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Session 5: Unlikely Alliances

  • Oaryet turns the page in his book, 'The Collected Treatise of Su Mao' and continues to read as he waits for the others to return.

·dg-ST· The Throne Room achieves grandeur through almost total emptiness, as only truly ornate palaces are capable of doing. The large throne is empty, but the Queen is seated on her smaller throne, conversing quietly with Righteous Viper.

  • Zhumaydan walks up to the dais unannounced, Vermillion Heart still blistering with a bonfire's heat. "I will speak with the Perfect."
  • Scarlet Whisper's eyes widen in surprise, while Viper leaps in front of her, Daiklaive out. "You will do no such thing."
  • Whisper places her hand warningly on Viper's arm. "She means us no harm. What is it you want?"

·Zhumaydan· "Let us say it's to take salt and talk of affairs, as they do in my homeland." The spear clanks heavily as she rests the pommel on the ground.

  • The corner of Whisper's mouth twitches uncertainly. "He's in a meeting right now, but perhaps you could return later? Delicate Petal has already informed us of the horrors you had to endure with those necklaces, and the Perfect's own information network is trying to find the man who sold them to her."

·Zhumaydan· "That's helpful of him. I'll wait." Zhumaydan situates herself in the precise center of the hall and gazes at the throne impassively.

·dg-ST· "Perhaps you could wait elsewhere," Viper states, his voice carefully neutral.

  • Zhumaydan rolls her eyes, considering this. "I suppose that then you'd have to send me a messenger when his excellency," she carefully intones it with a lowercase e, "returns. That would be far too much inconvenience."

·Zhumaydan· "I only think of your welfare."

·dg-ST· "You have been greatly maligned during your stay here, and my sorrow is deep because of that." Whisper's tone is sweet but clear with authority. "I would not wish to cause you any more inconvenience than you have already been dealt. I give you my word that you will be sent for as soon as the Perfect is ready."

  • She glances to Viper. "In the meantime, I offer you my own bodyguard, to ensure no more harm shall befall you."
  • Viper looks fairly surprised.
  • Zhumaydan inclines her head. "You are too kind."
  • Zhumaydan turns around and walks out without ceremony or indocation of where she is going, or whether she has accepted the guard or not.
  • Viper looks bemused, and shoots a glance to Whisper, who shoos him towards Zhumayadan. With a glower, he scuffles after her.
  • In the hall, Viper clears his throat. "I'd like to arrange a palaver between my Circle and yours, if possible." It seems clear that this is not his idea.

·Zhumaydan· "Perhaps that would be wise. Shall we locate Enarae? She speaks for us all in such things."

  • Zhumaydan is careful to express a dislike of the idea with her tone.

·dg-ST· "Yes, yes, that will work." He frowns again and gestures for Zhumayadan to lead the way.

  • Zhumaydan finds Unrepentant Glory and Enarae in the town. This is only the work of moments - they stand out. She drags her Circlemates back to the ship after sending Viper off with a time that he and Enarae have agreed on for the palaver.

·Unrepentant_Glory· "So Zhumaydan, whyare we all here?"

  • Enarae leads the two back to the ship... "Alright, I think we need to gather what we know, and what we have."

·Unrepentant_Glory· "i concur"

  • Zhumaydan looks at the boys. "You go first."

•Enarae• "I will likely have some gems, and a barbarian tribe on our side, at the end of the night."

·Unrepentant_Glory· "Interesting, is this the very barbarian tribe that the Perfect enslaved?"

•Enarae• "Heh, they are outside the walls... and they hate the Perfect strongly. I have offered to help bring down the "corrupt snake", also known as the Perfect, in return for their aid and promise to not harm innocents.

·Unrepentant_Glory· Interesting, to saythe least

·Unrepentant_Glory· "But we would need to stop the Perfect from commanding all of his citizens into battle"

·Oaryet· "That would mean his death or imprisonment would it not?"

