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Inspired Reality Invocation Cost: 20 motes Duration: One Scene Type: Reflexive Min. Lore: 5 Min. Ess.: 4 Prereq.: Wyld Shaping Technique, Earth-Firming Method

Broadening her understanding of the Wyld, the techniques she once used to hold it at bay can be used to force it into other unnatural forms, forms sprung not from Creation but from the Charm user's own imagination.

This Charm may only be used in the Bordermarches or deeper into the Wyld. The Solar warps the terrain and properties of the area to whatever form he wishes. In mechanical terms, this acts as an unrolled shaping action in the Wyld for largely cosmetic effect. The Solar dictates the environment and the narrative for as far as he can see (in E:tFF terms, a single waypoint), and it changes to match his desires.Creation-born creatures can ignore the Solar's influence over the landscape and narrative, but doing so imposes a dice penalty to all actions equal to the Solar's Essence. Acting along with the Solar's shaping gifts a 1-die Wyld bonus to said actions.

The Fair Folk are immune to the realities shaped by this Charm, as they are but pale, uninspired copies of the changes a proper Lord of Chaos can impose on the Wyld. The Fair Folk may re-shape the local environment as normal.

Anchor of Creation Cost: 50 motes, 3 Willpower, 5 health levels Duration: One Year Type: Simple Min. Lore: 5 Min. Ess.: 5 Prereq.: Inspired Reality Invocation, Order-Affirming Blow

Highest of the blasphemies against the Wyld is the great Unconquered Sun. It rises and sets in the same curved path daily, with the same burning, unchanging face. The moon is fickle, and the paths of the stars hard to forsee, and the elemental forces of the world always in complex interactions and conflicts, yet the Sun rises the same every day. A Solar who masters the principle of the power granted by his patron can become to a part of the Wyld what the Sun is to Creation, and so open the Wyld for the conquests of order.

This Charm can only be used in the Bordermarches or deeper into the Wyld. The Solar pays the cost of the Charm and travels to some prominent geographical marker he wishes to center this effect upon. He strikes the ground once, and his anima shines at its brightest level as the earth shakes and the reality of Creation unfurls around him.

An area with a diameter of 30 miles (in E:tFF terms, one waypoint) is instantly converted into Creation. Wyld-twisted beasts and creatures can no longer survive in the area, and those that can will flee the waypoint. For the most part, only natural plants and animals will successfully grow or be born in the area. Impossible phenomena cease, and the landscape normalizes itself as much as it normally can-- water will flow in rivers instead of fire, and a forest of glass ceases to grow, instead becoming simply a very dangerous, very fragile collection of odd glass statues. Common and noble Fair Folk treat the area as if it were Creation as well, though they may take whatever action they deem appropiate in response.

Nothing can dissolve this area into the Wyld unless the Solar fails to, at the same time of day, every day, return to the spot he originally enacted the Charm and strike the ground in the same way, though this has no cost. The ground shakes as it did the first time, but the character's anima does not automatically shine. If used on an area adjacent to already existing Creation, this effect becomes permanent after a year, although it can then be attacked and unraveled by the Wyld as normal. If the Solar does not successfully strike the ground in the original spot at the right time every day, the Charm ends as soon as he fails. The essence remains committed until the year is up or the character fails or the character rescinds the Charm willingly.

(For those using E:tFF Charm may also be used to destroy of freehold. The Solar must strike the bonefire-- he rolls Willpower+Essence at a difficulty of the highest Essence of the Fair Folk attuned to the Freehold [that is, Fair Folk whose Hearts are in the bonefire]+the rating of the Demense the Freehold is built on. If he succeeds, the bonefire shatters, any Heart Graces still in the bonefire are destroyed, and the Demense returns instantly to normal.)

Ultimate Authority Mien Cost: 30 motes, 2 Willpower Duration: Indefinite Type: Simple Min. Lore: 6 Min. Ess.: 6 Prereq.: Anchor of Creation

What is the uncertainty of the Wyld in the face of the presence of one of the Chosen of the Unconquered Sun? What of the powers of its masters? The Solar strides forth into a chaos that cannot help but worship him in delight.

