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Name: Son of the Blazing Noon Nature: Martyr Anima: Large Eye with flames surrounding it.


Str 2 Cha 4 Per 3 Dex 3 Man 3 Int 3 Sta 3 App 4 Wit 3


  • Martial Arts 2

Melee 2

  • Endurance 2
  • Performance 3
  • Presence 3
  • Resistance 1
  • Survival 1

Investigation 2

Lore 2

Medicine 1

  • Occult 1
  • Awareness 3 (no sight)
  • Bureaucracy 2
  • Linguistics 3 (Old Realm native, TBA, TBA)


Resources 3

Artifact 3 (Death Shield Ring pg. 80 of Zenith book)

Mentor 1


  • Ox Body Technique
  • Armored Scout’s Technique
  • Respect Commanding Attitude
  • Unruly Mob Dispersing Rebuke
  • Fury Inciting Presence
  • Harmonious Presence Meditation

Listener Swaying Argument

  • Durability of Oak Meditation

Body Mending Meditation

Sensory Acuity Prana


Acute Sense – Hearing


Total Blindness (removed 1 bonus point)

Willpower - 6


Compassion 3

Temprence 2

Conviction 2

Valor 2

Essence 2

Personal – 12

Peripheral – 29

Weapons: Staff

Armor: Buff Jacket

Limit Break: Smothering Overprotection

The character is overcome with concern for the well-being of her friends and loved ones. When her limit breaks, she will do everything she possibly can to make sure that these people remain safe. If the limit break occurs in combat, the character will devote all her efforts to trying to keep her friend unhurt and out of the fight, probably by hurling herself bodily in front of any attacks aimed at that person, and trying to push them to safety. Outside of combat, the limit break lasts for a number of days equal to the character's Compassion, and will involve her treating her friend like a particularly inept and accident-prone child. She will refuse to let the person attempt anything remotely strenuous or "dangerous," and may become very angry if her friend tries to escape her.

Trigger: Someone the character cares for is injured or suffers because of their own actions, or because the character failed to protect them.

  • A fitting name.

Son of the Blazing Noon

  • A small background of what kind of life your character lived before exaltation.

Son grew up among scholars, his father was a professor of great renowned, his mother specialized in the arts of interaction, or what you might call socializing. They both had great plans for him as he grew into adulthood; he was to be one who would rule creation. To know the ins and outs of the ever changing political landscape, his name fit for they saw good change in his future. He was tutored by the best, and favors were made to have it so. When Son exalted to a solar his life changed even more so, for the better of course! He wasn’t so sure he liked his rapid rise to god hood, but this is what the world had for him. There was of course one teacher that always refused his parents pleas, in private the teacher saw promise in the child, but the time wasn’t right. One day in the course of evens however, this teacher needed a favor. His parents were delighted to oblige, for a small price.

  • At least and idea of how they exalted.

A bead of sweat touched Son’s brow as his hands started to melt, or course he was just sweating profusely. He much rather would have melted then have to be here in the spotlight in front of all his peers, teachers, and family. His throat was dry; this speech would determine the rest of his life. The wrong word could cost him and his family millions in favors and coin. “I…uh…” He couldn’t get the words to cross his lips, “if only he was of the chosen” he thought. Then he would be able to dazzle the crowd much like that of his classmates. He was about to burst out of the room, surely death would be a better choice. “If you will excuse me for a moment, I just need a sip of water…” Son dipped down underneath the podium. A gasp from the crowd was heard, the pressure was too much. He slowly reached into his pocket, there was his answer. It was simple, “take a sip, and enjoy the trip”. His parents for too long had pushed him to his breaking point, they wouldn’t push him again. He slipped off the cork and it happened as the liquid flowed down his throat. He felt the warmth of the sun coming in from the window, it gave him strength. There was a bright glow underneath the podium that caused even a greater gasp then before. Son raised himself up and began to speak like no man had before. Every patron was attached to his words, every point an illustration was clear as the waters of heaven. As he finished the crowd stood in thunderous applause at what been on of the most amazing events in the schools history. Not only did this young lad win the scholarship, but he had gained favor with the Unconquerable Sun. There however, was a consequence, while his Exaltation did fend off the deathly effects of the poison; it was not able to stop it from blinding him. While his speech was eloquent and he one the prize, his blindness haunted him, no matter how much he was praised. It truly was a moment of weakness that would soon be a thorn in his side.

• Why they were chosen to be 'saved' by their teacher?

“One day in the course of evens however, this teacher needed a favor. His parents were delighted to oblige, for a small price.”

  • A small description of the character.

A comely man, Son is rather tall compared to those of creation. He had quite an elegant stride to him being brought up in the halls of politics and parties. He was quite the catch until the blindness in fact. His eyes carried a blackness that would give shivers to the heartiest of town guards. This being so, he often has a white silken cloth that covers what he wishes to hide. His dark brown hair comes to his shoulders and is often in a pony tail. However when he grows tired of his white cloth, he does let it come down to better hide his eyes. His clothes are that of a diplomat but his affinity for horses allows him to quickly become the farm boy without much of a fuss. One would call his overall look comforting. Someone you would trust, of course the eyes always tend to push away those who might otherwise enjoy his company. His build is much like of a swimmer, lean and well muscled, but nothing to fear in battle.