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Session Start: Sat Oct 01 15:55:02 2005 Session Ident: #prelude

  • Now talking in #prelude
  • Arhat has joined #prelude
  • Haqim is now known as Nissen
  • Nissen is now known as Haqim

<Arhat> �The year is 678, summer still clings to the land as the days close in on the Calibration and the air is pleasent in the evening. The calm silence of the Great Clearing is periodically broken by the sound of a woman in pain. The woman is Graceful Willow, wife of the local lord Said ibn Asai ibn Haqim, and she is afraid because she is about to give birth to her first child.� <Arhat> �then the silence is again unbroken and the Scavenger Lands once again echo the dying summer. Thus was al Haqim iben Said Asai iben Haqim brought into the world, born for a destiny far greater than his parents could ever had imagined�

  • Haqim is now known as Asai_ibn_Said

<Asai_ibn_Said> Is she okay, priest? <Asai_ibn_Said> Ikke nødvendigvis

  • Arhat is now known as Creation
  • Disconnected

Session Close: Sat Oct 01 16:35:05 2005

Session Start: Sat Oct 01 16:36:09 2005 Session Ident: #prelude

  • Now talking in #prelude
  • Asai_ibn_Said is now known as Haqim

<Priest> She is alright m'Lord, she has given birth to a healthy boy.

  • Haqim is now known as PC
  • Priest is now known as Creation

<PC> thank the Spirits for that small blessing

  • Creation is now known as GM

<GM> *priest* you may enter and see them now, she is decent. <PC> Asai: Thank you <GM> *priest follows Asai into the chambers* <PC> Asai: Willow, Willow my beloved, how do you feel? <PC> Asai walks to his wife, a look of concern in his eyes <GM> *Willow, looking exausted yet glowing with the joy of giving life* wonderful, look at him, isn't he beautiful? the young Haqim. <PC> Asai takes Haqim from the hands of his wife <PC> Asai: I thank each spirit in this room for this joyous gift. <PC> Asai hands Haqim back to Willow <PC> Asai: And for this precious gift as well <PC> Asai says, and smiles to his wife. <GM> *priest* I can scry the childs future now if you wicshi it. <PC> Asai: No. I will let destiny unfold as it will. Let us not fight against it like the Varangians my Grandfather fled. <GM> *priest* a wise choice m'lord, knowing the path often only makes it harder to walk. <PC> Asai: Indeed. I will declare a great feast this evening. Call in the working hands from the fields, for we will eat, drink and be merry. <PC> Asai: Name your price, priest. If I can fulfill it, you may have it. Never have I known such joy as this day. <GM> *priest* then I will leave you again m'lord. I shall tell the servants of your wish on my way out. <GM> *priest, retroactive* m'Lord, I demand nothing for myself but the people of this region suffer at the hands of the Dragon-Blooded. They need to be free, and you have the resources to give them that freedom, or at least the resources to fight for it. <PC> Asai:... <GM> *priest* you hesitate m'lord, but surely you must have thought of this youself, being the rightous man you are. <PC> Asai: You name a steep price, priest. Yet I will not go back on my word. You may consider my sword yours, even if this betrayal of my Lord cost me my very honor. <GM> *priest* no honour is lost fighting tyranny. <PC> Asai: It is, if you have sworn not to. A mans oath is important. But when caugh between a promise to a Priest and to a Lord, a man must follow the greater good. �You� have my sword. <GM> � Later that evening Ga'Leon reflected� It is sad that such a good man must die so that a greater one may appear, but thus is the way of the maidens and little Haqim will undoubtly shake the very foundation of the Scavanger Lands. <GM> �Fade to Black� <PC> �Fade to Black� <GM> �Frost have the Great Clearing in his iron grip, it is the time for stories and academic pursuits in Creation and young Haqim is about to meet his new teacher from Chiaroscuro.

