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Five Pillars of Understanding Wisdom

Ragara Miln is an Immaculate Monk, Earth Aspected, of Low Breeding, but strong convictions, who has chosen the Path of Dan'ad, despite the difficulties. Or so he appears. Five Pillars story is much more complicated than that, of course ...

Name:    Five Pillars of Understanding Wisdom (♂)
Caste:   Twilight
Nature:  Judge
Anima:   Five Pillars, one of each of the Magical Materials
Concept: Conflicted Immaculate
XP Left/Total: 06/45


Strength  ••ooo   Charisma     ••ooo   Perception   •••oo
Dexterity •••••   Manipulation •••oo   Intelligence •••oo
Stamina   •••••   Appearance   ••ooo   Wits         •••oo


    (Caste)                   (Favored)                (Other)
Craft         [XXX..]     Athletics    [XX...]     Larceny      [X....]
Investigation [X....]     Dodge        [XXX..]     Linguistics  [XX...]
Lore          [XXX..]     Endurance    [XX...]     
Medicine      [X....]     Martial Arts [XXXXX]     
Occult        [XXX..]     Resistance   [XXX..]
Specialties: Martial Arts (The Immaculate Styles +3)
Linguistics: Flametongue, Low Realm, Old Realm

Virtues and Essence

Compassion    [XX...]     Temperance   [XXX..] 
Valor         [XX...]     Conviction   [XXX..] 
Willpower     [XXXXXX....]
Limit         [XXX.......]
Limit Break: Ascetic Drive (Confronted by Human Weaknesses)
Essence       [XXX..]    Personal: (15)15  Peripheral: (36)37  Commited: 1


Manse         [XXXX.]
Artifact      [X....]
Resources     [XXXXX]
Allies        [XXX..]

Merits and Flaws

Hidden Manse  +2
Secret        -2


   Flawless Handiwork Method 3 m per success
   Ox-Body Technique (-1, -2, -2)
   Essence Gathering Temper - 1 m, Reflexive
Martial Arts
   Flowing Water Defense - 2 m, Reflexive
   Rippling Water Strike - 3 m, Supplemental
   Drowning-in-Blood Technique - 5 m, Simple
   Shrugging Water Dragon Escape - 4 m, Simple
   Water Dragon Form - 6 m, Simple
   Flow Reversal Strike - 5 m, Simple
   Crashing Wave Style - 5 m, Extra Action
   Theft-Of-Essence Method - 5m, 1 wp, Supplemental
   Essence Detecting Glance - 5 m, Simple
   Terrestrial Circle Sorcery - 1 wp + spell, Simple
      Ritual of Elemental Empowerment - 30 m
      Emerald Countermagic - 10 m or 20 m
   Durability of Oak Meditation - 1 m per 1B soak.


Perfect Air Aspected Tiger Claws
   Spd -3, Acc +0, Dam +6L, Defense +1
Perfect Earth Aspected Spirit Shark Hide Buff Jacket
   12L/12B, 0 mobility, 0 fatigue
Hearthstone of Adamant Skin
Blue Jade Hearthstone Amulet

Expanded Backgrounds

Manse ••••  The Manse of Silent Stone

This ancient manse lies deep within the Lap. While Scholars have postulated that the Lap might have acted as a capacitor and director of dragon tracks once, it sppears to have stopped functioning long ago, and the many manses around it's base now direct that essence. They are wrong. The Manse remains, just as it always has, hidden from both mortal and essence sight deep within the forehead of the mediating figure carved into the mountain. Inside the darkened rooms are pitch black, counting as total darkness, to those who aren't attuned to the manse, who find it lit with enough light for them to see by. There's running water, and food, of a sort, though the flaky white flakes aren't very tasty, they're enough to feed a half a dozen people or so. There's also a small workshop, though not equipped great arcane works, which is still well well equipped, for mortal work, or simple enchantments. There's several empty rooms as well, which seem to be avalaible for use, but not currently in use. And, in the very center of the Manse, is the Hearthstone Chamber. There, between the carved and precise granite walls and ceiling, in the exact venter of the room, is where the Hearthstone Forms, hanging motionless until claimed, a Gem of Adamant Skin. Throughout the entire Manse, dead silence rings. All sound within the manse is softened, and muted, and only the loudest sounds can be heard, from one side of the manse to the other.
(This Manse is Formed using the system Here, and has the following features: Invisible. Provider. Self Cleaning. Cosmetic Powers.)

Artifact •  Black Jade Hearthstone Amulet

Five Pillars returned the rest of the Ragara Miln's equipment. His artifact armor was sent back to his family, and his normal, if exceptional equipment was returned to the Order in the Lap. However, he kept the Hearthstone Amulet of his friend, keeping the Hearthstone of Underwater Action in it, until the gem melted into water, one day. Now he carries the Gem of Adamant Skin in it, and keeps it as a constant reminder of his fallen friend, and of his duty.

Resources •••••  Wealth Beyond the Dreams of Avarice

Five Pillars has, in his recent series of adventures in the sotuh, encountered a number of rare and unique curiousities, and items. The guild factor in Gem considers him to be a mercenary immaculate monk, but can't argue with the quality of his finds. As a result, Five Pillars has becomes tremendously and incredibly wealthy.

The Prophecy

Ace of Coins
The Sun

"I forsee that Five Pillar will uncover a great treasure. and possibly
something new within himself as well. I'd say you are destined for great
things, my friend."


Strength Raised to 2             4
Linguistics Raised to 2          2
MA Specialty Added               3
Bought Allies 3 (Syla)           4
Essence Gathering Temper         8
MA Raised to 5                   7
Flow Reversal Strike             8
Crashing Wave Style              8


Orichalchum Buff Jacket
Raw Jade, Black and Red

Comments From His Fellows

Daughter of Silence: Slightly not as nosy as Soran. Good thing, too.

Other Comments

The Nosy Roomie: Dude. Check out the Manse. PHENOMENAL COSMETIC POWERS... eeeetty bitty livingspace.