Flow Like Light
Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Minimum Dodge: 5 Minimum Essence: 4 Prerequisite Charms: Flow Like Blood
Building upon his earlier mastery the solar suffuses his frame with greater amounts of essence, letting herself attain the density of light. This permits a solar to perfectly dodge any attack that he is aware of. This charm will dodge undodgeable attacks, but does not work against things like being talked at, failing a test, or other such things people try to bend rules for. Furthermore a solar can buy additional perfect dodges during the turn she has activated this charm for 2 motes. If she buys more dodges then her permanent essence, she can take no more offensive actions that turn, as her body is too much light instead of substance to harm others. If you have allready attacked in the turn and you use this charm you may not buy more dodges then your permanent essence.