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All Good Things

Session 012

Background: The PC group has left Lookshy and is headed off to the Realm to make contact with people there so that a diplomatic window can be opened. Zion has given the lunar pc a coin that allows the Black Riders to watch events happen through the coin. He has also withdrawn the Night cast solar to do other tasks. Instead, they are to meet the Night casts contact in Noble when they land. This is part 1 of 3 of the mini campain The Fall

Setting: The scene is taking place on the open seas and the port town on the Blessed Isle.

Session: The group has booked passage on the Reliant. The Reliant happens to be nothing more than a merchant ship that transports cattle from Lookshy to the Blessed Isle. It is a private boat owned by Yuli (Dragon Blooded-Water). He could care less about the internal politics of the Realm and Deliberative. He just likes business to be status quo and nothing can change his views.

Pirate Encounter: They come in on a small vessel. There are about 20 pirates total (20 Elite Extras). They are known as the Elorad Pirates, they are lead by one Dragon Blooded Air Exalted. The objective is simple. They want the goods that are on the ship.

The rest of the ship time passes without event. Just the normal events.

When they arrive, they arrive in the port town of Noble. There, it is spread out. Not much is heppening at the port town. On the docks, the buzz is how the Empress is going to make her power known to the world soon. In the town however, life is as it always has been, crime ridden. Possible encounters: Theives guild representatives, Burly dockworkers looking for a fight. Dragon Blooded soldiers just passing through and recognizing the lunar.

As they walk around, not much attention is given to them. They meet this contact, Etong, at the tavern Tuskers. He informs them that they are being followed by some members of the All Seeing Eye. He doesn’t know. But his contacts have told them that the All Seeing Eye is in the area looking for two spy’s entering the country.

He informs them that he must go north to his sisters wedding. She would kill him otherwise. They are to proceed to the town of Oak. There they will meet a man called Oak. Oak is his contact to the underground that in the past has smuggled out Solars. They should be safe there.

It is only a few days before Etong shows back up into town. He is greeted warmly by most individuals in Oak. He then goes on to explain a plan of action. He has arranged a meeting with Senator Mularin. He is a dragon blooded of great importance in the realm. He stood behind the Empress in her absence unlike most of the other Dragon Blooded. He has high favor in the Realm. But he was also a great supporter of the Solar Underground for the longest time.

Mularian leaves in the city of Pangu. So, Etong arranges transport through the Isle. The Lunar seems to get feeling that they are being followed and watched. But as they travel north, there could be an encounter. Possible Encounter: Bandits lead by outcast DB or some kind of beast

The city of Pangu is a prosperous one. It has deep agricultural roots. It can bee seen all around. Yet it is at the same time a prospering city with all the goods one would come to expect from such. They are met by the personal advisors to Senator Mularin. The one in particular is called, Leedal Weston. He seems like a friendly and helpful person. He is unaware of what is going on. But he takes them to Senator Ledaal Mularin. They are welcomed guest at a party that Mularin is holding in their honor. At some point, he takes them into the den so that they can talk privately. They will talk abit about the politics of what is going to happen.

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