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Revision as of 20:18, 5 November 2005 by FluffySquirrel (talk) (Added my presence charm)
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My presence charms, wanted one that didn't make my solar look scary or terrifying or some such, so came up with this version of the abyssal irresistible succubus style.

Immaculate Saint Style</b>

<b>Cost: 8 motes
Duration: Scene 
Type:  Simple 
Min. Presence: 5
Min Essence: 3
Prereqs: Harmonious Presence Meditation

Immaculate Saint Style brings forth the perfection of the solar, making him a shining example of all that is good and right. Astute viewers may notice a faint halo of sunlight over his brow, but they will not think anything amiss of this. While this charm is in effect, the character will simply look perfect, adding their permanent essence to their appearance. This is a natural effect and cannot be pierced by magic or charms.
Also, this will make people simply believe that the solar is deserving of their aid, due to being so nice. Everyone who sees the solar must make a compassion roll. If they fail, they see the character as a nice and shining example of a good person, but feel no obligation to them. If they botch, they see through the effect completely, seeing that the character is clearly using a supernatural effect on them. On a success however, the person will be inclined to help the solar, though they will no go hugely out of their way to do this, if they get 2 or more successes however, they will clearly see the exalted as one of the (if not The) nicest person in the world, and they will be willing to go to great lengths to help the solar, this is a supernatural effect.
This aura has no effect on characters with an essence higher than the solar, nor does it affect the fair folk. It also will not work on characters currently in combat with the solar or his companions, and any attempt to attack someone who is under the effects of the charm, will break them free of it immediately, although it will not release it’s hold on others.