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All Good Things

Session 010

Background: The investigation has come to Lookshy. They now have gotten the information needed to make a connection to the Blessed Isle. How far that goes, they do not know. The character group has come to a crossroads. Right now they do not know whom they can trust. Right now all information points to a person in the Realm called Sevelli.

Setting: The great city of Lookshy, then a travel on the ocean where they then land on the Blessed Isle.

Session: Further investigation of Howard will lead to him trying to find out information from some local gangs. That investigation also leads him to the same conclusions, Sevelli.

Next, there is an encounter with Howard and Mistress Harlock. He corners her and they can see him questioning her, yet nothing can be overheard. What is seen though is a flare of essense and an attack of somekind. The results is the woman running away.

However, he just doesn’t seem to think that this is the right course since his vision of the future had not included even a hint that this might occur. Then again, he cannot recall within the past few days before such event happened that he can recall a glimpse of the future or even dreams he might have had at night.

Interrogation of Belondil will uncover almost nothing. Even under the threat of death. He does lose his naiveté though.

Interrogation of the guards that were on patrol that night will uncover this. Some time during the night hours, maybe 3 hours after the sun went down, they each felt a pinch around their neck and then had these really bad dreams, horrific dreams of death and strange lands. But each at first also seen what was going on for a few minutes as their bodies where used to open the doors and help three individuals into the building.

After all is said and done and they are done investigating, Randat and Zion appears under normal dress. Obviously trying to blend in. They ask for an update to the situation and what they have uncovered. Upon hearing the reports, Zion thanks them for what they have done and if they would be willing to undertake another mission for the council to wrap this delicate situation up for them. He asks them if they are willing to do a two fold mission. The first half is to figure out what has happened to the Warstrider and then secondly to see if an alliance can be made between the two kingdoms. The realm will pledge not to expand further into the existing Realm if they in turn pledge not to invade the Deliberative territory as well as the return of said Warstrider.

They can use the air ship to get to the Blessed Isle or they may purchase transport orders to get to the realm. However they do do it, it up to them. Upon entering the blessed isle, they land at Sion, they will be secretly tracked by a couple of well trained All-Seeing-Eye members, they were tipped off by someone on the other side that they would be entering the Realm. After a short time in the Realm, they will be meet by Kurama (Dave’s PC Name) contact, Etong. He informs them that they might be followed. He is unsure. But his contact in the ASE says that they were expecting some people to come into the Realm from the Anathema kingdom. He directs them to head more towards Noble where they can be better hidden. They are ask for a man called Oak when they enter the town. He is already informed of their arrival. But Etong must attend to other matters first. His sister is getting married soon, so he must go to that. He will be back in a few weeks.

Encounters on the Road
Bandits. Dragon Blooded Patrol. Animals. End Encounters

Once they enter Sion, they are treated somewhat well while they are there. It takes Etong a few weeks to get there. After Etong gets to the city of Noble, he asks them what they want to do and how they wish to go about it.

If they wish to gain an audience with the Empress, they must surely try to make a good impression on one of the House Elders. He suggests House Ledaal as his first choice. They are always looking for allies against the Deathlords. And he thinks he knows the person to do such a thing, Ledaal Mularin. If asked about a meeting with the Empress, it will be told that she is currently away from the capital city and in Chanos.

If they wish to find the Warstrider, he will send out feelers amongst his network of people, see what he can find out. Will take some time. After a few days, they learn that it might have been taken to a town outside of Chanos. Chanos being a military controlled town, seems almost feasible. However there is another rumor of something being brought to Lord’s Crossing as well.

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