Session One

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This cipher will keep out no one serious, but it is the best that I know. So, if you're reading this, know that this journal is not the unvarnished truth. I will know of what I write, it will mean something to me. Assuming you understand me, or my thoughts, from this journal would be a foolish mistake I hope you're dumb enough to make.

12th Day of Ascendant Air, RY 768

And with the close of this day, I am a Dynast of House Tepet. It is, truthfully, the most time I have spent with my mother and father that I can recall. I also now have faces to put to the names of cousins and aunts and uncles. It was the largest party I have ever attended. Barring a few exceptions, every exalt from my branch of the House was there. Curiously, they all seemed happy to meet me. I imagine my graduation party will be rather less cordial.

I leave next week with Aunt Elana for Cherak. I'll be staying at her estate until the school term begins in 3 weeks. I hope that I can impress her. If she is willing to teach me, there is so much that I could learn. There are few officers as experienced as her and few magistrates, too. For her to be both, and to be my closest relative, is an incredible stroke of luck.

My parents furnished me with 2 gifts today. The first is Unconquered Flame, my brother Deranol's servant and aide. He rescued Deranol's body after the Battle of Futile Blood. I'm told his grief was overwhelming and I believe it. Before becoming my brother's aide, he was a line trooper. I am greatly honored to have his services.

The second gift is my sister Milaka's copy of the Thousand Correct Actions. It is stained with her blood. Aunt Elana says Milaka is the only reason there were any Tepet survivors. She rallied the remains of 3 dragons and fought a delaying action that less than 1 talon of troops survived. They bore her corpse with them, mindless of her fading anima tearing flesh from their arms. I only hope I can live up to her example.

23rd Day of Ascendant Air, RY 768

It was with some regret that I left the Blessed Isle for Cherak. I hope I shall be allowed to return between school years. The trip was, thankfully, uneventful. However much the Realm's authority has weakened, the northern reaches of the Inland Sea are still secure. Aunt Elana indulged me with some sparring that left me wondering if I would ever be able to wield a daiklave. Unconquered Flame, at my behest, has been drilling me on the Thousand Correct Actions and telling me about Deranol.

School starts in less than a week. I received my official invitation this morning. Aunt Elana has been unable, or unwilling, to find out anything about my classmates. I know of a few of the upper classmen, names and faces, but that's about it. I'm excited to be moving to the Palace of Len Occam. After last year, it would have been untenable to remain in my old dorm. Aunt Elana is letting me use a carriage to get there and says she'll keep my suite of rooms at her estate available to me. I really hope I can take advantage of that to learn more about her duties as a Magistrate. I know that I'll be going straight to our new legion when I graduate, but maybe if our rebuilding efforts succeed, one day I can become a Magistrate.

1st Day of Resplendent Air, RY 768

What a fascinating day! This school year is just full of potential. Except for Ferem Lasha I have only brief impressions of my fellow students and the staff thus far. I think we could do much worse for a rector than Rector Danic. She is genuinely interested in our futures and in what WE want, too. I must admit I was shocked to see the Wyld-touched Margard Moro, but she seems like a pleasant and earnest girl. And if she was admitted to House Margard, she must be alright.

Little Reflections of Chaos is amazing. She Exalted at the age of 9! The Dragons are truly strong in her. I wonder if she will become an Immaculate or if she will remain at school past graduation until she is a few years older.

My fellow freshmen are an interesting lot. It's obvious that Exaltation is a new thing in Kazuki's family. I think he's good at heart, but he has no idea how to act nor does he have any idea of the precarious position he's in. Ja'hanna's attitude towards Exaltation is heretical. I don't know where she comes from, but she is just full of anger and bitterness. Manka Judas is another puzzler. He's from Lookshy! I guess because Cherak is a satrapy and not part of the Blessed Isle that they were able to work something out. I do wonder how he'll get along, being from a place that refutes not just the legitimacy of the Realm, but the Immaculate faith, as well.

Ferem Lasha's dedication to the school and her house are obvious. Were she not so dedicated, she could have a stellar career in the Thousand Scales of the Realm. She has a flair for management and has taken the time to even learn the proper responsibilities of the Palace staff! On top of all this, she's a sorcerer and talented Gateway player, too.

3rd Day of Resplendent Air, RY 768

We got a new student today, Mnemon Kira. She seems nice, but I don't know what to think of her. She says she was supposed to attend the House of Bells, but she refused to show up. I can't understand refusing to attend 1 of the premier secondary schools of the Realm. People would kill, have killed, to get into those academies! Perhaps it's part of some power play in House Mnemon? In any event, she's smart and personable, though her fascination with Shadowlands and the Deathlords is a little worrisome.

Today we also had basic assessment tests. Lasha helped Rector Danic administer them along with V'neef Chead, Master of the Greater Deliberative and apparently a monk in training, too. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Lasha proctored our written exams. I don't know how everyone else did, but I saw Judas sign his name to the Religion exam and turn it in blank. I did well on everything, a tribute to my teachers here at the College, but I aced the Law exam.

After written exams, we had a swim test. I can't believe none of the others can swim! I learned how even before I Exalted. I immediately offered lessons to anyone who wanted them and Rector Danic suggested everyone take me up on that. After the swim test, she tasked me with ensuring everyone arrived safely at the next test site. Lasha then told us that it was actually a footrace to the next location. Having had a few days to study most of my classmates and knowing Kira is an Air-aspect, I figured I was likely to lose this test.

