Salt Lotus/Zenith-3

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By MunificentPerception Back to: /Dawn-3


Under the noon sun, Holvic Kagi was surprised to see several former brides of Ahlat at the western entrance to Great Forks. Though it had been over a generation since the Kagi mercenaries had arrived in the Scavenger Lands, its members and their family still spoke Fire Tongue in private, and Holvic was perfectly capable of reading the syllabary script embroidered on the female warriors’ cloaks.

As rare as former brides might be so far from their distant native kingdom and tribes, Holvic and these veterans were not only southern-blooded waiting for admission — dark hair and olive, bronze and black skin could be seen here and there in the crowd. The Blessed Isle might be Creation’s heart, but Land of Many Rivers was its crossroads, and this showed in the varied features of its inhabitants and visitors. There were several individuals who clearly bore fae blood within their veins, leaving Holvic to wonder how their mortal ancestors had escaped with minds and souls intact after breeding with the mad children of the Wyld. Tribesmen from the jungles of the far East waited in line alongside civilized folk, and green-haired Haltans accompanied wagon cages filled with the unusual beasts they had bred. As for the natives of the city, they were of a mixed breed. Holvic knew from both discussion and reading that the inhabitants of Great Forks had once been three separate peoples, each of which had arrived here led by one of the three deities that now jointly ruled the city.

The former brides looked travel worn but sharp eyed as they waited their turn in line to speak with the thunderbirds who guarded the gate. The powerful elementals, half of who carried out their duties wearing the shapes of men, appeared to be asking only the most cursory questions of those who sought entrance to the city.

Holvic bided his time astride his horse, and when his turn came, he explained the that he was a master come to give instruction in the way of the sword to those who sought such lessons. The material spirit demanded only a token payment before allowing Holvic to enter. Once inside, the Zenith priest was assailed by the cries of sellers hawking charms, potions and talismans. Others called out the locations of hostels, bathhouses and gymnasiums, advising pilgrims and petitioners not to visit the temples of the city unpurified. The former brides apparently chose to heed such a call, as they elected to turn off the main avenue in favor of a public bath. Holvic chose a small hostel with a blossoming cherry tree in its tranquil courtyard. The omens that had led him to the city had been general. Now was the time for meditation and prayer, and if more specific signs were not forthcoming he would rely on his wits. He was not a man given to much philosophical discourse, but he was patient. In time he would discover why he had been called to this place.

That evening, a vision came to him.

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This is a work of fan fiction set in White Wolf’s Exalted fantasy setting and is no way meant to challenge White Wolf’s copy rights or trademarks. The characters Joyous Gift, Mirror Flag, Ribbons of Sorrow, Shield of a Different Day, Spinner of Glorious Tales and Weaver of Dreams of Victory, as well as the city Great Forks are trademarked White Wolf Property.