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Nel - Night Caste
Her life doesn't get interesting until she turned 14. That was the year she discovered boys and became slightly socialble. She was invited to a dance durring calibration. This was to be her first large gathering that she was attending, and she was excited. She was wearing her best dress, her mother's jewlery, and was going on the arm of a very influencial dragon blooded scion. Things could not have been better for her.

She, however, did not make it to the party. She and her date were attacked on the street, her date was not enough to fight them off and at the time Nel wasn't skilled at protecting herself. The attackers took her mother's jewlery, her purity, and their carelessness also took her eyesight. Though her wounds would heal, she was no longer worth marrage. She was damaged goods.

With her good name soiled, she took to exile. On the streets, or occasionally in a temple on cold nights, she adapted. After healing her phisical damage, she came to accept that she was blind, but she was far from useless. She found strength in a world she could no longer see. It took years but she came to rely upon her other senses to get around. Still living on the streets and slowly starving to death, she began to con people out of money or goods. She never became super at this. What she excelled at was not being seen. She learned how to sneak around, listen and keep out of the way. She never realized these were useful skills to be had.

Years passed and she only got better at it. She would steal only enough to survive, and everything else she got from being someone's ears. Or just being ears where there ought be none. It's amazing what people will say or do when they think no one is listening. That too, was her downfall. She overheard a most dangerous plot to kill someone important so their spouse could make good on their death. This trechery didn't especially surprize her, it happened all the time. But the person who was about to be killed was Miojuian, her doctor and friend that she had known for years now. She wasn't about to let it happen, so she snuck off to warn him. She was unfortunately noticed. This is when she exalted. They caught her while she was still dazed, she was an eazy target then. They interogated her, she played the pity card. Stating a poor blind girl is of no harm to them or their operations, they affirmed this and released her. She swiftly snuck off into the night, not needing her sight she could stick to shadows easily and go places where people needed light to see five feet ahead of them. She only barely made it to save her friend's life. But together they dispatched the assassins, and their bond only grew. She found it hard to explain what she had become. She wasn't sure how Miojuian would take it, so she kept quiet. The surpizing thing was Miojuian hired Nel to kill his greedy wife, something she was more than happy to do...

Just after exalting, she felt she must go north. She traveled pretty far on her onw. She eventually found what she came for. It was something she couldn't explain, something was burried, a timeless box lay just beneith the earth. Uncovering it she discovered a blindfold. She didn't feel is was anything special until she tried it out. It allowed her to see again! Nothing had decernable color, but she could see shape. Now she lives a comfortable life as she always had. She lives occasionally in the protection of Miojuian, especially when she is hurt. He uses his expert medicinal knowledge to bandage her up, and is amazed she heals so quickly.

Nel is a little girl, she is in her mid twenties now, but her frame is still that of a teenager. Her hair she keeps simple, letting it frame her face. Her eyes were once blue but have glossed over with obvious eerie white cataracts. She occasionally keeps them covered with a sash of silk that is white trimmed with gold.
Her attire is that of any common folk of the river provinces. She aims to dress simply. Most of her clothing is various shades of blue, showing she had some status among her people, but the color had faded from most of the garments. All of her clothing is slightly loose and is well suited to move around and work in.

The reason she keeps going is only because others have told her she can't. She refuses to let her handicap keep her down. She's a very stubborn person and will not be told if she can or can not do anything.

Her other motovator is Miojuian.
Miojuian is not a wealthy man, especially since most of his treatments are free. Nel commonly uses her skills to land some money and the conviently 'leaves' it at his place from time to time.