·Unrepentant_Glory· "Im also concerned about who would take his place?"

·Zhumaydan· I'm sure he doesn't plan to live forever."

·Unrepentant_Glory· "Oaryet, maybe, but we must be sure it occurs before any attack lead by Enarae and his Barbarians"

·Zhumaydan· "He must be grooming a successor."

·Unrepentant_Glory· "But Zhum, he has been around for a very long time"

·Oaryet· "Then that magic scepter must be taken away when we leave the city."

•Enarae• "The barbarians are rough, but honest. With aid, I think that they can have a very good leader. And we are an ally they wish to have... and to keep. I doubt the Perfect expects to die anytime in this age."

·Oaryet· "Not with a circle of sun touched at his beck and call."

·Unrepentant_Glory· But would the Barbarians wish to rule a CIVILIZED city?

·Oaryet· "Didn't it happen in Chiaroscuro?"

•Enarae• "I am not sure if they wish to rule... but they do wish to destroy the tyrrany of the Perfect. He enslaves for his own well being, and if they do not take over, I think we can find someone to lead."

·Zhumaydan· "Aren't we sort of putting the dragon before the blood here?"

·Oaryet· "If we plan to remove the prefect it would be wise to arrange two meetings at once, one with him, and another with a few of his circle so that we can divide their forces."

·Unrepentant_Glory· "Zhum, maybe, but one does not go about starting revolutions without having an idea of what to replace it"

·Oaryet· "And correspondingly, concentrate our own."

·Zhumaydan· "I think we need to worry about the present before we make plans for some unlikely future."

·Zhumaydan· "On the subject of meetings, Righteous Viper has indicated that his Circle wishes to meet with us."

·Oaryet· "For what?"

·Zhumaydan· "In the absence of the Perfect, I believe.'

·Zhumaydan· "Only to talk, it seems. He did not seem to know himself."

•Enarae• "That is... interesting. This does bring some things to mind. Is it all of the Circle, or just a few?"

·Oaryet· "And where do they wish to meet? This might be a prelude to some attack on us."

  • Zhumaydan shrugs.

·Unrepentant_Glory· "So, how are we supposed to meet them?"

•Enarae• "Let us not make assumptions yet... though I do not trust Petal, there are others who I find less...suspicious. Let us meet, and be ready for anything."

·Oaryet· "Then let us meet outside the Shrike, here on the rough. It gives us a ready, defensible postion to fall back on."

·Unrepentant_Glory· and i can watch from inside

·Unrepentant_Glory· manning teh guns if need be

•Enarae• "And we need not strike this night, my only question is this. Do we take the Perfect down this trip?"

·Unrepentant_Glory· "it may be to early, let us see what his circle wants"

  • Enarae nods and looks to Zhumaydan and Oaryet.
  • Zhumaydan nods.

·Oaryet· "I will follow the descision of the group." Looking to both Enarae and their resident Zenith.

•Enarae• "Good, it's wise to wait for now. While I doubt his wife will wish his downfall, we should wait."

·dg-ST· When the Perfect's Circle arrives, it's obvious that none of them are particularly comfortable being there, except perhaps for Delicate Petal. The Zenith in particular looks troubled.

  • Unrepentant_Glory watches from the control panel inside the Shrike, in case things go bad
  • Enarae stands there fully dressed in her normal wear. As well as her wolf-eared tunic, she has a confident smile, a perfect and wonderous complexion and gleam to her eye that says she shall come out of this a winner.

·dg-ST· "Where is your Zenith?" Petal asks sharply, violet eyes scanning the shrike. "I was here when he arrived, and I am not fond of an ambush."

•Enarae• "As you noticed, he traveled long and hard and is tired from his trip. He sends his apologies, but such things are to be expected when you must travel across the face of Creation again and again in a day."

  • Oaryet doesn't say anything, just watching the others carefully for signs that they might wish to attack.
  • Enarae speaks with a sweet tone, drowning the acid of Petal.

