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<willows-ST> The Circle emerge from their tents the next morning to see Tamuz practicing archery. He fires silvery bolts across the salt flats, where heat-haze makes them seem to undulate like serpents. On the other side stands a woman in a red ochre robe. She parries each shot with one of her own, which turns into a white bird and dies as Tamuz' arrow hits it.

Arkadi fans his robes and whistles softly

<willows-ST> Gia takes a sharp breath. It is the Maiden of the Shelf.

Malic stands next to his tent to watch the archery display, studying the red-robed woman, not recognizing her.

Arkadi obviously has no clue who this chippy is

Malic decides against rousing Osprey, considering he'd looked like a guild plow slave after his match with Tamuz, and starts rummaging around in his Simhata's saddlebags for clean clothes.

<willows-ST> The two put down their bows and walk over to Malic and Arkadi when they notice that they have emerged.

Arkadi nods to them morning.'

<Malic> "Nice birds." Malic smiles charmingly at the woman in red and gives a respectful nod to Tamuz "and arrows."

<willows-ST> The head of the House of Battles astrological school nods quietly. Tamuz grunts a greeting, and gestures at the cookfire, where some men are taking meat off a spit.

Arkadi shrugs and makes himself at home, gettign himself some meat

<Arkadi> "So...what brings you here, boss?"

<willows-ST> She tears a strip of flesh off her own breakfast with her teeth and points at the southern sky. It is still dark enough to see the constellation of the Spear there, but it is unclear what she means by it.

<Malic> "What war god wouldn't want to shoot birds with the biggest, scarriest, oldest and most well known Lunar in the South?"

Malic thanks the men for his portion and chews on it with relish. MMmmm...tree-lion...

Arkadi fills his mouth with meat before he says something that he'll be made to regret

<Malic> "So, we should contact these other Elder Lunars and arrange some sort of big meeting with the Pact Elders so we can ask them real nice to help save the world..right?"

<willows-ST> Tamuz pauses to think.

<willows-ST> "It would be worth trying."

<Arkadi> " there soem way to keep them from killign us and eating su on first glance? Not be rude abotu them, but I have heard soem stories..."

<Malic> " we send a letter to all the Elder Lunars or go individually? I'd prefer to avoid being eaten too."

<willows-ST> "They would probably be a message delivered in person."

<willows-ST> The Maiden adds, "That whole 'nasty book-larnin' thing'."

Arkadi chuckles

<Malic> "I was planning to use small words anyway...but if we really do have to visit a bunch of cranky old Lunars, DO you have any tips for avoiding digestion?"

<Arkadi> "Don't bathe?"

<Malic> "I mean, after two of my circlemates got swallowed by a drunken Celestion Lion tripped by a bribed Sugar Goddess, I'm a bit paranoid. Lion was a nice chap though.."

<willows-ST> "I've found that cutting your way out of a stomach is a good way to stave off reingestion."

<willows-ST> "Alternatively, you could just have not been eaten."

<Malic> "Well, that'd be the ultimate goal."

Arkadi sure to check that he brought his boot knife with him

<willows-ST> "No, no, I mean the other way."

<Arkadi> "...oh, that way. I don't know that way, yet.

<Malic> "Oh...I don't rewrite history. It makes my head hurt like Jupiters eyes when she misplaces her glasses."

<willows-ST> "Mmm. Understandable."

<willows-ST> Tamuz raises an eyebrow.

<Arkadi> "I just don't like walking into a situation where an elbow to the throat won't get me out of..."

<willows-ST> "You Chosen of the Maidens are interesting people."

<Arkadi> "Hey, don't lump me in with him..."

<Arkadi> "I work for a living."

<Malic> "I work. When do I not work? I work hardern at my job then Venus does at chasing down pretty Southern Shepherds!"

<Arkadi> "Uh-huh, sure."

Arkadi pulls his cigarettes out of his robe

Arkadi offers one to the host and his guest

<willows-ST> The Maiden of the Shelf realizes that she left a question half-answered. "As I was saying, I'm just here to check up on a petition I set up for dear Tamuz." She squeezes one of his bulging arms. Her fingers don't reach all the way around it.

<Arkadi> "Petition?"

<willows-ST> "Watch." She takes aside one of the warriors, an unusually pale, lanky youth named Nabeel. He picks up a bow and shoots three arrows into a target.

<willows-ST> Then the Maiden blinndfolds him, and he shoots again. The shots are just as accurate as before.

<Arkadi> "...that's a nice trick."

<willows-ST> Somehow she manages to take a little bow without actually moving.

Arkadi shakes his head and chuckles

<Malic> "That's sort of impressive, pretty much."

Osprey emerges from his tent, shirtless and somewhat disheveled. He knuckles his eyes and looks around.

Arkadi can't resist makign a poke "Gia paid you a visit, I see."

<Malic> "Feeling better, Osprey? We were just deciding how best to visit the Lunar Elders and avoid being eaten."

<Osprey> The coolness of the look Osprey directs toward Arkadi is nicely contrasted by the heat of Gia's glare, hitting him from the opposite side.

<Malic> "I think we should send letters, but Tamuz says we need to actually be within eating range. So, there goes my plan."

Osprey nods, running a hand through his hair to smooth it back.

<Osprey> "Refusing to show one's face is not a sign of strength."

<Arkadi> "Oss is wanan connect with these folks, you gotta go in person."

<Arkadi> "Kind of like street gangs, actually."

Osprey gives a polite bow to the Maiden, acknowledging the elder's presence.

