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  • Oaryet waits in the ship...and has a bad feeling about all of this.
  • Enarae goes off to her meeting with those in the tribe outside with Glory in tow.
  • Enarae chats as she's moving looking and waving to the guards of the tribe. With a song on her lips she moves towards the chief's dwelling. "With our potential we can toe the line, and show the bastards up with our divine... Light! Light!"

<dissolvegirl> The barbarians murmur quietly in their native tongue, parting a way for you to the Chief's tent.

  • Enarae continues singing in Airtounge as she walks to the tent... she waits for politeness, then enters with a greeting for the Chief in his own tounge.

<Enarae> "Friend, have you discussed things with your wise men? It seems some things have changed to make this better for both of us."

<dg-ST> "It is good to see you, Enarae. I have spoken to the young men of the tribe and they are willing to bow to my judgement. What are these changes you speak of?"

<dg-ST> Glory blinks, the entire conversation beyond his linguistic ability.

<Enarae> "It seems that we shall not need gems from you... the Snake's own servants betray him and grant us what we need... smaller snakes are they, fearful that he will prefer myself and my companions. That he will smile upon us more than they should we become citizens."

<dg-ST> He looks unimpressed. "So you deal with more snakes, and this is good news for my people?"

<Enarae> "But, otherwise, we shall still keep our offer. The snake of Paragon is one that threatens all of the lands of flame with his "law"... And that is something I find most rotten to taste."

<Enarae> "No, what I say is that the snakes pay for their own downfall. They think themselves tricksy and offer much so that we might not feel obligated to the greater snake. I feel no pain or dishonor in letting someone pay for their own stupidity, should I?"

<dg-ST> He shrugs. "There is wisdom in your words, I think. But now that you have gotten what you need, what need do you have for us?"

<Enarae> "I have no need, but I would enjoy your friendship. We both agree that he who calls himself Perfect is a snake who poisons this land. I would like to see this snake fall under his own arrogance. Perhaps not this night, but I feel it comes soon... the night whispers of it, but those within the city stuff their ears so they might hear their own voices and not that of the world..."

<dg-ST> He nods slowly. "Friendship must be earned, as all things must be. But you have opened the door, and I will not close it. Come to us the next time you have need.. We may ask something in exchange. But yes, you are freeto travel in our lands any time, and to meet with us." He offers Enarae the waterskin he has been drinking from.

  • Enarae drinks and returns with. "Thank you, and I would expect no less. I come from far away, but some things are true among those who see the world. Trust is to be earned as well as friendship. But, I do have something for you."
  • Enarae pulls some of the pilfered gems from the palace and offers them. "A gift of my respect. The snakes know nothing of these, I am afraid." She laughs.

<dg-ST> The old man cracks a half-smile. "The wolf is faster than the snake, it seems. Thank you for your gift. I look forward to seeing you again, Enarae."

  • Enarae returns the smile. "As do I look forward to the next meeting chief."

<dg-ST> The next morning...

  • Oaryet wakes, and sighs, wishing we weren't still in Paragon.
  • Enarae rises bright and joyful. "So, how are the repairs going?"
  • Oaryet gets his breakfast in silence, keeping his thoughts to himself this morning.
  • Tyver snoozes away in the pilot's chair, sprawling in what looks like an incredibly uncomfortable position and snoring occasionally.
  • Zhumaydan streaks from one end of the Shrike to the other, carrying miscellaneous tools. "Just fine!"

<Enarae> "Oaryet, you really need to relax... still lusting after Petal and worried she won't love you anymore?"

<dg-ST> Muttered curses and occasional clatter are heard from where Glory is working on the Shrike.

<Oaryet> "Is that all you think of me Enarae?"

<Enarae> "And don't bring her flowers... she wouldn't want those... And well, are you telling me you weren't the one who went to her room two nights ago... alone?"

<Oaryet> "I was yes. Just...nevermind. Think what you want of me." He turns away.

<dg-ST> There is a knocking at the Shrike's door.

<Enarae> "Aww, snookiekims, don't be so sour! Your face will turn into looking just like Viper!"

<Enarae> "And Petal definately isn't sharing his<b> bed... or maybe she is from the way she looks at him."