  • PC is now known as Haqim

<Haqim> Father, who is this man? You have yet to tell me who he is or why he arrives... <GM> *Asai* the man is an old friend of our family, his father helped us settle here in the River province, so act your best when he arrives. <Haqim> Always <Haqim> Nevertheless, my curiosity is overwhelming <GM> *Asai* that is understandable, but you must learn to control youself. Kato is a harsh teacher. <GM> �knock on the door� <Haqim> Teacher? What do I need to learn that you cannot teach me, father? <Haqim> Oh! <GM> �A servant moves towards the door� <Haqim> Why is that �damn� servant taking so long opening the door? <Haqim> Have him fired someday, please? <GM> *Asai* I do not have the time to teach you Haqim, you know that.

  • Haqim stares at the floor

<Haqim> I know dad. <Haqim> I just wish I didn't. <GM> *Asai pads Haqim on the head*

  • Haqim smiles, and stays silent until the door opens

<GM> �A large man warped in furs with a surprisingly wellkept beard enters�

  • Haqim stares at the stranger named Kato. In his mind, he expected somebody... Younger.
  • Haqim whispers: Dad, how is this man going to teach me anything? He's even older than my uncle.

<GM> �He hardly notices the baffled servant and walks straight towards Asai and the two embraces like old friends who have not seen eachother in a long time� <Haqim> KATO: I bring you greetings from far lands, Asai! <GM> ASAI: It is good to see you again Kato <GM> �Asai completly ignores Haqims wispers� <Haqim> Greetings Kato, whom my father name friend. <GM> ASAI: this is my son, Haqim i told you about in the letter. <GM> KATO: ah, young Haqim. I look forward to instructing you. <Haqim> And I look forward to your tutelage, although my father has been less than forthcoming with what subjects you teach <GM> KATO looks at ASIA with a smug smile then bakc at HAQIM <GM> KATO: I will teach you a little of this and a little of that, I will try to nurture your talents, be it academic or manually. Personally I have never been able to tell the difference. <Haqim> Although that will no doubt seem accurate when I have grown wiser under your guidance, it currently tells me nothing. <Haqim> Meh. It cannot be so bad, eh? <GM> KATO merely smiles <GM> �Fade to Black indeed� <Haqim> �Indeed Fade to Black� <GM> �Next morning in the stable, way earlier than Haqim is used to� <Haqim> *Yawn*. Good morning, Kato. <Haqim> Why did my servant roust me this early? <GM> KATO: beacuse I told them to. have you had any weapon training? <Haqim> Nothing real <Haqim> Yes! One of the stablehands has taught me everything there is to know about knives!

  • GM is now known as Kato

<Kato> heh, *Kato smiles* show me.

  • Kato reveales a table filled with weapons.
  • Haqim fumbles with the decorated knife his father gave him

<Haqim> I carry one myself! <Haqim> I do not need to borrow one. <Kato> *amused* I see <Haqim> Anyway, it's a knife. <Haqim> You're supposed to hold it like this <Kato> so, what did the stablehands teach you?

  • Haqim holds the knife. Wrong.
  • Kato takes the knife and put it bakc in Haqims hand correctly.

<Haqim> Hey! <Haqim> Don't do that when I'm holding it! You might have gotten cut! <Haqim> ... <Kato> If you wish to hurt others than youself you will do as I say. <Haqim> You're good with knives? <Kato> I've had a little training, yes. <Haqim> I bet my dad is better than you :p <Kato> he may very well be. <Kato> if it is so, then you must be good with short blades as well.

  • Kato picks up a knife
  • Haqim looks at the knife, and pays no attention to Kato's free hand
  • Kato steals
  • Kato steals Haqims ornate knife.

<Haqim> Hey! <Haqim> Give that back, that's mine! <Kato> lessen 1, always pay attention to the opponent. <Haqim> My father gave that to me! <Haqim> But... <Haqim> But your knife! I �did� look at your knofe <Haqim> No fair that you used your other hand <Kato> it is not the weapon, but the man who holds it you must observe <Haqim> I still say it is cheating. <Haqim> But since you're the man with two knives, and I wield none, I guess I should listen <Kato> ah, you �are� smart.

