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Revision as of 04:12, 14 June 2004 by BogMod (talk) (*Edited the stats for PC)
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Artifact •••
Splitklaive Weapon Template
Speed +3/+5 Accuracy +2/+3 Damage +8L/+4L Defense +2/+3 Commitment: 8
Requires Whole: Strength •••
Requires Split: Strength •• Dexterity •••• Melee •••
Power Combat Speed +7/+9 Accuracy +2/+3 Damage +8L/+4L Defense +1/+3 Rate 4/5
The first numbers are when the weapon is whole, second for when split.

A single daiklaive made for warriors who want a weapon for a variety of situations. It looks like a thicker and slightly longer then normal daiklaive. This sword could split into two weapons at the simple mental command of the wielder. The twin weapons were faster and provided an edge in attack, speed and parry while when whole was more damaging. The weapon may only be split or recombined once a turn and is held together by a series of cunning catches and links that work through attunement. Except for moonsilver ones which litterally fuse into one weapon. Seperating and joining is a reflexive effect that does not take up an action. The weapon has one hearthstone socket in the center of the crossgaurd that will stay with only one half when the weapon splits.

This is meant to be a template weapon much like normal daiklaives, reavers, smashfists, etc. Higher level customised versions exist out there.

Orichalcum blades get their normal +1 to speed(or rate for power combat), accuracy and defense and the user may summon his weapon to his hand just as if he had used Summoning the Loyal Steel. This power costs 2 mote to use.

Moonsilver weapons get their +2 accuracy and due to the fluid nature of the metal a lunar can recombine or split the weapon an additional time per round.

Jade swords gain their normal +3 speed and are harder to disarm. Someone trying to disarm someone with one of these weapons is at an additional +2 difficulty to do so.

Soulsteel versions are dark mirrors of their solar counterparts. They have the normal +1 accuracy and drain the users essence in motes from foes the deal at least one damage to. The user may also summon the sword to him just like if he was using Blade-Summoning Gesture. Cost is 2 motes.

The fates are kind on the sidereal who wields one. Increasing the target number by one of any roll to disarm her on top of the normal +2 damage from being starmetal and properly attuned.

BogMod BogModWeapons
