
From Exalted - Unofficial Wiki
Revision as of 18:06, 18 October 2005 by DualMegami (talk) (Working on finalizing my Lunar revisions. Pact Lunars part done. I need to fix more things when I have E:tL in front of me.)
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At the end of the First Age, the Lunars were forced out into the Wyld, where the warping chaotic energies caused them to lose three of their Castes and many of their former powers. All was not lost, for the brilliant, savage minds of the No Moon sages found a way to alter their Essences so that the Lunars would not die out. They are beasts designed for survival, after all. In the backs of their minds, these Lunars remembered the insanity and treachery of their former Solar lovers and partners as well as the heinous atrocities committed by the Chosen of the Maidens and Dragons. This, the Elders told the new Exalts, is what happens when you live in Civilization. Weakness. Madness. Depravity.
Lunars are the only surving Exalt type to maintain their purity of power! The Chosen of the Maidens have hidden themselves away. The Chosen of the Dragons have become drunk and weak on their power and the Chosen of the Sun are dead and gone. As Lunar Exalts, we must continue to deny civilization--even destroy it, so that we may not become weak and mad as our Cousins in Exaltation have.
The Silver Pact actively seeks out new Exalts and places them through a series of rough trials, forcing the cub to adapt and survive. Once the Exalt has completed these trials, he is tattooed by the No Moons and placed into his Caste. The now-tattooed Exalt seeks his Totem animal--a symbol of his inner beast. This animal should be sacred to the Exalt and his Tell should not be changed under any circumstances. The Silver Way is maintained as it was written in E:tL.
Because the Pact takes some time to train their new Exalts, Pact Lunars recieve 10 background points, and one free dot of Face
Pact Lunars begin with Finding the Spirit's Shape, and two ranks in their respective Beastman Tranformations. Full Moons recieve Body Weapon Technique. Changing Moons recieve Humble Mouse Form. No Moons recieve either Spirit Sensing Glance or Sense-Heightening Method. No Moons of the Pact may opt to forego a rank of DBT or Spirit Sensing Glance or Sense-Heightening Method for Terrestrial Circle Sorcery. However, the Lunar must meet the requirements for Terrestrial Circle in order to take it. This is applicable to No Moons only. The Pact does not feel a need to teach the other Castes Sorcery.

Character generation:

  • Attributes: 9/7/5
  • 3 Caste, 3 favored (any 3)
  • Abilities: 3 favored and Survival
  • 10 backgrounds
  • 15 bonus (plus one free dot of Face)
  • 8 Charms
Full Moon- One Free Rank of DBT and Body Weapon Technique
Changing Moon- One Free Rank of MBT and Humble Mouse Form.
No Moon- One Free Rank of WBT and either Spirit Sensing Glance ORSense Heightening Method. ORforego any of the above for Terrestrial Circle Sorcery.