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Magitech in the Gates of Creation


Ripper Daiklave - ••, Repair 1
A vicious weapon issued to Dragon-Blooded soldiers of the Wyld Hunt who expect to see heavy duty, these sawtoothed blades make short work of any mundane weapons placed in opposition to them. Once drawn the mass of teeth that make up the edge begin to slide down towards the handle cutting through wood, metal and flesh with equal alacrity. Statistically these weapons are identical to reaver daiklaves, apart from requiring a 6 mote commitment. Additionally, an attack with this weapon cannot be parried by opponents who are unarmed or armed with mundane weapons without a stunt.
Liquid Earth Projector - ••••, Repair 2
This warmachine, which requires a Water-aspected hearthstone of at least •• to be fitted into the control console, gives a particularly unpleasant death to those caught within its area of effect. It operates much like a catapult, but rather than lobbing rocks it launches a ball of Water Essence that arcs high into the sky before impact. At the moment of detonation all earth within 5 yards temporarily gains the consistency of water; this can sink buildings, shatter roads, and any unfortunates within the area (a difficulty 3 Dexterity + Dodge roll can move a character out of the area) fall into the earth and immediately begin to drown. This effect lasts for 10 ticks, whereupon the ground hardens once more and anyone still inside is entombed forever. It requires 3 motes to fire the Projector once, and most such have Essence batteries built in that have a 15 mote capacity to allow for mortal use.
Elemental Distortion Amplifier - •••, Repair 2
This artefact looks very much like an Elemental Lens (WotLA p.77) and is used in exactly the same way, to the point where a character cannot benefit from both of their effects at the same time. When a character uses Elemental Bolt Attack or Elemental Burst Technique this artefact modifies the flow of Essence from the character into a ripple of distorted elemental energy that is both far less lethal when used against living targets and incredibly damaging against structures. Damage inflicted by either of these Charms against living targets is reduced by half (round up) and is Bashing rather than Lethal (although the nature of the wave means that it counst as Piercing); against structures the raw damage is tripled and ignores its soak completely - First Age structures are far more resilient and against them the damage is merely doubled.



Iridescent Wings of Glory - ••••, Repair 3
Flagship of the Chiaroscuran merchant navy and personal property of the Tri-Khan, Iridescent Wings of Glory is the first of what is now a trio of skyremes built to plans discovered in one of the shattered towers of the glass city. Long (70yds from prow to stern) and sleek, with a pair of huge triangular wings that gleam while it flies, this skyship is faster than anything else in the skies of its size - but the design limits it to travelling along the dragon lines that cross Creation, but since these ships are designed for trade it's not much of a hardship.
Speed: 73/150mph:
Manoeuvrability: -1S (Lore 3, Occult 3, Sail 2)
Endurance: Requires a hearthstone of at least ••• as the central component of the engine that allows it to ride above the lines of Essence. Iridescent Wings of Glory needs maintenance for every full day (24 hours) of continuous use, these can be conducted underway; after 240 hours without maintenance the skyreme will sink slowly to the ground until repairs can be completed.
Crew: 24/8
Cargo: Up to 100 tonnes of cargo.
Armour: 10L/15B
Health Levels: U x5 / M x15 / C x5 / I x5 / D
Weapons: None
Looks a lot like this:
