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One as Many

Pack of One Meditation
Cost: 6 motes, 1+ Health Levels
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Wits: 3
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: Ascendant Wits
Within the Lunar, there are untold number of shapes. By pouring her own blood, a Lunar can create another shape from herself, as any of the shapes she can assume, one of the forms in her Blood Library, giving it a number of her own Health Levels. This new shape is like the Lunar, and acts like her, and the Lunar can sense with its senses, and act with the Lunar’s attributes changed by the shape’s mutations. However, the Lunar cannot use his magic through this Shape. The shape only has the Health Levels the Lunar has given it, and may move as far away from the Lunar as the Lunar wishes.

Awakening Blood Echoes
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Instant
Type: Simple
Minimum Wits: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: Pack of One Meditation
Drawing the knowledge and instinct from within her soul, a Lunar can awaken a shape she has separated from herself with the use of Pack of One Meditation, giving it sentience and life of its own. Using Awakening Blood Echoes, the shape created will possses all the Attributes and Abilities it used to instead of the Lunar’s, and a facsimile of its own identity as the Lunar understood it. It is independent and can sue its own Willpower and Virtues, but always has Essence 1. The Lunar’s senses are disconnected from the awakened Shape, but it is deferent to the Lunar, needing to spend 1 willpower to act against its creator’s wishes, and 2 for every action that is actively against the her.

The awakened shape lasts as long as Pack of One Meditation does, but the Lunar may pay 1 experience point(2 for the shapes of Raksha, Behemoths, and other unusual beings) to make it permanent, lasting longer than that. The health levels committed with Pack of One Meditation are decommitted when Awakening is used.

A Pack of Moons Prana
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 Health Level
Duration: One Scene
Type: Extra Actions
Minimum Wits: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Pack of One Meditation
In a whirl of its own shape, the Lunar splits herself into a number of bodies equal to her Essence. Each such body has all of the Lunar's traits, but her Health Levels are divided evenly between her forms(with any excess being lost), and each must be targeted by and defend against attacks separately. Each one acts independently, giving the Lunar a number of actions every turn equal to her Permanent Essence, each taken by a different body. Those follow all the rules of Extra Actions, and the Lunar may not benefit from them if she splits her pool or uses any sort of Extra Action Charm.

The Lunar must change all the shapes at once, and taking a Shapeshifting Action takes the turn of all the forms(unless Charms make it reflexive). Once one of the bodies is destroyed(taking a number of health levels equal to the Lunar's total divided by his Essence), the Lunar loses one of the Extra Actions and loses one dot of Essence, preventing her from acessing Charms greater than her current Essence level, and lowering the effect of various other powers. Her Essence pool is unchanged however. The actions of the Lunar are too unpredictable while he moves so, giving her opponents a penalty to all defenses equal to half the Lunar's Wits(rounded down).

If used with smaller animals, the Lunar splits into groups, although the number of actions remains the same, being equal to the Lunar's Essence. Small groups number at two times her Essence, and Tiny groups number at four times her Essence, giving a penalty to defend against her equal to her full Wits score. Finally, Minuscule groups number at ten times her Essence, with a penalty equal to her Wits+Essence. Used in this way, it is called Terrifying Swarm of Moons. Groups are attacked as a single entity, and defend as a single entity.

If used with greater forms, the Lunar receives one less body, and one action is taken off the ammount for greater size - one less with Large, two less with Huge, and three less with Giant. Those do not change how many actions the Lunar actually performs, though, only the number of animals in the pack. This Charm is a Rage and may be activated in tandem with Relentless Lunatic Fury for the cost of 4 motes, splitting the Lunar into many for the Fury's duration and giving the penalty to defend against the Lunar's actions, but giving no Extra Actions.

Twin Shards Technique
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower, 1 Health Level
Duration: One Scene
Type: Independent Actions
Minimum Wits: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisite Charms: A Pack of Moons Prana.
The Lunar's flesh becomes mercurian as Moonsilver... and like a second trunk sprouting halfway through a tree, bones and limbs begin to grow out of him, splitting into a Moon-bright copy of the Lunar's current shape, acting and striking as one with the Lunar! The Lunar's Health Levels are split between his own and his copy's, but both spend from the same Essence, Willpower and Virtues - two bodies, one soul. The net effect is that the Lunar possesses an Indenpendent Action for the remainder of the scene, but can do things like clinch two targets simultaneously or go in two different directions in one turn.

Neither body may stray farther than(The Lunar's Essence x100) yards from one another. Each body shares their senses completely, and when one dies, the Lunar is simply assumed to have lost the ammount of Health Levels that was in it, which then regenerate normally. The Lunar may change his Shape on each body normally, being a mammoth and an ant at once, or even serving as his own mount. As the Charm ends, one of the bodies remains, the other dissolves into moonlight - the Lunar chooses which is which.

Moon's Many Faces Method
Cost: 15 motes, 1 willpower, 1 Health Level
Duration: One Scene
Type: Independent Actions
Minimum Wits: 6
Minimum Essence: 6
Prerequisite Charms: Twin Shards Technique.
The Lunar's caste mark begins to rotate quickly, passing through various cycles of the Moon, and soon, that spreads over to his whole body, shifting between shadow and light... and many of those different cycles, different shapes begin to walk walk out of the Shadows and Light that are the Lunar's body, until it is no more, and only the different shapes remain. A number equal to half the Lunar's Essence(rounding up), looking exactly like the Lunar's current form or any other of his True Shapes. The Lunar's Health Levels are split between all the bodies, but all spend from the same Essence, Willpower and Virtues - many bodies, one soul. The net effect is that the Lunar possesses a number of Indenpendent Actions equal to his bodies for the remainder of the scene, but can do things like clinch many targets simultaneously or go in many different directions in one turn.

Neither body may stray farther than(The Lunar's Essence x100) yards from one another. Each body shares their senses completely, and when one dies, the Lunar is simply assumed to have lost the ammount of Health Levels that was in it, which then regenerate normally. The Lunar may change his Shape on each body normally, being a mammoth and an ant at once, or even serving as his own mount. As the Charm ends, one of the bodies remains, the other dissolves into moonlight - the Lunar chooses which is which.