  • Haqim smiles for the first time since getting out of bed much earlier than he likes

<Kato> good, now... we will start teaching you some real combat from the buttom. <Haqim> The stable hand told me about that <Haqim> He said

  • Kato smiles

<Haqim> "Haqim, if anybody ever tells you they will teach a subject from the bottom, it's because they think you aren't smart enough to understand it from the top." <Kato> that's a talkative stableboy you got here, huh? <Kato> you cannot master the knife before you have mastered your own body. <Haqim> ... <Haqim> That sounds suspiciously like something my father would say <Kato> you flatter me master Haqim. <Haqim> Usually right before he tells me "No, you cannot have that yet"

  • Haqim blushes. He didn't want to flatter the old man.
  • Kato smiles in a very inappropriate way for a hired teacher who's technically a servant
  • Haqim suddenly understands a small part of the greater picture.

<Haqim> Let me guess: I cannot have a knife yet? <Kato> once you have forged your body into a weapon of itself you wont need the knife. <Kato> the knife merely becomes a part of the larger weapon. <Kato> or any weapon for that matter. <Haqim> Teach me then, Kato. <Haqim> Teach me to become a weapon <Kato> good first you must learn to focus youself

  • Kato assumes some simple meditative stance
  • Haqim eagerly joins Kato on the path to enlightened violence

<Haqim> �fade to black� <Kato> �Fade to Black� <Kato> �spring is all over the Clearing, Haqim is now 15 years old�

  • Haqim bursts into his fathers office
  • Kato is now known as Asai
  • Asai looks up

<Haqim> Asai ibn Said, I am �tired� of the ledgers and accounting <Haqim> Why? <Haqim> Why do you give this to me? <Haqim> Have I not pleased you? <Haqim> Have I not shown you sufficient filial piety? <Asai> Haqim, we have had this discussion before! <Haqim> In the great game of social standing, have I not shown you proper deference? <Asai> Haqim I will not... <Haqim> You name me heir, yet do not give me an heirs responsibilities <Haqim> And when I complain, you set me to accounting! <Asai> You know it is not about... <Haqim> Well I for one am tired of it. I know you hide something from me, but I do not care any longer <Asai> Do not talk to your father like tha... <Haqim> I will take my leave of this place. I know what is mine and what is yours, and I demand will take what is mine and leave <Haqim> Goodbye father. <Asai> you have no right to... <Haqim> We may yet see each other again, but do not depend on it

  • Haqim slams the door and storms towards his study
  • Asai gets up and stares mildly befumbled at the door.
  • Haqim orders the servants around

<Haqim> Get Mirriam saddled <Haqim> I am leaving this place

  • Asai is now known as willow

<willow> Haqim what is going on?

  • Haqim looks up from his bags

<Haqim> Oh, hello mother <Haqim> I did not see you <willow> what is all this yelling about?

  • Haqim resumes his packing

<Haqim> Oh, nothing <Haqim> Nothing important, anyway. <Haqim> I'm just leaving <willow> Haqim, settle down. <Haqim> Not that �I� matter, in the great scheme of things <Haqim> Why? <willow> you know he cares about you. <Haqim> Why should I settle down? He names me heir, and yet very important things are hidden from me. <Haqim> ... <Haqim> If only he would tell me... <willow> We need you to take care of the acounting, you are very good at that. you father...

  • willow sighs

<Haqim> My father what? <Haqim> See? Even you hide it from me! <willow> your father...stop packing. <Haqim> But if I am not appreciated, I will leave. <willow> please <Haqim> No, mother. This is not up to discussion. <Haqim> Leave me. <willow> you must understand... <Haqim> Leave. Me.

  • willow is almost crying
  • willow walks out
  • Haqim is almost uncaring in his rage
  • Haqim walks over and closes the door
  • willow is now known as Kato

<Haqim> Accursed people I descend from! <Haqim> Where the devil is my bow? I know it's in here �somewhere�.

  • Haqim looks for his weapons

<Haqim> Maybe it has already been packed? <Haqim> I �tell� the servants not to touch my weapons, but do they listen?

  • Haqim leaves his rooms, heading for the stairs and the stables below
  • Kato is in the stables, apperantly moving some heavy chests

<Haqim> ... <Haqim> Greetings Kato <Haqim> I see you are back from your journey. <Haqim> Why am I never told of such things? <Kato> Hi Master Haqim. yes, though the trip to Xian is hardly a "journey". <Haqim> Please, Kato. What is this that you and my parents hide from me? <Haqim> Heh, it is far enough.

