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The Vestige Moira

The Yozi known throughout Malfeas as the River of Timeless Anamnesis has, through his ability to carefully shape his souls, been able to engineer a manner of spreading his eyes through Creation. It is imperfect and unsatisfying; and in many ways it simply makes his torture infinitely more unbearable--but the addition of the infinite to eternity is far too common to the Yozi for this to be any sort of discouragement. This machination of the great demonic Primordial works its way through his fetich soul, and into one of her souls: Bashiin, the Architect of Ersatz Destiny, a Second Circle Demon seen more in Creation than Malfeas itself, when he is seen at all.

The Vestige Moira are awkward beings of a particular nature based on a concept of duality, and the usefulness of one thing to achieve another. Essentially, all the Vestige Moira--commonly known throughout occult texts recorded by daredevil savants as Fate-Shades, Deceivers of Kismet, and Chained Destinies--are the sons and daughters of the Architect of Ersatz Destiny. A particular brand of Demon-blooded spawn of Malfeas, the Fate-Shades are creatures born from the evil designs of Bashiin and the stolen souls of Cataclyse Cultists.

Vestige Moira are forged, not born. Each one is a masterpiece ensembled by Bashiin to become a bane on the world of men. The great Demon Prince, after acquiring a Cataclyse Cultist devoted to Sanjiv's goals, reached with his shadowy fingers deep into the mortal's shadow, slowly pulling at the edges of the intangible darkness, sundering it from the physical form. That shadow is then molded, forged and manipulated to tangibility, becoming material and taking on aspect and shape, soon becoming something akin to a human.

Being made from the shadow of a mortal has several advantages and disadvantages, which become essential to the existence of the Fate-Shade. Vestige Moira have no destiny of their own--their ultimate fate is sealed: each and every one of them will become a feast for their Yozi master. Instead, as a way of being grounded to existence, they are enshrouded in the fate of the mortal they were disconnected from. This grounds them, and protects them from certain Fate-related effects. Unfortunately, it also irrevocably chains them to the destiny of the mortal, thus limiting the length of their existence to the mortal's who's Fate they hide under.

The actual purpose of a Chained Destiny is quite simple: see Creation. Explore it. Live within it, and experience everything there is to be done, from the simplest glance at the clouds, to the most complex form of torture devised by man or demon. They are Sanjiv's eyes in Creation, gaining memories, acquiring knowledge, and enjoying their existence... while they still have it, for when a Vestige Moira dies, it does not become a ghost, or sail the river Lethe. Its soul, with all its memories, instead float aimlessly along the River of Timeless Anamnesis, forever deteriorating as the River consumes them, their memories becoming his with each moment they struggle not to drown in his spiritual candence.

Character Creation

Vestige Moira are created as Inheritence 4 Demon-Blooded, with only a few set characteristics (described below). Otherwise, they are just like any other Demon-blooded.

There are some set characteristics present in all Vestige Moira however, which must be taken. All Fate-Shades possess the Merit "Immunity to Possession," as they themselves in a way are possessing someone. Additionally, they have a more powerful version of the "Blurred Fate" Merit, which costs 4 Bonus Points. All Vestige Moira are considered completely outside of Fate, just as their father, the Architect of Ersatz Destiny is. Any magic that cannot affect beings outside of Fate attempted on them is redirected towards the mortal that they were made from. Unfortunately, they also all possess a Flaw that connects them directly to the Fate of that same mortal; if the mortal perishes, they are instantly sent straight to Malfeas, just as if they had been killed personally.

The mortal whose shadow was taken loses it forever. Even if the Vestige Moira should die (without the mortal dying first) they do not reacquire it.