·Zhumaydan· "Can I offer you all something to eat? We have lovely fresh fruit." Zhu sets out bowlfuls of oranges, their skins still dewy with water.

  • Enarae is so obviously unarmed, carrying only the deadly weapons of the Copper Spiders... a voice and mind capable to bringing even the most argumentative of foes to bend knee. This is part of her showing this is not an ambush.
  • Viper's face flushes a deep scarlet. "We agreed to meet here--" ("You agreed," mutters the Night caste unhappily) "where you are the strongest, and now you insult our intelligence."
  • Scarlet places a soothing hand on Viper's arm. "I hate to ask, but could you retrieve your travel-weary friend? As a sign of good faith?"

·Zhumaydan· "I will go speak to my brother."

  • Enarae smiles and nods softly to Scarlet. "Well, how could we refuse such a polite request?"
  • Zhumaydan returns a moment later with a smile.
  • Unrepentant_Glory whispers to Zhumaydan, "i do not like having me away from the controls"
  • Petal raises her hand. "One moment, please." She gestures to her circle, and they hold hands for a few moments, and then release. "We are free from prying eyes, now." Sphinx's frown deepens.
  • Zhumaydan mutters back, "It's hard to balance the needs of propriety and safety."
  • Unrepentant_Glory whispers "it is your call sister, if you wish to me to come out, i shall"

·Zhumaydan· "I think it would be wise."

  • Unrepentant_Glory exits the Shrike
  • Unrepentant_Glory walks confidently towards his circle, his white robes flowing around him
  • Petal watches Glory and Zhumayadan impassively.
  • Viper clears his throat. "Does anyone have an objection if I speak frankly?"
  • Enarae smiles and gives a nod to Scarlet. "I hope this shows our good will. Now, you wished to speak on


·Unrepentant_Glory· "Please, do."

  • Enarae looks to Viper with cool interest.

·dg-ST· "We don't like you, and we don't want you working for the Perfect. He wants the Shrike, but he already has a Circle of Solars. And we like our jobs."

  • Scarlet Whisper winces slightly at Viper's blunt tactics.

·Unrepentant_Glory· "So , then, what are you proposing?"

  • Petal smiles. "That you let us help get you out of here, of course."
  • Unrepentant_Glory folds his arms "And how might you help us?"
  • Enarae smiles and pours forth more liquid honey from her voice. "I am hurt that you would not want us to serve the Perfect. Some might think that a betrayal of what he wants, but..." She wipes a small tear from the corner of her eye. "If you don't wish us here, and are willing to aid... We shall leave you with the Perfect."

·Zhumaydan· " know as well as the rest of us that we don't want to work for the Perfect."

·Zhumaydan· "Anyway, please, elaborate."

·dg-ST· "I will lift the gem embargo and help you repair your Shrike. But you have to trust me to help you." Her voice gets slightly haughty. "Some of my collegues would rather have killed you and taken the Shrike for ourselves. Consider my offer a gift."

  • Whisper smiles at Enarae. "My husband is a good man, with many desires. However, he does not always think them through."
  • Zhumaydan fixes Petal with a steady gaze. "I know you don't like me, and I'm not sure how much I like you. I think that's a good enough basis for trust."

•Enarae• "And we agree to not stay, nor return with the intent of taking your position here with the Perfect, I assume."

·dg-ST· "You are, of course, welcome as guests at any time." Viper grimaces at Whisper's invitation of hospitality. "As long as your refusals to serve remain polite and absolute."

·Unrepentant_Glory· "Before we agree to anything, i feel it be prudent that our circle confer in private this intruiging offer"

  • Zhumaydan takes a bite of grapefruit.
  • Viper speaks up. "As you wish. But the moment we hear the tiniest movement of those turrets, the agreement is shelved and your lives forefit."
  • Wind giggles. "You're so dramatic, Viper."
  • Viper shoots him a dirty, silencing look.