So I refused to play. Rector Danic said I was responsible, so I was last, ensuring that everyone else made it safely to the sport court at the Palace. The race and subsequent test WERE instructive. My classmates spend Essence without care, it appears. In Kazuki and Ja'hanna's cases, I don't think they know any better. They also have no idea of the great game, or any notion of hiding your strength. With Kira and Judas, I expect they've simply had more training than me in the use and mastery of their Essence and that their displays, while excessive to me, were likely small uses of their talents.

The final test was to remove Chead from a duelling circle drawn on the sport court. Kazuki leapt immediately to the fight, challenging Chead. I'm glad he clarified the challenge, because he couldn't take Chead alone. After a few moments it was clear to me that all of us together couldn't take him. Though Kazuki revealing his possession of a hearthstoned dire lance might've shifted things. He's lucky nobody mistook it for an assassination attempt. Thankfully I turned it around and talked Chead into leaving the circle before things degenerated further. Even better, I did it without the use of Essence or Charms. They all know I'm well-spoken, but that's pretty much it.

6th Day of Resplendent Air, RY 768

Classes as a Dragon-Blood differ so much from last year. Rector Danic suggested courses, but the choices were actually ours. We practically have free run of the place. By and large I was happy with her recommendations, too. I've got a few classes with everyone but Judas. I can't figure out yet if Rector Danic didn't get his sarcasm or if she's simply punishing him for it. He told her he was here to learn cooking and art, so that's what she gave him and he's doing it.

After seeing him for a week, I expect that Kazuki failed the written assessment exams. When he's not asleep in class, he's goofing off with his mortal friends. And of course the professors can't do anything about it. Ja'hanna doesn't pay attention, either. I don't know what her problem is, I really don't. At least Kira's enthusiastic about some of her classes. She's also getting private daily lessons with Chancellor Crow. Maybe Crow is trying to discourage her curiosity about Shadowlands? Or prepare her, maybe?

Oh! Kazuki's dire lance! He got it off a bandit that he killed just a week before school started. He also Exalted during the fight. I don't know the details, but he was doing a job for House Margard at the time, I think. They certainly seem to have latched onto him, anyway. And the hearthstone is from House Cynis, a gift of the senior class Rector. It's obvious that Kazuki has no idea of the situation he's in. He seems like a genuinely good soul, though, so I intend to help him as best I can.

Tomorrow is the first meeting of the Greater Deliberative. Politics interests me intellectually and there's no denying their importance, but I don't find them personally fulfilling. Especially among Dragon-Bloods, it all seems like squabbling over matters that, just 5 years ago, were handled by the Empress. I can see some use with mortals, as it lets us lead and inspire by example, but we have to be careful to avoid cults of personality. It's the office and the position that's important, not the person serving that role.

7th Day of Resplendent Air, RY 768

Well I guess I have to take more of an interest in politics now. I've been elected Speaker of the Lesser Deliberative, beating out Judas, Ja'hanna, and Lasha. Lasha and I were the only ones who wanted the post to actually serve and lead. Ja'hanna said nothing on her behalf and Judas only wanted the job because he could call the Lesser Deliberative meetings when he wanted and get out of Religion class that way. I'm glad neither he nor Ja'hanna won.

I didn't nominate myself for the position, Kazuki did, but once nominated it was my duty to try and win. I fervently hope that the good I do now will outweight the events of last year. I intend to do everything in my power to make sure.

On a lighter note, we voted to explore Dunleavy Hall and depending on what we discover, we may try and clean the place out. I now have to take the motion to the Lesser Deliberative for their consideration. I've called the session for the evening of the 9th, after dinner. No reason to alienate the mortal students by interfering with their classes. They can't simply skip homework assignments like we can.

14th Day of Resplendent Air, RY 768

Well that certainly explained a lot. Dunleavy Hall is haunted by the memory of a demon that was somehow summoned there and then escaped. As luck would have it, the freshman class of that year was the first to respond. Unfortunately, Chead and Margard Saiki were the only survivors of the 6 person class. Tevaned's spirit draught worked as advertised. I guess I shouldn't be surprised; after all, drug dealers don't stay in business for long if their clients can't trust them.

More interestingly, Kazuki has a friend: A Water-aspect monster hunter named Margard Saiki. He asked her to secretly come along on the investigation but Judas heard her and I intimidated her into revealing her presence. She seems competent and it explains (I hope) why Kazuki is often sleeping in class. He's often up all night killing zombies and things. I don't yet know how they made each other's acquiantance, but they've been working together at least since his Exaltation and probably longer.

Most interesting of all, Saiki is 1 of the 2 survivors of the freshman class that tried to stop Glory. She holds Chead in low regard, blaming his desire for honor and glory for the deaths of so many that day. Unfortunately our expedition ended before I could ask her to elaborate. The reaction of the Black Helms to our exploration also leads me to believe that Dunleavy Hall has been left as some sort of test for Dragon-Blooded students.

The next Greater Deliberative meeting should be interesting. We know what's there and we're researching how to deal with it. Chead's insistence on razing the building makes sense, but I think purifying the Hall is the much better choice. Hopefully the debate will remain civil. As a scion of House Mnemon, I'm sure Kira's report will be tactful and measured. It won't do, alienating Chead, since we need him to sign off on any motions both houses of the Deliberative pass. Plus, he's helping with our martial training and angering a sensei is rarely wise.