SRNissen/SrN Dodge-FlowingWaterAssault

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Flowing Water Assault

Cost: 3 motes
Duration: Instant
Type: Supplemental
Dodge: 1
Essence: 1
Prerequisite Charms: None

Flavour: As this Charm is activated, the Solar gets a vision of his opponents most optimal paths of escape. Understanding which way his opponent will most likely move, Flowing Water Assault allows the Solar to bar all paths of escape with motes of Essence, causing his opponent to move quicker towards the Solars own weapon.

Mechanics: When making a hand-to-hand attack with any ability, you may activate Flowing Water Assault to add your [Dodge] dice to the attack. These count against the normal roof on dice added to any roll by Charms.

Flowing Water Assault may explicitly be put in a Combo with Charms from other Abilities.

The modified dodge tree can be found here