This Charm may only be used in Bordermarches or further into the Wyld, or in a Freehold. For the Duration of the Charm, the Solar receives his Essence in Wyld bonus dice to all actions-- the Wyld itself stunts in a mad effort to support the character's endaevours. The Wyld is extremely hesitant to allow itself to be turned against a being whose grandeur it supports on every level-- the difficulty of all shaping actions and shaping attacks on the character is increased by his Essence.

Dream-Strangling Suggestion Cost: Varies Duration: Instant Type: Supplemental Min. Lore: 7 Min. Ess.: 7 Prereq.: Ultimate Authority Mien

The Solar's attentions are as the gaze of the Primordials-- his inner definition is so great, so complex, that the world cannot hope but fall into pattern as he conceives it. The Solar strikes a fraction of chaos that imitates being so great a being as himself-- that is, a Fair Folk or unshaped. He removes that within it that is distasteful to him. The power of the Solar's victim survives, but in a form that will serve the Solar well.

This Charm is used to supplement an attack, and may be Comboed with Charms of other Abilities. If the Solar successfully strikes a Fair Folk or Unshaped, she rolls her Willpower+Essence versus at a difficulty of her opponent's Essence+Heart. On a success, the Solar may spend his targets (Essence+Heart)x10 in motes. The raksha or unshaped collapses into an artifact with a rating equal to the creature's Heart-- this is a normal artifact of Creation, and the character has no control over its design (although the player and ST should collaborate on the design of the artifact-- as far as the actual character is concerned, the result is random, though always useful).

Fortress of the Will Cost: 6 motes Duration: Instant Type: Reflexive Min. Lore: 3 Min. Ess.: 3 Prereq.: Will-Bolstering Method

If the Solar can bolster another's heart, he can protect his own from foreign influences. The Solar magically asserts the integrity of his core over any magical effect that binds him.

The Solar uses this Charm in response to being placed under an ongoing foreign magical effect, such as the Crippling Pressure-Point Strike or the Irresistible Succubus Style (but not Instant effects such as Hungry Tiger Technique or Death of Obsidian Butterflies). The Solar rolls his Willpower+Essence at a difficulty of the Essence of the effect's source (attacker, sorcerror, etc.). On a success, the effect is shattered.

Sorcery is more difficulty to power one's way out of. Terrestrial Circle Sorcery is at a +2 difficulty penalty to escape the effects, Celestial Circle Sorcery at a +4 difficulty, and the Solar Circle at a +6 difficulty. Necromancy follows a similar scale, but adds an additional +2 difficulty penalty (an Abyssal version of this Charm would reverse this situation). The spell shatters as if countered by countermagic of the equivalent circle, though the Charm's user is shielded from the fallout effects.

Clarity of Focus Cost: 8 motes, 1 Willpower Duration: Scene Type: Reflexive Min. Lore: 5 Min. Ess. 3 Prereq.: Fortress of the Will

At a moment's notice, the Solar hones his mind to a perfect focus, observing all that can be seen and piercing veils of magical deception. The sun will not be fooled.

This Charm protects the character from all mind control effects and magic that affects his perception but not his senses, such as the Mental Invisibility Technique, but will not defeat Charms that outright defeat his senses, such as the Stealthy Fox Method. This Charm allows a Solar to see through Reslpendent Destinies, but does not aid in defeating a Sidereal's considerable skill at disguise (that is, the Solar is not fooled by the magical impression of a vicious drill sargeant, but if the Sidereal can look and act the part, the Solar may still be deceived). This is a perfect effect.

Radiant Sun Inspiration Cost: 10 motes Duration: One Day Type: Simple Min. Lore: 5 Min. Ess.: 4 Prereq.: Clarity of Focus

The Solar seats his mind in the inevitable cycle of the sun, and his will and his essence are bolstered for the awareness of it. The Solar regains an extra number of motes every hour equal to his Essence. This takes effect no matter what level of activity the Solar maintains. In addition, the Solar makes an extra Convinction roll to regain Willpower when the sun is at its zenith if this Charm is active.

