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A lot of people had problems with this charm...but remember the Solars you "summon" will be NPCs, and the game is about your PCs. In a nutshell, this charm is a plot device. An expensive plot device.

Essence Song

  • Cost: 10 motes 1 willpower, 10 motes per additional hour
  • Duration: Varies
  • Type: Simple
  • Minimum Performance: 5
  • Minimum Essence: 4
  • Prerequisite: None

The Exalt using the Charm must first find the highest location available and ascend it. (If in a city- the top of the highest building available. If you are in the desert and it is completely flat, find a cactus to stand on) then she must begin to speak or sing, whichever is more suitable for the character. Typically it is a rallying speech or a rousing battle song, which must continue for the full hour the charm is active. It sends out a subliminal message to all other Solar Exalts within the characters Essence +Performance x10 in miles. The distance the message extends increases additively. (Ess+Perf x20 the second hour, x30 the third hour and so on) The other Solars who hear the call intuitively know exactly where it came from and are inclined to pursue it, however the targets are vaguely aware of the user—if they had previous unpleasant contact or if the users had previously called an unimportant meeting, the inclination fades. The direction from which the Song came remains impressed upon the target Solars’ mind, so this need not be activated day after day. Abyssal Exalted, because of their corrupted Solar Shards, must make a Perception + Occult check to notice the Song. If they are successful, they are likewise inclined and may follow the call for whatever purposes-- nefarious or otherwise—that they may have. The Exalt using this charm will momentarily hear the voice of those they compel in the back of her mind, letting her know that someone has responded and is coming. This charm should be used responsibly—it is a friendly call rallying the Exalt’s brothers and sisters in exaltation to her. Exalts who use this Charm for petty or pointless things may find themselves in bad company. In addition, the Exalt must maintain concentration and must continuously sing or speak for the entire duration of the charm. (Pauses for air and sips of water are certainly acceptable) If interrupted by an attack, the user must make a reflexive Wits + Performance check at standard difficulty. The Solar Exalt will automatically ignore anyone trying to distract her by any means other than outright attack. Stamina + Resistance rolls are optional for extreme circumstances. The motes remain committed until the Exalt has ceased to perform.

I loved the Abyssal attack charms, so I made these. Many people have said that they weren't Solary, but I disagree. Then again, I'm biased.

Felling Shout

  • Cost: 4 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Simple
  • Minimum Performance: 3
  • Minimum Essence: 3
  • Prerequisites: None

The Exalt takes a deep breath and releases a mighty yell that fires outwards [Essence x 2] yards. This shout topples everyone within that range with lower Essence than the character. Extras are knocked immediately to their feet and must take their next turn getting up. Heroic mortals may use part of their dice action to get up (meaning they can split their action between getting up and parrying, for example), by rolling Dexterity + Athletics, difficulty 2. Exalts may reflexively roll to get back to their feet. Dex + Athletics, difficulty standard. Anyone who botches this roll is winded and suffers a –2 dice penalty for a number of turns equal to the charm user’s Essence.

Vocal Blade

  • Cost: 5 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Simple
  • Minimum Performance: 4
  • Minimum Essence: 3
  • Prerequisites: Felling Shout

The Exalt lets out a long, loud cry that splits the air before her. This strikes a single target with the force of a mighty blow. The character rolls Charisma (or, conceivably, Dexterity)+ Performance. The target is immediately dealt the number of successes plus Essence in Lethal damage (soaked as normal), and is flung back [Essence] in yards. This can only be dodged.

Rend the Air

  • Cost: 8 motes
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Simple
  • Minimum Performance: 5
  • Minimum Essence: 4
  • Prerequisites: Vocal Blade

As with Vocal Blade, the Exalt cries out, using her voice as a weapon. The attack strikes everyone (allies included) within a 180 degree radius extending outward [Essence x 2] in yards. All targets are immediately dealt the Exalt’s Essence in lethal damage which can only be soaked with Stamina.

Glorious Overwhelming Outcry

  • Cost: 5 motes, 1 willpower
  • Duration: Instant
  • Type: Simple
  • Minimum Performance: 5
  • Minimum Essence: 4
  • Prerequisites: Felling Shout

The Exalt roars and all Extras that can hear her immediately flee. All others witness to her display of sonic power must make a willpower roll, difficulty the Exalt’s Essence to not immediately run in fear. Things that cannot hear or fear are immune to this charm
