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Elevation of Ebon Stars The Elevation of Ebon Stars were created by the Marquis of Frozen Morning specifically for his favored (and eldest) Abyssal: Degradation of Pale Stars. This pair of Hearthstone bracers look like any other Soulsteel bracers, and include all the common effects of Artifacts of their ilk. One of them harbors a Hearthstone setting, while the other provides the ability to reduce the soak of the target of any attack by the Abyssal by 2. Additionally, they provide the common bracer effect of providing a 3-dice bonus to all Dodge attempts made by the Abyssal. However, there is something else weaved in the souls of these bracers, something sinister and oddly fitting to the evil one who bears them. In their creation, not only was Soulsteel used, but also the tears of the tortured ghost of an assassin who used shurikens to kill his targets. The tears were dropped into the maws of the weeping faces that make the surface of the bracers, and the Marquis of Frozen Morning inscribed within the powerful wonders a magnificent power. By spending a single mote of Essence, the Abyssal can summon a shuriken created from Essence (but not made out of Essence) to his hand. These throwing stars are an inky black, and they appear to be made out of Soulsteel; and though they aren't actually made out of the Magical Material, they howl an eerie wail while airborn. He can summon as many shuriken into his hand in one turn as he has permanent Essence. Each shuriken possesses an Accuracy +1, Lethal Damage and Rate equal to the character's Essence, and a Range of the Abyssal's [Essence x 10] in yards. Summoning a shuriken is a Reflexive action, and does not take up a dice action for the turn, however shurikens will disintegrate after doing damage, or in a number of turns equal to the Abyssal's Essence if they go unused. The shurikens are compatible with Thrown Charms.