<Osprey> "To what do we owe such illustrious company?" he inquires.

<willows> She inclines her head in return.

<Malic> "Well you two have the advantage. Osprey's a barbarian and you're a Lookshy peacekeeper. All I ever did was innocent trading."

<willows> "Only a few favors," she replies, smiling as though she has a delicious secret.

Malic prods at Osprey's shoulder, testing the muscle for strain. "That still hurt?"

Osprey shrugs. "My fatigue was more of mind than of body."

<Arkadi> "A-men to that."

<Osprey> Seeing the red-robed woman's secretive look, Osprey cannot help but think of Gia and her fellow Chosen of Secrets.

<Osprey> He unconsciously glances in Gia's direction, then turns his attention back to Malic and Arkadi.

<Arkadi> "So I guess the major issue is...who first?"

<Arkadi> "I'm not to keen on knocking on Raksi's door."

<Arkadi> *too

<Osprey> Osprey's brow creases slightly. "When did we decide that there was need to deal with the entire Pact, instead of Tamuz only?"

<Malic> "When Tamuz said we should."

Osprey nods. "I see."

<Osprey> "I should not have slept so late."

<Osprey> He gathers his wits for a moment.

<willows> The Lunar ambles over to observe, "The reason I suggest this is that there is strength in numbers."

<Osprey> "If we must deal with the elders of the Silver Pact, we should not overlook the wisdom of one who was alive for its inception." Osprey nods politely toward Tamuz. "Surely you can offer us guidance on how to best prove ourselves to your brothers and sisters.

<Osprey> "

<willows> "The Pact is a complicated animal," Tamuz replies.

<willows> "They hold their rites and customs in very high esteem, though theydisparage such things in others."

<Malic> "That makes sense, as it is composed of a mangled mass of seething hatred, random instincts, assorted glories and valors and twisted traditions...sort of like Heaven, but with less buildings.."

<willows> The Maiden of the Shelf chuckles.

Osprey gives Tamuz an apologetic look.

<Arkadi> "You msut've met these folks in person...isn't there anythign we cna use to at least get them to listen to us?"

<willows> "You can become as they are--take their tests, wear their scars, speak with blood on your breat and your mind."

<willows> (breath)

<Malic> "Without challenging them to combat? I don't want to duel Ma-Ha-Suchi or Leviathan or Sheya of Shangrila."

<Osprey> "Which tests do you speak of?" asks Osprey.

<Arkadi> "Well, I do have the scars..."

<Malic> "But yours are just times you got stabbed and beaten. I assume theirs mean something."

<willows> "You have not lived until you have made Raksi cry 'uncle'."

Osprey blinks.

Arkadi looks at Tamuz "...marry me, you wicked savage."

<willows> "The Pact give a test to each Chosen of Luna who will accept it, to determine which of her faces they will wear."

<willows> "Someone who comes to them and demands this trial will recieve it without question."

Arkadi scratches his chin

Osprey folds his arms, glancing about to see his companions' reactions.

<Malic> "I don't think Luna likes me though. I keep getting these nasty memos from the assistant undersecretary of her office."

<willows> Tamuz swoons in Arkadi's arms, taking the shape of a lissome youth. "We cannot be together here, my father will not allow me to love another man."

<Arkadi> "'re scaring me, big T."

<Malic> "Of course, Luna probably hasn't been in her office since Venus was a virgin.."

<willows> He composes himself with a toothy grin.

Osprey watches the Lunar's display with a look of bemusement.

    • dissolvegirl ( has joined channel #ScrollAndSword

<willows> "At any rate, the Pact will at least listen to someone who submits to, and triumphs over, their ordeals."

Arkadi nods

<Arkadi> "Well, if this is how it's done. I'm game."

<Malic> "Should we be asking you to set us the ordeals? Or someone else? Or you and someone else? Or you while looking like someone else.."

    • dissolvegirl is now known as Gia

Arkadi ponders ...his field training for outdoor survival is rusty, he's gonna need to polish it up

<Malic> "Gia, stop staring at Osprey's chest and say something. Greens.."

Arkadi bites his tongue...he didn't say it this time...

Gia shoots Malic a dirty look. "I prefer not to speak unless I have something of import to add, whereas YOU prattle like a schoolgirl."

<willows> "I will raise the signal. At the next dark moon, a taker of trials will come to you. The trial will begin without warning. It will not last beyond the full moon."

<Malic> "Actually, I prattle like a drunkard."

<Gia> "Well, short and sweet, that's not so bad," Gia comments dryly.

<willows> Tamuz calls one of his warriors to him and has him write down a list of items, mainly herbs and plants that grow in the area. After checking the list, he sends the man off with it.

<Osprey> "Is there any advice which you can offer us, or does tradition prohibit it?" asks Osprey, thinking of the coming-of-age rituals of his tribe.

Arkadi sighs and takes a drag off his cigarette

<Malic> "Aren't a bunch of those dangerous hallucinogens that sell for about...thrice weight in silver on the Chiaroscuro market and double in Lap?"

<willows> "Do not die or compromise your personal honor."

<willows> "The finer cultivars are much more valuable than the wild strains, you'll find."

<Malic> "I know. I sold them when I couldn't find firedust or sungems from the nomads."

Osprey smiles slightly at Tamuz' "advice."

Gia makes a noncommital noise, thinking.

<willows> Shelf heads off to practice archery some more. She retrieves her Scripture of the Clay Maiden and sends it burning into the sky as she walks away.

<Gia> "This is going to be.. interesting."