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Sorcery Specail Effects

Spells in my games always have a distinct look, baed on the Circle of the spell used and the user of said spell. The idea from this came when reading Castebook: Twilight, and Sayn, the smith dude (I sitll don't like him, bu they) casted Sapphire Countermagic, which caused a blue light and all that to destroy the Bone Lion. I thought "Hey, it'd be cool if all sorcery was color-coded." And well, this is the result.

This really has little to no real mechanical value. The main thing is that when one casts a spell, it creates a ring of light (or in necromancy's case, various patterns of metal and darkness) corresponding with the Circle of magic used and the arcane symbol which comprises it. After having watched some Gate Keepers, this concept is sorta being taken a bit further with how it opens and stuff, but I don't htink that's important.

Anyhow, here's how the magic corresponds:


Terrestrial Circle Sorcery creates a ring of pure green light of various sizes. Small spells, such as Assassin's Deadly Touch, would create merely a small green flash on the fingertips of the caster, while other spells, such as the Violent Opening of Closed Portals, would create a ring that continued to spread throughout the building until the spell reaches its area limit.

Terrestrial spells also often create an emerald green pentagram in the ring of light produced. This represents the five elements of Creation, as well as their corresponding Dragons, Seasons, Courts, and Directions.

Celestrial Circle Sorcery most often produces the attributed "Sapphire" effects, though at this level of magics, the spells begin to break the rules now and again. For example, the spell Blood of Boiling Oil produces a red glow at first. Whenever a spell's description says it uses a different color at this level assume that it may flash blue briefly, but quickly translates into the spell's appropriate color. Otherwise, the size and distance of this spell works as with the Terrestrial versions.

The arcane shape of this level of magic is the heptagram, the symbol used int eh architecture of the academy of magics in the Realm. The seven-pointed star represents the heavens and the Seven Celestines which rule them, as well as the more abstract matters of Heaven: Fate, Leadership, and War. Lunar and Sidereal Exalted often attribute other colorful effects at this level of magic. Lunar sorcery often causes their tattoos often have motes of blue light run through them, while Terrestrials who first use a Celestrial spell use a prayer strip marked with the Maiden in Chains, causing the entirety of the spell's lighting to be lit with green light instead of blue this one time. Solar and Abyssal spellcasters have no such variations.

Solar Circle Sorcery, the perview of the Solar Exalted alone, bares the glory of the Unconquered Sun with its power. When casted, many a Solar spell creates a brilliant white light, as powerful as the noonday suna nd often a times, more so. While some spells quikcly turn to other colors, such as the deep gold of Demon of the Third Circle, or the misty greys of Mist of Evertide, the spell starts off with the glroy of SOlar Essence, and the power to reshape teh world as only the gods and Primoridals originally could.

The arcane symbol of this circle of sorcery is the sunburst. More ornate and complex then the one seen int he Dawn Castemark, this was a holy symbol of the Old Realm and as Solars begin to rediscover the power of these magics, it will only be a matter of time before it is brought upon the great cities of Creation. Often, the light of the diagram can be seen for miles, though in some cases, it might simply be a small flash of light as someone looks away, or even a sparked mote barely etched onto the target of the spell.


Like sorcery, the magics of the Underworld also ahve their own arcane symbols and magics,t hough many bare more imposing and complicated designs, as the channeling of such dangerous and powerful magics requires more stringent control of the flow of Essence.

Shadowland Circle Necromancy creates a pentagon, looking to of been forged out of cold wrought iron upon the target of the casting. The shape seems to be blank at first, but as one watches, and the spell is completed, a band of cold blue light crosses over the shape, illuminating various arcane symbols and words of power in Old Realm, before the pentagon fades from site.

Labrynth Circle Necromancy summons an octogon, made of what looks to be made of rough onyx. As the spell si completed, symbols run across the shape as with the Iron Circle spells, but in these cases, the runes seem to scream more blasphemous words and darker truths, and the color has shiftend from the blue of the first circle to a blood red color.

Void Circle Necromancy conjures a hole in Creation itself. A circle of blackness is formed, so dark that it seems to be that it is a hole in the fabric of reality itself. Often, the ring forms below the feet of the creator and as a result, it causes the individual to look as if they are floating upon nothing at all. The darkness is so final that it seems to actually suck the light out of the area aroun dit, and a strong wind is often attributed to this circle of magics. Then, as the last gestures and words of power are completed, a ring of white sheaning light eminaates from the center of the void, revealing symbols of annihilation upon the world. For a brief instant, all light within miles is dimmed noticeably, and then, the effects of the spell linger on, the hatred of the Malfeans not let loose upon the world.