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Three Times a Widow

Name:    Three Times a Widow (Melena)
Caste:   Night
Nature:  Rebel
Anima:   A golden mask.
Concept: Heroic Swashbuckler
XP Left/Total: 00/96


Strength  ••ooo   Charisma     •••oo   Perception   •••oo
Dexterity •••••   Manipulation •••oo   Intelligence •••oo
Stamina   ••ooo   Appearance   •••••   Wits         •••oo


    (Caste)                   (Favored)                (Other)
Athletics     [XXXXX]     Performance  [XXX..]     Lore         [X....]
Awareness     [XXX..]     Presence     [XXX..]     Medicine     [X....]
Dodge         [XXXXX]     Socialize    [XXXX.]     
Larceny       [XXX..]     Martial Arts [XXXXX]     
Stealth       [XXX..]     Investigation[XXX..]
Specialties: Larceny (Disguises +2)
Languages: Rivertongue

Virtues and Essence

Compassion    [XXX..]     Temperance   [XX...] 
Valor         [XX...]     Conviction   [XX...] 
Willpower     [XXXXX.....]
Limit         [..........]
Limit Break: Red Rage of Compassion (Unable to relive the suffering of innocents)
Essence       [XXX..]    Personal: (14)14  Peripheral: (35)33  Commited: 2


Hidden Manse


Manse         [XX...]
Artifact      [XX...]
Resources     [XXX..]


   Graceful Crane Stance - 3 m, Reflexive (Scene)
   Reed in the Wind - 1 m/2 dice, Reflexive (Instant)
   Shadow Over Water - 2m, Reflexive (Instant)
   Reflex Sidestep Technique - 2 m, Reflexive (Instant)
   Seven Shadow Evasion - 6m, Reflexive (Instant)
   Ten Magistrate Eyes - 3m, Supplemental (Scene)
Martial Arts
   Image of Death Technique - 2 m, Simple (24 Hours)
   Wall Climbing Technique - 1 m, Reflexive (One Turn)
   Distracting Finger Gesture - 2 m, Reflexive (Instant)
   Ebon Shadow Form - 5 m, Simple (Scene)
   Masterful Performance Exercise - 2 m/sucess, Supplemental (Instant)
   Respect Commanding Attitude - 5 m, Simple (Scene)
   Mastery of Small Manners - 3m, Reflexive (Scene)
   Wise Eyed Courtier Method - 3m, Simple (Instant)
   Graceful Deflection Technique - 4m, Reflexive (Instant)
   Distracting Banter Method - 8m, Simple (Scene)
   Easily Overlooked Presence Method - 3m, Simple (Scene)


Exceptional Fighting Chains
   Spd +3, Acc +0, Dam +2L, Defense +3, Rate 4
Ivory Player's Mask
Oricalchum Hearthstone Amulet
Stone of Empty Knife

Expanded Backgrounds

Manse ••  The Manse of Steel and Shadows

Located under her estate, this small manse contains food and supplies for several days, along with several beds. No other living creature knows it's location, howwever, not even the dragonblooded who own the land.

Artifacts ••  Hearthstone Amulet, Players Mask

Both of these artifacts were found by Three Times a Widow as she wandered the estate after the death of her 'husband', deep inside the Manse of Steel and Shadows, underground.

Resources •••  Substantial Worth

Three Times a Widow (or Melena) as the patrician wife of a deceased dragonblooded runs a large profitable farm near the city of Greyfalls. She sends a share back to House Ragara each harvest, but it leaves her with a comfortable portion for herself. Technically though, they own the land, and she does not. Still, she runs it well and hosts the visiting familt members who don't have more luxurious accomodations. So it's unlikely they'd replace her. Unless her secret got out.


Man to 2                          04 XP
Man to 3                          08 XP
Int to 2                          04 XP
Int to 3                          08 XP
Essence to 3                      16 XP
Wise Eyed Courtier Method         08 XP
Graceful Deflection Technique     08 XP
Distracting Banter Method         08 XP
Image of Death Technique          08 XP
Wall Climbing Technique           08 XP
Distracting Finger-Gesture Attack 08 XP
Ebon Shadow Form                  08 XP