•Enarae• "We shall return before long, I promise. And there shall be no betrayal, sweet Viper... your suspiciousness is absolutely delicious and cute!"

Oaryet narrows his eyes.
  • Enarae turns with a smile all of spun sugar and spice and enters the ship.
  • Unrepentant_Glory laughs a hardy laugh "Viper, if i wanted you dead, you wouldn't be here right now"
  • Unrepentant_Glory enters the shrike

·dg-ST· Viper unsheathes his daiklaive and waits, a feral smile on his lips. Whisper sighs helplessly.

  • Oaryet pulls his own daiklaive out in time with Viper's movements.

·dg-ST· The circle bickers quietly outside the shrike.

·Unrepentant_Glory· "Enough, Oaryet, come. He wont dare try aything here"

  • Zhumaydan sighs herself. "If we must..." She stalks inside, looking irritated.
  • Unrepentant_Glory waits for Oaryet to enter the Shrike, then closes the hatch
  • Oaryet waits until all of his own circle is back on the shrike before backing up into it, keeping watch on the other circle expresionessly.

·Tyver· Back on the Shrike, Tyver murmurs "Please tell me we're not taking off leaving this city the way we found it."

  • Oaryet stares at Enarae and Unrepentant Glory. "What the hell was that?"

·Zhumaydan· "Look, Tyver. I want to change this place as much as you do, but I don't think we can do that from the inside."

  • Unrepentant_Glory Laughs "Bravado is must in this type of situation"

·Zhumaydan· "And we are opposed by equals, at the very least."

•Enarae• "Now now, I said we would not return to take their position and that our refusals will be polite to the Perfect's face. I see nothing wrong with leaving it as it is."

·Oaryet· "I suppose bravado also means intentionally insulting and trying to egg on a fight from them?"

·Unrepentant_Glory· "But teh fact remains that theytried to kill some of us, and now wish us to believe that they want to help repair teh shrike

·Oaryet· "If you wanted to fight them then lets do it allready, not try to piss them off into going after us."

·Zhumaydan· "Anyway, I want to get out of here, and if the best way to escape a nest of snakes is to make friends with them, then that's what I'm going to do."

·Unrepentant_Glory· Oaryet, if you wish to let comments about your own life being forfiet go unchallenged then so be it, but i will not"

  • Tyver shrugs. "I'm all for swiping that damn scepter the second before we leave, frankly. It's not like they NEED the thing to run a city."
  • Unrepentant_Glory regardless, i do not trust them

·Unrepentant_Glory· *oops*

  • Unrepentant_Glory frowns

·Zhumaydan· "Do we need it, though?"

•Enarae• "Zhumaydan has the most correct idea here."

·Oaryet· "We know some want us dead, your comments only helped their position."

·Unrepentant_Glory· "if they want to help, they can get us teh gems and personell to help us:

·Unrepentant_Glory· "

·Zhumaydan· "If we take it away just to take it from the Perfect then we are no better than he is."

·Tyver· "I'm not saying use the thing. I'm saying take it and huck in the sea. That's a far cry from using it to rule a creepily flawless city."

•Enarae• "We only need one person in here other than ourselves, we carefully protect the ship. They know they can't take the ship by force, and they're afraid we'll serve the Perfect."

  • Oaryet shakes his head, and decides to instead check his blade for damage, even though there isn't any in the imperishable blade rather then continue to talk about his disgust with how Enarae and Glory handled things. Sometimes a soldier must swallow his tongue.

·Unrepentant_Glory· "But i object to allowing them access to the Shrike. If it comes to a vote, then that is it. Enarae is captian on this flight though"

·Unrepentant_Glory· Oaryet, i understand your frustration, but it is the subties of conversation in which i excell. We do not wish to show any signs of weakness

·Oaryet· "I say we decide to talk with them on the morrow and discuss this after we have had a chance to think it over and when they are less likely to be listening through the walls."