Inner Sun Mastery Cost: 20 motes, 2 Willpower Duration: Scene Type: Simple Min. Lore: 5 Min. Ess.: 5 Prereq.: Radiant Sun Inspiration

The Solar sinks his mind into the myriad secrets of the world, and draws on the same routes to power as the Unconquered Sun himself. Though he can only be matched in raw talent, sheer skill, and long experience by the other Incarna and the highest of his Chosen, any Solar with this Charm is, power-wise, theoretically the equal of the Unconquered Sun himself.

This Charm increases the Solar's Essence to 10 for the Duration of the Charm for all purposes except learning Charms.

Invocation of the Unconquered Will Cost: 25 motes, 5 Willpower Duration: One Month Type: Simple Min. Lore: 6 Min. Ess.: 6 Prereq.: Inner Sun Mastery

The 60 Twilight Castes of the First Age were a legacy unfathomable to mere mortals, who were never without some grand idea or project to follow. Such was their confidence in their enlightened understanding of the world that they could tie their very psyches to the fabric of their success. The other Castes of the Solar Exalted could learn this dedication as well, but none so often as the Twilights.

The Chosen names a Caste Ability. For the Duration of this Charm, the Charm's user regains a point of Willpower from every successful action using that Ability.

Subtle Scholar's Enlightenment Cost: None Duration: Permanent Type: Special Min. Lore: 3 Min. Ess.: 1 Prereq.: None

None are so attentive to detail or quick to remembering the smallest detail as the wise Chosen of the Sun. The Solar may be misinformed or deceived, but he never makes an obviously bad decision-- at least, without knowing that's what he's doing.

This Charm prevents the Solar from accidentally missing important facts and unknowingly making dangerous decisions. The Solar always notices important details if they are not actively hidden, and the Storyteller must warn a PC with this Charm if a course of action would, based on what the character knows, be perilous.

Unsurpassed Genius Cost: 5 motes Duration: Instnat Type: Supplemental Min. Lore: 3 Min. Ess.: 2 Prereq.: Subtle Scholar's Enlightenment

The Solar acheives a breakthrough where for others there would only be bafflement and inadequate understanding. The Solar adds his Essence in automatic successes to a Lore roll.

Superior Understanding of Trivia Cost: None Duration: Permanent Type: Special Min. Lore: 5 Min. Ess.: 2 Prereq.: Subtle Scholar's Enlightenment

A master of the lore of the world knows a great many things. A Solar who has had the time and patience to absorb the knowledge contained in such lore is unsurpassed in his understanding and memory of the facts of the world.

A Solar who has mastered this Charm knows every open piece of knowledge in Creation. Information not purposefully controlled, such as the highly guarded libraries of the Heptagram, is not covered by this Charm, but the normal weather patterns of Nexus and the mating habits of yeddim are familiar to the character. Only secrets and guarded knowledge and news that has not had time to spread to the local storytellers and their histories are beyond the Solar's infinite stores of information.

Master of (Project) Cost: None Duration: Permanent Type: Special Min. Lore: 5 Min. Ess.: 3 Prereq.: Unsurpassed Genius, Superior Understanding of Trivia

Nothing is beyond what one of the Solar Exalted can understand with time, study, and patience.

The Solar names and studies a project that he does not meet the Craft, Lore, or Occult requirements for for a number of weeks equal to the number of dots in each ability he lacks. For example, a character with Craft 4, Lore 5, and Occult 5 studying a project that required a 7 in all 3 abilities would take 5 weeks (3 weeks for the 3 dots short in Craft and 2 weeks each for the others). He must study at least 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, as per the normal training time rules. At the end of that time, he may purchase this Charm for that project, after which he may ignore the minimum Ability requirements to complete the project. This Charm must be bought multiple Charms for multiple projects.