  • Enarae winks to Oaryet.

<Oaryet> "When you are done belittleing me and what I try to do for this group, you know where my room is." He walks off to his quarters.

<dg-ST> When Oaryet opens the door to go to his quarters, Petal is standing there. "Oaryet!" She exclaims sunnily. "So good to see you. How are you?"

<Enarae> "Wow, he's really got it bad. Note, Oaryet wants to see Lady Nightwind next time we're in the North."

<Oaryet> "Come to work on the Shrike?"

<dg-ST> "I just hopped up onto the roof. I'm supposed to meet Zoomee.. Zooma.. Er, that girl with the pretty tattoo." She kisses Oaryet on the cheek. "Be a dear and tell her I've arrived?"

  • Oaryet pulls back when she tries to kiss him. "I will let her know you have arrived. Please wait here." And he goes to get Zhumaydan.
  • Enarae waits for Oaryet to leave. "You're cheerful today...enjoying yourself?" She says this with a smile.
  • Zhumaydan zooms out the door a moment later, and almost trips all over Enarae stopping herself and regaining her composure.

<dg-ST> "I'm just pleased to hear that you're reconsidering citizenship. You have all the time in the world to make up your mind, of course," she adds hastily. "I'm just hoping my willingness to help with your situation will be taken in the spirit it is offered." Another sweet smile.

  • Enarae helps catch Zhu. "Well, I'll leave you two, since you seem anxious to get to work, Delicate Petal. *whispers* I think Oaryet is jealous, and he can be soooo convincing you know."
  • Zhumaydan puts down her toolbox. "So, I understand that you know a little about how this thing works."
  • Enarae leaves them to talk and goes to enjoy the sun... see if her friend is around outside.

<dg-ST> Petal picks up a large toolbox carved out of a single piece of polished rose quartz. "I remember bits and pieces. Certainly enough to help get this thing off the ground."

<dg-ST> Outside is a pile of gems. Probably more than a ton.

<dg-ST> They take up almost more room than the Shrike.

<Zhumaydan> "Wow." Zhumaydan squints. "Those got here quickly."

<dg-ST> "Oh, those?" Petal glances carelessly over her shoulder. "I guess. I had my dragon drop them off a little before sunrise."

  • Zhumaydan nods.

<dg-ST> "Anyway, where's the soul urn? I'd really like to talk to him."

<Zhumaydan> "Right this way. Come on in." She opens the door for Petal.

<dg-ST> Petal enters the Engineering room and immediately her eyes light on the urn, her face softening. "You're still here." The urn, of course, does not respond. She strokes the heavy container gently.

  • Zhumaydan stands a short distance behind her, looking a little uncomfortable.

<dg-ST> Petal shakes her head, as if dispelling a daydream. "Sorry." She glances around and sees the closed chute on the wall. "That's where the gems go to the engine, right?"

  • Zhumaydan nods. "Are you all right? It's a little dusty in was Tyver's turn to sweep out last..."

<dg-ST> She nods. "I'm fine. It's just.." she coughs. "In my former life, the one where I helped create the Shrike, the man who sacrificed himself to become the soul urn was someone who meant a great deal to me."

<Zhumaydan> "It must be strange, remembering more than one life."

<dg-ST> "It's like dreaming.. sometimes when you're awake. And always extremely vivid." She smoothes her hair. "Anyway, what do you say we track down some of the big, handsome men you came here with to help us load the engine?"

  • Zhumaydan suppresses a chuckle at that description. "Let's go." She heads in the direction of Enarae first.

<Zhumaydan> "Hey, cap'n. You know where Oaryet is? We'll need all the help we can get feeding the Shrike."

  • Enarae turns her head from singing... "Hmm, probably his room... he seems to be pissed off at myself and... " Her head moves towards Petal slightly. "I am not sure what the cause is, but you saw him last night. I think he said he will be in his room."

<Enarae> "Need any help finding him?

<Zhumaydan> "He'll find his way back eventually. I guess we'll just get Tyver and Glory to help out for now."

  • Enarae goes back to singing... "Purple haze all in my brain... Just tell me if you need me... acting funny but I don't know why... am I happy or in misery?"
  • Enarae gets up and decides to go to the throne room.