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Illusion Mastery

Master the Quicksilver Veils
Cost: 10 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: One Scene
Type: Simple
Minimum Manipulation: 5
Minimum Essence: 3
Prerequisite Charms: A World of Deceit, Holding to Lost Things, Play of Quicksilver Masks, Silver Eyes of Reality
Mastering all Principles of illusion, the Lunar opens his palms... and each blossoms a thousand veils of Moonlight. Those disappear, ready to be used by the Lunar at any moment during the scene by taking a dice action and rolling his Manipulation+Performance. With this, the Lunar may create any sort of illusion, over objects or people. Onlookers react to those illusions as they would to A World of Deceit, rolling their Wits+Awareness against the Lunar's succcesses, or spending willpower when that fails(but only when it brings them to direct danger). The Lunar may create any illusion as long as it is no grander than (His Essence x20) yards.

He may specifically make an illusion that hinders as many targets as can fall within it, and deals them a penalty to a single type of roll equal to the Lunar's Essence, but those allow them to roll more than once, able to roll every turn, accumulating their successes until the illusion is broken. Illusions that deal such direct penalties do not stack with themselves, simply creating a new illusion in the place of the old.

Stable Moonlight Masterpieces
Cost: 3 motes, 1 willpower
Duration: Indefinite
Type: Simple
Minimum Manipulation: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Master the Quicksilver Veils
Sometimes, the Lunar wishes to mantain one of his works for longer. To keep a farse for longer, to keep one's guise in existence, to leave a masterpiece of smoke and mirrors for all to see. To extend the illusion's life, the Lunar must touch to illusion and roll Intelligence+Craft(Glamour) with an standard difficulty. If the roll is successful, the illusion will last for as long as he mantains the motes committed with this Charm.

Hiding Mountains Practice
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Manipulation: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Master the Quicksilver Veils
Some Lunars simply need their illusions to be... greater. This Charm enhances Master the Quicksilver Veils, and enables the Lunar with it to create illusions so grand they affect great palaces, mountains, forests and cities. Every time this Charm is purchased, the area of Master the Quicksilver Veils doubles. The Lunar may not buy this Charm more times than his Permanent Essence.

Terrible Lunar Hallucinations
Cost: None
Duration: Permanent
Type: Special
Minimum Manipulation: 4
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Ascendant Manipulation
With a whisper and a touch to another's forehead, the Lunar pulls a veil of illusion over their eyes... and from then on, their world shifts under the Lunar's whims. With this Charm, the Lunar may pay motes equal to the Essence of a single character to make illusions that only affect their senses for as long as those motes remain committed. The Lunar may use any of his illusion Charms in this way, affecting only the senses of that single character, likely making them seem like lunatics to those observing their behavior as they react to unseen wonders!