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Revision as of 23:01, 2 September 2006 by StalkerofShadows (talk) (A god I created as a mentor for a Twilight in my campaign.)
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A new god that serves as an ally and mentor for various characters in my Wyld & Ice campaign. StalkerofShadows

Name: Gre'tech Essencebinder, God of Enchantmented Items
Apperance: Gre'tech is a tall humanoid (about 8' tall) composed of all the Magical Materials other than soulsteel. However, different parts of his body appear to be different metals depending on his mood or whim.

Strength 7
Dex 7
Stamina 7

Charisma 4
Manipulation 3
Appearance 4

Perception 3
Wits 4
Int 5

war: 1
thrown: 2
martial arts: 5
archery 2
melee 2
integrity 3
resistance 5
survival 1
craft 5 (Magitech +3)
lore 5
occult 4
athletics 2
dodge 3
awareness 2
linguistics 3 (Native Rivertongue, Old Realm, High Realm)
bueracracy: 3 (Yu-Shan +2)
socialize: 2 (Celestial Exalts +2, Gods +1)

Gre'tech typically attacks with his great fists, but is knowledgable in the use of all weapons. Although charismatic, his isolation has eroded his social skills.

Too long to list, but also has Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

compassion 3
temperance 5
conviction 4
valor 3

Willpower 9

Essence 4
pool: 85

Resources: 5
Savant: 3
Sanctum: 3
Allies: 5+
Contacts: 3
Cult: 2
Artifacts: 5+


Dodge Defense: 8
Parry Defense: 8
Mental Dodge Defense: 8
Mental Parry Defense: 3+ specialties

Gre'tech was created by The Great Maker after the Primordial War to help the Exalted understand the wonders that Autochthon designed. When Autochthon was placed into exile, Gre'tech was told to remain in Creation. The Solar Deliberative greatly appreciated Gre'tech's help, as it was comforting to talk to a friendly god instead of an otherworldly Primordial. Gre'tech in turn loved his Exalted friends. During the High First Age, he was at the height of his power, helping to retain the function of artifacts Creation-wide (effective essence 8). He was oblivious to the coming Usurpation, and was greatly saddened by the loss of his friends (although pragmatic enough to take the Sidereal threats about interference at face value.) He removed his magnamity from artifacts of the Shogunate, accelerating their deterioration. During this time he remained in Yu-Shan; depressed and bitter.

During the Great Invasion of the Fair Folk, his power was greatly stricken as mortals throughout Creation cried out to him for wonders to use as weapons. After the Empress activated the Realm Defense Grid, the Sidereals used this opportunity to have his Celestial Sanctum revoked on charges that it was his refusal to properly maintain Creation's defenses that led to the disaster.

Homeless, he visited the sanctum of Vanileth, who also had suffered greatly. However, Vanileth had suffered even more and his sanity had been fractured. Eventually, Gre'tech wandered to Whitewall, where a large population of mortals had congregated. Much weaker than the Syndics, he was allowed to establish a sanctum as long as it did not negatively impact worship of the Syndics. In return, he helped maintain some of remaining artifacts of Whitewall, although not to a level that would invite the attention of the Realm.

When the Solars were released from their prison, Gre'tech rejoiced. He looked forward to meeting his old friends, but the few Solars he encountered did not remember him. Using his contacts in the Cult of the Illuminated (or used by them perhaps), he located a recently exalted Twilight. Seeing the Solar under attack by the Wyld Hunt, he grabbed the Solar and Hurried Home to Whitewall. There, he has helped educate the young Twilight, Emerald Wind, in the ways of the Old Realm.