  • Kato looks at the chests for a split second
  • Haqim probably doesn't notice

<Kato> well, I cnnot tell you anything other than they hide it from you for the sake of your security. <Haqim> Psh. <Haqim> You have taught me well <Haqim> No man in this area can defeat me, except possibly you. <Kato> I taught you as good as I can. Even though I havn't been able to spend so much time with you as I could have wished, your father had work for me in Xian. <Haqim> I know, and it infuriates me. "No Haqim, you cannot journey to Xian with Kato... I have much important business for you" <Haqim> And he sets me to work on the accounting! <Kato> You have a knack for math as well as the martial arts <Kato> you must train both <Kato> but I know that is not what you want to hear. <Haqim> I learn nothing further from such accounting. Nothing <Haqim> But if you do not wish to tell me, I will not press you for details <Haqim> It does not matter any more <Haqim> I am already leaving <Kato> very good, I see you have learned that I never say more than needed to be said.

  • Haqim looks for his bow

<Haqim> I have merely learned that getting sufficient detail from you is infuriatingly difficult. <Kato> it is the same thing.

  • Kato smiles
  • Haqim forgets, for the shortest while, the anger he feels

<Haqim> Maybe so <Kato> remember to keep up with your martial training while you are gone. <Haqim> Hah. Yes, getting some �real� experience will be good. <Haqim> Perhaps I can find a master in Great Forks? I hear strange news from that city

  • Haqim finds his weapons

<Haqim> Ah HA! <Haqim> There they were! <Kato> I doubt great forks is a city for you. <Haqim> I will leave you now, Kato, and take that last advice with me. Perhaps I shall journey southwest instead, towards Blacksilver and beyond <Kato> yes, the lands to the north may be close to the yellow river but they are also extreemly dangerous. <Haqim> ... <Haqim> Unlike the barbarians to the south? But perhaps you speak of a different kind of danger <Kato> Go to Black Silver and join a caravan if you wish to see the world...from a different perspektive. <Haqim> Indeed. I will join the Guild for a short while. See how the merchant princes do business. <Kato> take a fast horse and you will be able to outrun most barbarians, the �things� to the north are not as easily dealt with. <Haqim> As in all things, I will heed your advice, Kato. <Haqim> Goodbye, mentor and friend.

  • Haqim spurrs his horse and rides into the western sunset...

<Kato> goodbye Haqim ibn Asai ibn Haqim <Kato> �fade to black� <Haqim> Fade to Black <Haqim> �Fade to Black� <Kato> �Balck Silver is a dirty as ever, as Haqim enters the muddy town of sweat and iron he can see the mindless husks of the fair folks victims toil in the mines.

  • Haqim shakes his head
  • Kato is now known as gm

<Haqim> I have never understood why people would willingly work in such mess. Surely I would have quit long ago and found a different business.

  • Haqim shakes his head

<Haqim> This is an unpleasant business <Haqim> I would rather die than live like this...

  • Haqim turns his horse towards the nearest caravanserai
  • gm is now known as Mirriam
  • Mirriam is clearly shaken by the slaves
  • Mirriam is now known as gm
  • Haqim is now known as mirriam
  • mirriam har bare at gøre som der bliver sagt
  • mirriam is now known as Haqim
  • gm is now known as Mirriam
  • Haqim spurrs his horse towards the Nearest. Caravanserai.
  • Mirriam smider haqim af
  • Mirriam smiler
  • Mirriam is now known as gm
  • Haqim is now known as mirriam
  • mirriam dies from a sudden and fatal case of the beheadings
  • mirriam is now known as Haqim

<Haqim> Moving on...

