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Gia does some research, and learns...

There have been some recorded uses of Underworld astrological effects in the Violet Bier's archives. A significant portion of these were performed by Black Ice Shadow and Descending Starmetal Scholar for research purposes, and usually ended in about a week's time. Some have been used to actually obtain effects - but none of the Violet Bier's records tell of effects being placed on Sidereals or pre-Sidereals. If such things exist, they are better concealed. Also, Gia has found that Underworld astrological effects can be ended in essentially the same way as Heavenly astrology. That is to say, apart from esoteric martial arts, it requires the effect to expire, the petitioner to recant, or a fundamental change in the nature of the target, to end an effect.

In the Woods

Arrows shoot out of the underbrush! Malic yelps as one arrow brushes past his leg and jumps into the air. As another arrow spins at his chest, Malic twists, catching the sharp head on the flat of the Burning Wind and flinging it back into the bush "Watch out!" Gia instinctively hits the ground, her hand flying to the Chakram on her belt as she prepares for the onslaught.

A man in white steps out of the woods. He is wearing a garland of butterflies, their right wings torn off.

Malic lands on the ground lightly, one foot slightly raised as if to push him off of the ground. The Burning Wind clutched in his right hand is bent inward, along his forearm as he holds both arms out to his sides for balance. Glaring at the man, Malic straightens and steps forward, the sword flashing in the sunlight that filters through the trees "Who are you, that attacks innocent travellers?" Gia leaps smoothly to her feet, eyes narrowing at the man standing before them.

"No man would do such a thing," he says, chuckling. "I believe I am falsely accused."

"It is quite the coincidence that the storm of arrows stopped the moment you stepped out of the woods, then," Gia returns.

"I was only disputing your self-designation as innocent travellers. Does a man who bears no harm in his heart carry a sword of such deadly heat?" The man moves out of the shadows, revealing his face. White beads have been woven into his long hair, and his eyes are milky with blindness, but he moves like a spider in its web, confidently. "And harmless maidens know far less than you."

"I carry the sword to protect myself from things like arrows being shot from bushes."

"To answer your question, I am called Lilies Wilt in Scorn."

"If you are done calling my brother a liar and tossing about snide phrases, I would know what enmity you have with us."

"I am a man of power. You both wear that mantle as well, and it makes me uncomfortable that you would tresspass in these lands, which I am accustomed to call my own." His body suddenly crumples obscenely, and the man's skin seems to turn into a massive bruise.

"Call these lands your own if you will, but we must travel through them regardless." Malic is obstinate.

"I'm not fond of bargaining with strangers. Perhaps you would like to duel for the right?"

Gia raises an eyebrow at the man's display and looks to Malic. "Violence is not an answer, and stubborness is not a virtue-- but it appears there is only one way you will learn such a thing."

Malic takes two carefully measured steps toward the old man, standing at his full height. Malic's broad shoulders and wiry muscles are obvious in the sleeveless blue shirt he chose to wear and under his brown hair, amber eyes glint dangerously with starfire. "My sister and I want only to travel through these lands. You would have us fight you for such a simple thing? If it means so much to you, I will fight you, and take away these lands as I take your pride and your health. You step dangerously, Lilies Wilt in Scorn." The Southron's voice is low and calm and the hand holding Burning Wind is steady. Something around him smells of sand and burning, as he holds the sword.

"I have no fear of you, little kung fu is no doubt superior to yours, you move with so little discipline, but it is true that I ask much of you. Shall we place a wager, then? A duel to the first blood, with empty hands. If I win, then I ask that you leave me here in peace. If you are the victors, then I will not halt you any longer."

Gia steps forward. "I hope you have no qualms with striking a lady."

"I will set them aside if that is what you wish."

"They are yours to do with what you will. I will say, however, that in this instance-- I have no qualms with striking a blind, old man." With a smile, Essence floods her body; her movements seem more lithe and deadly than before. She leaps forward like some sort of jungle cat, and lunges at the deformed man's neck.

He blinks his eyes and they turn to terrible pools of black. "I am not so blind as you think." Three zombies step out of the woods. They are unarmed and have no heads. They stand and watch. Lilies-Wilt-in-Scorn makes awful creaking noises as he throws his body to the side. He doesn't move far enough; he is caught in the interwoven geometries of Gia's attack, and her elegant motion sends him flying to the ground several feet away. On the moment of contact, there is a pulse of Essence - for just an instant, the world seems to be written in black and white. One of the zombies slams back into the brush. The old man shakes his head and picks himself up. He coughs up blood.

"Your Kung Fu is weak, old man. Let us pass unmolested, as was the bargain."

Malic tips his sword at the old man "You should just let travellers through. Some of them might be offended at your manners." Smiling, the Southron walks on.

Lilies-Wilt-in-Scorn does not speak. He only moves aside to clear a way. As Gia passes, he spits blood into her footprints.

