Sindaen/Unique Backgrounds For The Gray

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You have a good screen for your peculiar habits, and you use it to avoid being identified as a Gray Touched while also keeping in touch with your sources of Necro-Essence. This background also provides dice for the daily job of hunting for Necro-Essence.

x None, you are on your own.
O Small job at the local cemetery.
OO Member of funerary temple in a small city.
OOO Head of a small guild of tomb looters in Nexus.
OOOO Funerary Priest of Sijan.
OOOOO Cemetery administrator of Sijan.

You have a Disease spirit as a mentor, it requires one extra mote of Necro-Essence as a tribute daily, but provides you with important information, mentoring and protection. At Storyteller´s discretion, the Gray can have extra bonus points to distribute, representing mentoring given to the character by a spirit.

x None, you have only ocassional mentorship.
O Troublesome Disease Spirit (Gonorrhea Spirit, Essence 4 or less).
OO Dangerous Disease Spirit (Leprosy Spirit, Essence 5).
OOO First Circle Disease Spirit (Servant of Kel-Aina, Essence 6).
OOOO Second Circle Disease Spirit (Servant Of The Crone Of Fire, Essence 7)
OOOOO Third Circle Disease Spirit (Servant Of The Nameless God, Essence 8+)

For each point of this background, the Storyteller can give the player 1 extra bonus point to distribute on: Attributes, Abilities & Specialties (Specially those asossiated with the treatment or spreading of that particular spirit´s disease) and Willpower & Virtues. This background can be a good plot hook if all the troupe has the same Spirit Mentor. Note that Spirits are cruel and selfish creatures and demand one mote of Necro-Essence burn at their behalf each morning in adittion to the mote all Gray loose for each passing day.