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NPC Antagonist from Doom_Gaze's Beacons campaign in the far Western Wyld States.

Character Sheet

Name: Senescent Clepsydra Fed by Tainted Oceans
Age: 1000+ (♀)
Caste: Dusk
Nature: Critic
Anima: Dark spoked water-wheel
Concept: Fallen Beacon Guardian
XP Saved: 0
XP Total: 8
 Strength     [XXX..]     Charisma     [XX...](5)     Perception     [XXX..]
 Dexterity    [XXXXX]     Manipulation [XX...](5)     Intelligence   [XXX..]
 Stamina      [XXX..]     Appearance   [XXXX.]        Wits           [XXX..]
    Dawn                 Zenith               Twilight
Archery   [.....]   -Endurance  [XX...]    Craft          [.....]
Brawl     [XX...]   Perform     [.....]    Investigation  [.....]
M.Arts    [.....]   -Presence   [XXX..]    -Lore          [XXX..]
Melee     [XXXXX]   Resistance  [XX...]    Medicine       [.....]
Thrown    [.....]   Survival    [.....]    -Occult        [XXXX.]
    Night                Eclipse
-Athletics [XXX..]   Bureaucracy [.....]
Awareness  [XX...]   Linguistics [.....]
Dodge      [XX...]   Ride        [.....]
Larceny    [.....]   Sail        [.....]
Stealth    [.....]   Socialize   [.....]
Specialities:  Melee (when wielding Dire Lance +2)
Flaws:  Doom Gaze's Loyal Puppet aka DM Story NPC (+7 points)
Virtues and Essence :
 Compassion    [X....](1)       Temperance   [XX...](2)
 Valor         [XXX..](3)       Conviction   [XXX..](3) 
 Willpower     [XXXXXX....] (6)
 Resonance     [>>>.......]
 Essence       [XXXXX]    Personal: 21/21     Peripheral: 38/38(50)     Committed: 12
Backgrounds:   (Loyal Deathknight)
 Artifact      [XXX..]   Well equipped. Artifacts total 7, no higher than 4.
 Liege         [XXX..]   Loyal retainer. +6 BP.
 Manse         [XXX..]   Still controls own Beacon manse with Solar alignment.
 Necromancy    [XXX..]   Trained death-mage. 3 Shadowlands Circle spells.
 Whispers      [X....]   Hear faint voices. Roll Perc+Whispers to use in place of untrained Ability.
(Melee 1)
Furious Blade                             Supp,Inst,1m/die: Add to Melee attack. (no +double)
Slashing Ghost Talon                      Supp,Inst,1m: Regain 1m/HL, plus soulsteel mote drain.
Crimson Banquet Method                    Simp,Scene,5m,1wp: As SGT. Regain up to Ess+Lore/turn.
(Melee 3)
Elegant Flowing Deflection                Supp,Inst,1m/2dice: Add to Parry attempt. (no +double)
Fluttering Moth Defense                   Refl,Inst,2m: Parry attack aware of with full pool.
Hundred Razor Circle                      Refl,Turn,5m: Attack in 3yd radius. Block ranged dif 4.
Incomparable Sentinel Stance              Refl,Inst,3m,1wp: Perfect defense.
Eye of the Tempest                        Refl,Scene,5m,1wp: Auto parry all attacks @ full pool.
Ox Body Technique #1                      Permanent: Additional -1,-2,-2 health levels.
Ox Body Technique #2                      Permanent: Additional -1,-2,-2 health levels.
Elegant Tyrant's Majesty                  Supp,Hour,6m: Add Ess to Presence,Social,Bureau rolls.
Crypt Bolt                                Simp,Inst,1m/2L: Essx10 yd attack @ Dex+Ath+Ess,
                                             up to Stam+Lore. Aggro vs Fair Folk. Wither objects.
Shadowlands Circle Necromancy             Simp,Inst,1wp+cost: As spell.
-Piercing The Shroud (10m) - Cut the air & open a gateway into the Labyrinth for Ess turns.
-Flesh-Sloughing Wave (16m) - All within Essx5 yds of caster suffer (Ess+Occ)x2 in L dmg.
-Shattered Void Mirror (20m) - Deal 2x target's own HLs in L dmg & lose 2x own Ess in motes.
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery                Simp,Inst,1wp+cost: As spell.
-Various free spells. Some I've used: Silent Words of Dreams & Nightmares, Sprouting Shackles of
 Doom, Written Upon the Water, Mists of Eventide, ...
Celestial Circle Sorcery                  Simp,Inst,2wp+cost: As spell.
-Various free spells. Some I've used: Demon of the 2nd Circle, ...
Weapon: Soulsteel Dire Lance (Art 2, Com 5m) - Spd +12, Acc +2, Dmg +9L, Def +3, Rate 3.
-When Abyssal attuned, Acc +3 & drain Ess motes on hit.
*Hearthstone: Gem of Grace (Solar 3, Creation Manse) - Add 3 dice to Charisma & Manipulation.
Armor: Soulsteel Reinforced Breastplate (Art 3, com 4m) - Soak 10L/9B(Abys 12L/11B), Mob -1, Fat 1.
Armor: Shield Bracer (Art 2, com 3m) - Melee attack diff -1, ranged attack diff -2

Health Levels
-0 [.]
-1 [....]
-2 [......]
-4 [.]

Quick & dirty Power Combat

Soulsteel Dire Lance: Spd 20, Acc 15, Dmg 12L, Def 15, Rate 3.
Dodge Pool: 12 (5 dex, 2 dodge, 5 ess)
Total Soak: 13L/14B (1L/3B natural, 7L/8B vs piercing)

XP Usage Log

Endure Charm (OBT#2)  8

Image Gallery

  • Image 1 - Clepsydra, in all her Abyssal Exalted glory. Drawn by Mia.
  • Image 2 - First Age Coralin, the young Dawn guardian.