  • Haqim smiles at the guard of the caravanserai

<Haqim> Greetings! <Haqim> I have come a long way to see your fair city and join a caravan <Haqim> I seek to rest tonight under this roof <gm> GENERIC GUARD: who the fuck are you? <Haqim> ... <Haqim> I am Haqim ibn Said, a merchant of no small means <gm> �The Guard looks at Haqims clothes� <Haqim> �The Guard looks at some nice fucking silk-and-cotton clothes� <Haqim> I come from the Xian road, and I am weary of my travels <gm> GENERIC GUARD: *cough* there are decent beds at the Whollop's Inn *he points* <gm> GENERIC GUARD: *looks at the building he's "guarding" and then back on Haqim* should be pretty obvious I think.

  • Haqim hands the guard half a Jade Obol

<Haqim> please make sure my horse is well-tended while I rest

  • Haqim puts on his winning smile

<gm> GENERIC GUARD go talk to the caravan master about joining, she's usualy to be found at the Opium den at this time o' da day. <Haqim> Thank you <Haqim> I believe I will remember you... <gm> GENERIC GUARD *looks at the coin* no, thank �you� *he mumbles*

  • Haqim rides through the gate into the courtyard

<Haqim> You! Stable-hand! Take care of my horse. <Haqim> And which of these doors is the main entrance? <gm> GENERIC STABLEHAND #42: That one sir *points* <Haqim> Thank you

  • Haqim hands the reins to Mirriam over, taking from his pack only his knife and his money

<Haqim> Ach <Haqim> Det prøver jeg lige igen

  • Haqim hands the reins to Mirriam over, taking from his pack only knife and money
  • Haqim enters the main room

<gm> X slå perception X

  • Haqim looks around, studying the room but mostly looking for the host.

<Haqim> Okay <gm> eller X per+awa X

  • gm states that Haqim suddenly feels a light touch in his pocket and almost reflextivly graps the person (who appears to be a boy a couple of years younger then himself) in an armlock

<gm> THIEF #6: Argh! *mumbles* shitshitshit. <gm> THIEF #6: *struggles for a while then begins to sob*

  • Haqim drags the boy outside before they make too much noise

<gm> THIEF #6: *okay, then he sobs outside*

  • Haqim slams the man up against the wall, before realising that he is actually younger than himself

<Haqim> ... <Haqim> Why... <Haqim> You're supposed to �not� steal, like your parents tell you, <Haqim> Did you not get beaten enough?

  • gm is now known as Torsque_the_Thief

<Torsque_the_Thief> but - but - I need the money... <Haqim> Then you will �work� for the money, like all proper people do. <Torsque_the_Thief> I - sob - I dont wanna go into the mines <Haqim> Now I suspect that turning you over to the guard outside the gate will have... Fatal consequences. Am I far off? <Haqim> Ah, mines... <Torsque_the_Thief> oh no, not the guard! <Torsque_the_Thief> please mister, sir. <Haqim> Quiet! <Haqim> He hasn't heard us <Haqim> �yet�

  • Torsque_the_Thief crys in silence

<Haqim> I'm going to release your arm. If you run, I'm going to knock you down and turn you in. Do you understand me?

  • Torsque_the_Thief is now known as To
  • To is now known as ToSque_the_Thief
  • ToSque_the_Thief is now known as Three-Finger_the_Thief

<Three-Finger_the_Thief> yes yes, mister.

  • Haqim is now known as Haqim|AFK
  • Haqim|AFK is now known as Haqim

<Haqim> Good

  • Haqim releases Three-finger the poor thief
  • Three-Finger_the_Thief shakes his arm and stretches.

<Haqim> Now, before I regret doing this, what is your name, oh child of the world? <Three-Finger_the_Thief> Three-Finger mister *he shows his right hand, two fingers are missing*

  • Three-Finger_the_Thief is now known as Three-Finger
  • Haqim looks shocked for a split second

<Haqim> Ah. <Haqim> Okay. <Haqim> Well, Three-Finger, I am in something of a conundrum <Haqim> On the one hand, I think you should be punished for thievery. <Haqim> On the other hand, I cannot in good conscience send anybody to the mines

  • Three-Finger looks rather anxious

<Haqim> So this is your lucky day: <Haqim> I have decided that since I need a guide to this city, you're it.