Gia turns to Malic and whispers. "That was strange."

"A bit. Let's keep going. I'd like to reach the area around the village that holds the kid. Check it out."

She nods. "Good idea. I really hope we continue on without incident.. My essence stores are low."

"I'm not overly concerned. We can report him, but the Censors never do anything anymore."

Gia nods, sighing. "I hope our friends don't run into him."

"I rather hope they do. One less annoying God."

Gia tilts her head thoughtfully. "One rarely sees gods in the company of decapitated undead, though. Hm."

"Maybe he was a Deathknight that did not wish to spend Essence."

"Well, whatever he is, I'm sure we'll have a chance to find out more about him later. I truly doubt he means to leave us alone."

"I would agree."

A Boy and Another

The path leads on to a small village. It is not the home of Phion or his enemies; you can tell by the standards at every doorway. There is a little activity in the scattered huts. Malic carefully moves his firewand and the sheath of Burning Wind so that they are hidden under his travelling cloak. It'll take an extra bit of time to grab at one, but there shouldn't be much of a problem with that in this sleepy place. Looking around for someone with a friendly appearance, or a shifty one, Malic wanders through the village. The huts surround a large circle of bare earth, trampled down by many feet. In the front of each hut is a small rectangular house-like structure, raised off the earth on stilts. This bears the standard. They are full of what look to be yams.

Gia has her chakram within easy reach on her belt, but obscured by her cloak as well. "I wonder why things are so quiet here."

A small boy wanders over to Gia and Malic and says something in Woodtongue. "Hello. Are you lost?"

Malic looks at Gia. "Do you speak Forest-Tongue?"

Gia brushes her hair behind her ear and scratches her neck, translating everything said in subtle body language that does tend to make her look sort of fidgety. "Hello, young man. We're simply travellers passing through. It's nice to meet you." What should I ask or say?

Malic watches Gia carefully for the translation. Offering one hand to the child, Malic smiles friendly-like. A near-silent whisper "Ask about someone to give us directions and maybe information about the tribes."

"You're travellers? Mother says I should always be nice to travellers. Do you want to play scare-birds-away-from-yams with me?"

Gia smiles. "We're sort of busy, but I don't suppose you know anyone who would be able to show us around? Perhaps tell us about the local tribes?" She pretends to pull a jade bit out of the boy's ear and grins, holding it up to him as an offer.

The boy's eyes widen. It's been a while since he's seen jade this fine - and not green, either! "Maybe you can talk to Elder Brother. Father is aw- Yeah, come this way!" He bounds off as quickly as his short legs can carry him.

Gia gestures to Malic. "After you."

He leads them to a small garden behind a hut, where a young man is digging up ripe yams and planting seeds for the next crop. "Elder Brother, these people are travellers."

What should I say our interest is in the local tribal structure?

Malic nods to the boy's brother, standing next to Gia and projecting his best image of strong and silent, for his inability to speak their language might make him more memorable. He glances at Gia, deep amber eyes speaking quite plainly. Tell him we are travellers trying to avoid troubles.

"Hello. I'm called Moss Panther." He looks friendly but cautious.


"It is a pleasure to meet you, Panther; my name is Gia." She smiles, her wood-tongue without accent. "We are travellers wishing to see the world, and have heard these lands are at war. I was hoping you could tell us what exactly is going on, and where, so that we might pass safely."

The elder boy turns his hoe around so he can draw in the soil with the tip of the handle. "Of course, certainly. Do you see that mountain to the west?" He draws a circle on the ground, and makes a mark at its western extreme. Gia nods. "This mark is the mountain. Here is our village - you can recognize us by the white hawk standard - in the centre. To the west there is nothing. In the north," he makes two marks, one slightly east of the other, "are two towns at war - I think they had a dispute over a spring. Their standards are the red crow and the headless nightingale. In the east lies a city I have never seen, and places I have not visited. Closer, there are a few homes here," he makes a mark near the circle's edge, "which are said to make something very precious."

"Really?" Gia asks in a conversational, almost-uninterested tone. "What is it they make?"

"There is a special kind of earth there. It is where the best silkworms grow."

Malic catches Gia's eyes to ask, What does he know of the Red Cows?

Gia chuckles, seemingly bemused. "Such precious material, and yet the fighting is over a spring? Amazing. What do you know of these Red Crows?"

"They are no one of significance, though their chief thinks differently. He hopes to make himself wealthy and then buy all of us, so that we may all work for him. But his warriors are weakening."

The boy does not care to explain the incongruity.

I think we should go visit these Red Cows, Gia.

Gia hands the man a jade bit. "Thank you so much for this information. It would have been horrible to wander onto a battlefield." She looks at the garden. "May your yams be plentiful this year." You're right, Malik. Let's head out.
