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Revision as of 21:30, 13 April 2004 by BillGarrett (talk)
Not every commander is a barbarian hero; not every force commander must be at the heart of a screaming charge of soldiers. Wisdom and education will often win the day, and the skilled tactician can make the most use of his soldiers.
To reflect this, make an opposed Wits+Lore (Strategy) roll between the master strategists of any opposed armies, before battle begins. Add half the Drill of each army as automatic successes to this roll. The victor of this opposed roll can buy battle effects by spending her net successes at at an appropriate cost:
- Dictate the terrain for her army at battle start (1 success)
- Dictate the terrain for the enemy's army at battle start (2 successes)
- Note: selected terrain must be available, Storyteller's decision is final
- Decoy the enemy, forcing him to split his units (see p. PG223) (1 success per Magnitude to split)
- Split off a unit for ambush purposes (1 success per Magnitude to split)
- Trap the enemy in an environmental ambush (in a canyon or narrow pass, downriver of a weakened dam, etc.) (2 successes per health level inflicted)