. "You are not from the city."
  • Enarae laughs. "No, I am from far to the north originally, though I have traveled much of the world. While you are few, they are weak, and I think you could be stronger still."
  • "What do you want?" His face remains critical.

<Enarae> "What I offer is simple. I offer to help you and your people crack the city open like a nut in the flames of your lives. I require resources first. In return I will grant you what aid I might, and I promise that it is far more than it might seem."

  • "..Resources," he repeats hesitantly. "What is.. resources?"
  • Enarae gives an enigmatic smile. "I require gems to feed to my great and mighty beast. It is the shining bird that travels the sky and the heavens."
  • He nods, surprised-- disbelieving. "You own the bird of light?"

<Enarae> "There are other things it will eat, but these are one thing. I swear that the bird is mine, I lead it where I wish, and if you do not believe me... send your greatest scout to look towards the house of the one who calls himself Perfect and they shall see the bird roosting there for the time."

  • He laughs at that. "The bird perches on the home of the viper." He sticks out his hand. "I am Burnt Wisdom."

<Enarae> "But, I would not wish to push you into this, speak to your wise men and the leaders if you would."

  • Enarae smiles and offers her own. "I am Enarae. And yes, the bird of light swoops down on the snake, to devour it and in doing so shall it's shadow be banished."
  • He looks at the tribesman who lead Enarae into the tent, who still stands in the doorway. "We will talk." He looks back at Enarae. "Then we will talk." He makes a dismissive-- but not impolite-- gesture. "Return tonight."
  • Enarae stands and nods again, as one leader to another. "If nothing else, I am warmed to have met you, Burnt Wisdom." She leaves and seeks out those places where she might cook and listen to others speak their tounge... obviously not knowing their own.