•Enarae• "I don't like allowing access, but it depends on if we shall be able to fix the ship without direct aid. Oaryet obviously supports letting Delicate Petal aid us on this ship. You are against, Unrepentant Glory."

·Oaryet· "I am against actually Enarae."

·Unrepentant_Glory· "Yes, but i defer to the judgments of the Circlemates as well"

·Unrepentant_Glory· Oaryet, can you wield your Diaklave inside the Shrike if need be?"

·Zhumaydan· "I can't believe we are in here scheming like Realm worms. I am for." Zhumaydan steps outside to offer more refreshments to their maligned guests."

·Oaryet· "Yes, it would be a simple change to a fencing style."

•Enarae• "Let us not keep them waiting."

·Oaryet· "Hold on, what are we doing here? What is the plan?"

•Enarae• "We shall agree to a base, and work out details later."

·dg-ST· The quiet bickering drops into an uneasy silence when Zhumayadan comes out. The Circle graciously accepts the refreshments, consuming them with a modicum of conversations.

·Oaryet· "A base what?"

  • Enarae follows Zhumaydan outside.

·Zhumaydan· "Our apologies. Our warlike brethren are of a somewhat...secretive bent."

  • Oaryet swears, some nice dirty soldier swear then follows, clearly not in a good mood.
  • Viper clearly wishes to say something, but remains silent, obviously at the behest of Whisper.
  • Unrepentant_Glory mutters to himself "So here we are, back at the start" and follows Enarae and his

sister out of the shrike

  • Enarae looks to the ship, waiting for the others to come back outside.
  • Tyver wanders slowly out and leans against the side of the Shrike.

·Unrepentant_Glory· "Viper, please accept my apology for my words earlier. I was mistakingly responding to what i felt was a threat on my person. I know now that you nor your gracious circle would attept to harm me or my own"

  • Viper nods curtly, sheathing his daiklaive once more.
  • Oaryet does as well.
  • Enarae smiles. "Now, it seems we are willing to accept your aid in return for our leaving and refusing to become citizens. We shall need some time to work out exactly what will be needed. But, it seems that we shall both benefit from this arrangement."
  • Viper relaxes.
  • Whisper smiles at Enarae. "Those are the best sort of arrangements, wouldn't you say?"

•Enarae• "Of course. It is always pleasant when everyone can win."

·dg-ST· "When do I begin repair of the Shrike?" Petal asks, not impatiently.

·Unrepentant_Glory· Sphinx, maybe, during this cooperation between our circles we can discuss the teaching of the UCS togther?"

•Enarae• "Let us wait to study what is needed, and we can speak of what is needed next morning? It is growing late, and I wouldn't wish to keep you from your rest after you have been so gracious."

  • Sphinx flashes a brief smile at Glory and nods.

·dg-ST· "Petal's enchantment only works when the sun is down." Whisper holds up her hand to show the flickering symbol of the Perfect. "This is something I do not think he would approve of-- therefore, we are only available for such meetings at night."

·Unrepentant_Glory· "ah, that is why it is dimmed"

  • Petal winks at Glory. "Sometimes a girl needs her privacy, you know."

•Enarae• "Well, Zhumaydan knows best what is needed and what is not. Zhumaydan, could you perhaps determine what is needed and communicate it to Delicate Petal? I know we discussed it in part within, but I don't know everything myself."

  • Unrepentant_Glory smiles back. "Good to know that you can get someprivacy, in this city"
  • Zhumaydan nods. "Petal, we should meet to discuss what we need to do. When is a good time?"

·dg-ST· "Late morning will be best; I'll spend the first part of the day requisitioning gems for the Shrike. But ensure that, when you speak to me, you make it seem as if you are more amenable to serving the Perfect than you actually are. He may be listening."