  • Three-Finger looks confused

<Three-Finger> y...yes, alright, sure. <Haqim> Good

  • Three-Finger nods a lot

<Haqim> The first thing that's going to happen is that I'm going back into that room <Haqim> Have you ever previously acted as a servant for anybody? <Three-Finger> um... <Haqim> You stay �behind� me <Haqim> Slightly to my right

  • Three-Finger tries to stay where Haqim tells him, he's not very good at it.
  • Three-Finger is now known as GM
  • Haqim enters the main room once again, paying strict attention to whether �somebody� tries to sneak off with his money again ;)
  • GM states that nobody tries to sneak off with his money this time.
  • Haqim whispers:
  • GM cant hear Haqim

<Haqim> *Try not to look like you've come here to rob somebody and maybe we won't get tossed out* <GM> TF (Three-Finger): Yessir

  • Haqim once again looks around the common room, trying to spot the host

<GM> *there's a host-like figure at the bar*

  • Haqim approaches the host

<Haqim> Greetings! <Haqim> I've come from far away, and would dearly like both room and bath <Haqim> Also get me something to eat for myself and my servant <GM> HOST: hmm, sure. that'll be XX obols. will soup do? <Haqim> ... <Haqim> If you have nothing else..? <GM> that is indeed the case <Haqim> Soup, then! <Haqim> Splendid.

  • Haqim turns towards TF

<GM> good "choice" <Haqim> Follow him to our rooms, then come down to me and help me unpack

  • Haqim leaves the common room and exits out into the courtyard

<GM> *TF looks at Haqim, a bit confused, then seems to wake up and runs after the host.* <GM> the courtyard is muddy <Haqim> I wonder if people around here can ever get clean, with the constant soot falling from the foundrysmoke clouds? <Haqim> Ah well

  • Haqim heads towards the stables

<GM> you meet the same stabelboy (#42) that stashed Mirriam away <Haqim> Take me to my horse <Haqim> (And accept that I give direct orders, you peasant!) <GM> STABLEHAND #42:'kay. <GM> *he gets you your horse* <Haqim> No he doesn't <Haqim> "Take me to my horse" <Haqim> (Sorry) <GM> *he �takes� you to your horse* <GM> *mirriam looks slightly displeased*

  • Haqim starts unloading his horse

<Haqim> (unless the stabehand already has done so?) <GM> *'tis done already, sir*

  • Haqim waits until TF arrives

<GM> *TF arrives after a few minuts <Haqim> Hi again :) <GM> Hi um...m'Lord...? <Haqim> If you take �that� bag, I'll take this one and we can go get some food <Haqim> Unless you aren't hungry... <Haqim> @ /knowing smile <Haqim> Now please, lead on towards our room <GM> *TF, who've never been the most muscular person, toils with the baggage* <GM> ugh, 'tis over here, sir. <Haqim> Lead the way. <GM> *TF leads on to the room*

  • Haqim enters the room, and drops his bag on the bed

<GM> *it creaks a lot*

  • Haqim ignores the goddamn creaking.

<GM> *and the goddamn creaking ignores him :)* <Haqim> So, Three-Finger, I hunger. Join me in the common room for some soup.

  • Haqim leaves the room

<Haqim> Did you find out what our host is named? <Haqim> Strike that <Haqim> Do you know what our host is named <Haqim> ? <GM> TF: Braskbrawl. <Haqim> Ah. <GM> 'tis all they call 'im <Haqim> No doubt a name with long... Oh who am I kidding. He's a caravanserai host, and that's all that matters. <Haqim> Braskbrawl! I'd like some of that soup you mentioned. <GM> BB: comming up! <GM> *after 10 minuts you get a horribly looking substance that might pass as soup in complte are in a rather well-lit room*

  • Haqim looks at the soup.

<GM> *TF starts eating with much joy*

  • Haqim eats as fast as he can, to get it over with

<Haqim> �Fade to Black� <Haqim> �hej der <Haqim> h <GM> �in the Den of Opium and Other Substances�

  • Haqim pushes at the door

<GM> THE CARAVAN MASTER: who's this youngster? who let him in? <Haqim> I suspect the not-so-inconsiderable bribe in the hand of the guard out front helped with that... <Haqim> He was quite insistent that he could not let anybody in <Haqim> Hah! Like boys my age have ever killed anybody. <GM> CM: why then do I pay him fucking double the regular pay! <Haqim> Quite possibly because you can afford to do so? <Haqim> Nevertheless, you can be at your ease, I come not to worry your health <GM> CM: hmm, well kiddo, you seem to have something on ya mind. <GM> spill it <Haqim> I have come to join your caravan, if you will have me <GM> *she looks at ya clothes* <GM> what is your trade?

