Thus Spake Zarataylor/SeventhLegionEffectiveness

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izzylobo - 02/22/2004 22:02:40

> psychologist57 > "The Seventh Legion ... Are there any asses that it cannot whoop?"

Definitely. Mask of Winters would be A Problem, and could probably destroy the city of Lookshy, if not the Seventh Legion, unless he was stupid (translation - Storyteller's Discretion). First and Forsaken's quarter-of-a-million zombie army could take Lookshy apart. If the Realm threw everything it could at Lookshy, it would be problematic - for both sides. In a few years Yurgen Kaneko, if luck holds and he continues to gather power and support, might be a threat to Lookshy. A Returned Empress and her demon legions could probably wreak havoc on the Seventh.

This is all, of course, predicating a one-on-one fight, with no support on either side from allies, etc. None of these battles would be easy, and they would *devastate* fairly large portions of the Scavenger Lands in the process.

Lookshy is great at dealing with mid-bosses, and throws a thorn in the side of the end bosses. It makes a *swell* ally for any properly Righteous Solar Circle that can make alliance with them. But they aren't unbeatable.

> psychologist57 > "Wow. I can now see how the Realm lost so many major battles on the Threshold. Presumably the Seventh had an even greater quantity of modern weaponry back then."

Sure, but so did the Realm - in the century or so just after the Contagion, everyone had pretty good supplies of First Age and Shogunate gear. But most folks - like the Realm, and Chiaroscuro - wasted it, and either never had the resources to repair and build anew, or deliberately turned away from those paths.

In the end, the Realm really lost because they were facing *THE* tactical genius of their age, and because they lacked certain key assets (mainly in the form of bountiful air support) that Lookshy had - notice that on the seas, Lookshy routinely got their asses, if not handed to them, at least spanked pretty badly.

Scott Taylor