•Enarae• "All I ask is this... that you agree to not share what you learn on the ship Petal, since you wish to only see it to remember your own glorious past."

·dg-ST· "I will not tell another of the secrets of its workings, I assure you."

·Zhumaydan· "Of course."

  • Unrepentant_Glory slaps forehead "Of course! Why didnt i think of this before?!"
  • Viper raises a brow.
  • Enarae smiles and looks to the other circle as she askes it. She offers her hand. "If you shall agree to not in any way share it's secrets with another, then we shall be more than happy to welcome you onto it in aiding with the repairs."
  • Petal looks at Enarae's hand and grins. "I shall agree to not tell anyone what I learn while on the Shrike. You will have to be sated with my wording."

·Unrepentant_Glory· "No, i just thought of something viper that i didnt think of before"

  • Enarae looks hurt. "That is all I ask, a simple promise of your word."
  • Whisper chuckles quietly. "She has found herself uncomfortably bound in oaths with me before, Enarae, which is why she is so shy to accept your hand."
  • Petal shoots Whisper a dirty look. "And I've never forgiven you."

•Enarae• "Well, I promise that this one shall be only for our protection and your own, Petal... I will not attempt to bind you, for we are friends now, are we not?"

·dg-ST· "If you will not attempt to bind me, there is no reason to shake hands."

  • Unrepentant_Glory sighs and says to himself "no, nevermind, that wont work"
  • Oaryet can't help but shake his head at this whole obvious charade.

•Enarae• "I said, I would not bind you unkindly... think of this... We promise to let you safely on the ship to work on it, and you promise to never reveal in any way the secrets you learn there. That way you know you are safe with us as well as our secrets with you."

·Zhumaydan· "Enarae, what good is a key without the lock it opens?"

  • Enarae smiles to Zhumaydan, "One can never be too careful. And this is more for good Petal's own peace of mind when among us."
  • Zhumaydan raises a brow. "I'll start examining the ship, then."

·dg-ST· "That's quite fine with me, Enarae." Her smile gets a bit chilly. "A verbal agreement will have to do. If you're going to trust me, then for Sol's sake, TRUST me."

·dg-ST· "I certainly trust you."

  • Enarae nods "Petal, I just ask for the same, and I belive that there is nothing that shows trust and good intentions more than offering this... but if it bothers you so much..." Enarae smiles and pats Petal's shoulder.

·Oaryet· "This is just degrading for people like us. Lets end this farce now and meet tomorrow perhaps when we are all in better moods and have had a chance to properly consider what we all want?"

  • Oaryet mutters softly under his breath as to the idiocy of this whole meeting.
  • Viper nods. "Finally, someone who speaks sense."
  • His outburst is greeted with a sharp look from his Circlemates.
  • Enarae softly whispers to Petal, "Don't mind Oaryet, I think he is still frustrated by your beauty. He is rash and needs action."
  • Petal nods archly. "Zhumayadan, I shall see you in the morning. At the moment, however, it would please me to sleep."

·Zhumaydan· "Goodnight, then."

·Oaryet· "Well, that whole meeting went about as badly as could be expected."

  • Enarae laughs. "Yes, it went quite well."

·Oaryet· "Could you have insulted them anymore with that whole farce?"

·Unrepentant_Glory· "Well, i said my part to satiate you Oaryet, and then bit my tongue for the rest"

  • Oaryet stares at Enarae, waiting for her response.
  • Zhumaydan zooms around the's good to be in a place where one doesn't need to act dignified.

•Enarae• "Well, I have to be going... Zhumaydan, do you need to still do work here?"

  • Unrepentant_Glory exitsthe shrike, broodingly
  • Enarae steps out... "Glory, would you be willing to come with me on an errand?
  • Oaryet stares at her retreating back as she goes and then shrugs. "Well if thats how its going to be."

·Unrepentant_Glory· sure thing

·Unrepentant_Glory· "where are we going?"