Lessons in the Blood
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Intelligence: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: None
Within a Lunar's Essence lie all those she has taken form of. A crimson pond within her soul, where the form, the knowledge, the understanding of what makes her fallen foe exist can be turned into their form. From this pond, there are many things the Lunar can draw, besides their shape, when she learns how. This Charm draws upon the memory of their skills, and creates a ‘floating’ ability dot which the Lunar can allocate to any ability one of the forms in his Blood Library possessed and he does not possess even a single dot of. The ‘floating’ ability dot may not be raised through training, but it does count as having a tutor for the Lunar to purchase his first dot in this ability. The Lunar may assign the floating dot to a different ability at the beginning of each scene.
This Charm may be bought more than once; The second time it is purchased, the Lunar receives two floating ability dots, which work in the same way as above, and may not be put both in the same ability(however, Linguistics and Craft are exceptions; They can give the Lunar two languages or two new crafts). The third time it is purchased, the Lunar becomes able to pay 1 willpower to draw upon the full rating of the prey’s ability, but it burns the knowledge out in the process; The Lunar loses this ability, and may never call upon it again with any iteration of Lessons in Blood. Every time this Charm is purchased, its requirements increase by one.
Red Memory Mirror
Cost: 3 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Intelligence: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Lessons in Blood
With Red Memory Mirror, the Lunar is able to draw more from the pond than simple glimpses of learning… they are able to draw what the prey’s body was best suited to, their specialized knowledge. With Red Memory Mirror, the Lunar is able to draw upon the Specialties of the forms within his Heart's Blood forms. He can never use more than one at a time in a single task, but can drawn on many by activating this Charm more than once, and those specialties can be used with normal specialties, not counting against the usual specialty limit, or against the limit of dice that can be added by Charms.
A Fair Folk's Surpassing Excellence and an Animal's Excellence Mutations do count for the purposes of this Charm. Moreover, some specialties on beasts are silent, but can be rescued with this Charm. Such as an Spider's ability to weave, or a Lioness' ability to hunt in a pack, usually too subtle for the Heart's Blood, but able to be used with this Charm. Those are always specialties at the +2, and the Lunar may rescue them by paying 1 experience point per such specialty he learns from a form he has the Heart's Blood of. He will instantly receive this specialty when in the Heart's Blood form as well, without needing to pay for this Charm then.
Memories Not Our Own
Cost: 8 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Intelligence: 4
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Lessons in Blood
Walking deeper into the pond within his soul, the Lunar can see reflections of a life not her own. Secrets, names, memories, desires... there is much the Lunar can draw from this. Walking within, the Lunar pays for this Charm and rolls her Wits+Investigation, with a difficulty equal to the Essence score of the being she seeks to get the reflections from, and getting more information depending on her margin of success. One Success allow the Lunar to remember everyday names and facts from his prey's life. Three successes allow the Lunar to remember important desires, names and all important moments and facts of his prey's life. Five successes allow the Lunar access to most of his secrets and countless menial details of his prey's life. Ten or more successes unlock repressed memories even the prey may not be aware of, and even gives hints of stolen memories.
A botch makes the prey's personality take over the Lunar for a Scene. The Lunar may make roll a virtue whenever the prey does something that the Lunar's virtues are contrary against (Conviction if the prey tries to dissolve his accomplishments or kill the Lunar, Compassion if the prey tries to hurt his loved ones, Temperance if the prey gives in to horrible vices, and Valor if the prey is staining his reputation), and manages to wrestle control when he accumulates as many successes as his prey's Essence.