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Copy Wheel Eye

Artifact Level: 5
Material: Red and Black Jade Lined with Starmetal
Commitment: 10
History: A Solar in the First Age wanted the power of the Sidereals. He wished to see the decisions of any opponent that he fought. He was cruel and did not care for anyone who was of a lower station. They were meant to be used however the Solars wished. So, Job took it upon himself to find a crafter who would be willing to go along with this madness of his. He traveled far away from the Blessed Isle where his activities could be watched. He knew of several craftsmen who were dark enough to be tempted to this twisted commission, nevertheless he succeeded in that quest. Sair, a twilight caste who was most curious about the outcome of what Job had purposed accepted the commission. Job summoned to him three Sidereals, one who represented the past, the present and the future. Under ceremony, he had them pluck out one eye each. Job watched Sari craft him his eye for 3 years. He slowly forged this eye purely through willpower and essence. The results were amazing. Job plucked out his own eye with excitement and attuned to this eye. He then tested the artifact on the creator of it. He was very pleased with his work as he held the lifeless body of Sair.
Mechanics: This artifact allows the character to make the best choice possible in a situation. By spending 1 temporary will power, he decreases the success needed to accomplish a task by half. This willpower can not be regained for one day.