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Solar Presence Charms by BillGarrett

Invocation of Legend Stance

 Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower
 Duration: One scene
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Presence: 5
 Minimum Essence: 3
 Prerequisite Charms: Majestic Radiant Presence

Through the use of this Charm, the Solar conjures to memory legends and tales of olden times in the minds of those around her. In the eyes of those observing her, she becomes a legendary figure, either personally responsible for or in some way connected to great deeds in history, and her audience cannot help but acknowledge her heroic destiny. The Solar may reduce the difficulty of any Performance, Presence, or Socialize roll to 1, no matter what factors may have influenced it - even Immaculate monks and the dedicated soldiers of the Wyld Hunt must lay down their prejudices for a time to listen to what the character says. This power does not work on beings whose Essence exceeds the Solar's. Observers may expend a point of Willpower in order to resist the allure of this Charm for a short time, but it will reassert itself in their minds if they do not either depart the area or continue to spend Willpower.

Cloud Shields Sun Technique

 Cost: 5 motes
 Duration: One day
 Type: Simple
 Minimum Presence: 4
 Minimum Essence: 1
 Prerequisite Charms: Harmonious Presence Meditation

The character grows not more impressive, but less. In fact, she uses her mastery of gesture, nuance, posture and position to seem to become a nobody, merely the "social shadow" of another character. The Solar must choose another character (or a group of characters with a single identity, such as a troupe of actors) to accompany as a subordinate or traveling companion, and this other character must be cooperative with the proposed relationship. Thereafter, the character becomes socially unnoticeable - attention shifts from her to the chosen companion, and if she is remarked at all, it will be in terms of her target - "Lord Darkon's valet" or "the mime in the Seven Lords Show". Attempts to study, learn about, or engage the character socially are treated as opposed rolls, using the Solar's own Manipulation + Presence dice pool. If the Solar scores as many or more successes, the other party finds nothing further interesting about her.

This Charm provides no benefit to Stealth or Larceny; the character is no less physically noticeable than before. While she may be allowed to accompany her companion into guarded fortresses and hidden sanctums, the fact of her presence will be noted, and the use of this Charm does not allow her to appear to be something she is not (such as a guard).
