Excellent Midwife Technique
Cost: 5 motes Duration: One scene Type: Simple Minimum Medicine: 3 Minimum Essence: 2 Prerequisite Charms: Ailment Rectifying Touch, Touch of Blissful Release
Too often even with medical help a child or the mother shall die in childbirth. Or the child might be born only with great difficulty or have debilitating conditions. To a solar though, such things can't happen to themselves due to their exalted state and with this charm can keep it from happening to others.
When a woman(or man with some sorceries) goes into labor and this exalt is there to help her through it and using this charm the birthing is painless, takes an hour, there is no danger of complications to mother or child and were the child to have any birth defects they are cured. This charm has to be used before the child has taken his first breath and the soul has entered the body. Once the exalted starts to help out she can not leave without the charm ending.