  • Haqim puts on his winning smile

<Haqim> Currently? Not much <Haqim> Gems, mostly <Haqim> Things that cannot be sold at their full value in this area, anyway. <GM> you sell gems? (with disbelief) <Haqim> No, I �intend� to sell gems. Right now I �carry� gems. <Haqim> However... <Haqim> Gems are... Not something you want to travel with alone, no? <GM> you do... *some sinister thought run through her hear* <GM> oh, no, not at all. <Haqim> I was thinking of giving you a cut of, say, 50% of my profits? <Haqim> For the protection of your caravan. <GM> ... <Haqim> I will not take up much space: <GM> you don't look like you're tough enough for the caravan. *looks at your considerable bulk* <Haqim> I bring only one servant, and carry my goods on my own horse <Haqim> You... <Haqim> Say that. <Haqim> Of course you do. <GM> and you will take up quite a lot of space *evil snigger* <Haqim> You believe I am not tough, and that is understandable. <GM> indeed, you bare look like a day over 15. <Haqim> Nevertheless, I have just ridden, in three weeks straight, the 150 miles from Xian to here, through the bandits and barbarians of that route <Haqim> Without advantage of neither road nor map <Haqim> And with no change of horse <GM> *sigh* spoiled noble brat, lies like a trader in Nexus and as usefull as a rat in a granary. <GM> *waves at the guards* get him outa my sight. <Haqim> Hah, noble indeed. <GM> *a guard approces*

  • Haqim waits until the guard reaches for him

<GM> *the guard cassually reaches for him* <Haqim> 5 sej <Haqim> sek <GM> 2 sej 4 u

  • Haqim leans slightly backwards, in a movement of sinous grace. To those who recognize it, Haqim has obviously just fallen down into the Snake stance

<Haqim> (dex+dodge stunt) <GM> +1 dice <Haqim> ... <Haqim> 2 sux <Haqim> Man what? <Haqim> Oh well, let's hope it's a 4-dice extra... <GM> (botch) <GM> (kick his ass Haqim)

  • Haqim quickly snatches the approaching hand, twisting it as he leans even further backwards. The overextended guard is pulled right along, and his front boot is caught under Haqims leg
  • Haqim quickly turns, letting the guard fall onto the ground, ass first :)

<GM> GENERIC GUARD: Ugh! <GM> CM: hmmm

  • Haqim , without letting go of the hand, walks halfway around the guard, locking his arm

<Haqim> Please! <Haqim> I have no quarrel with you <GM> CM: I was wrong about you, it seems, welcome aboard. <Haqim> As I said, I will share my profits <Haqim> Thank you <GM> GENERIC GUARD wimpers

  • Haqim eyes the opulence of the room

<Haqim> I will go back to my rooms, then. When do you leave? <GM> in two days, speak to the quatermaster, Tomasa, he'll get you fixed up with all the stuff you'll need. <Haqim> Thank you

  • Haqim bows, releases the guard and turns to leave the room

<GM> �Fade to black <Haqim> �Fade to Black� <GM> �He left a spoiled brat, he returns a compassionate administrator <GM> �it is a late evening in the spring, and most of the servants are asleep

  • Haqim arrives on his horse. In two he has two trusted servants, Three-Finger and Bronce Hammer

<Haqim> Dammit

  • Haqim arrives on his horse. In tow he has two trusted servants, Three-Finger and Bronce Hammer

<Haqim> Before us, in the distance, you see the house I grew up in <Haqim> Unless something cruel has happened, the owner is Said ibn Asai <GM> TF: how do you think your parents will react? <Haqim> I... Don't know. <Haqim> My mother will be pleased, I think <GM> BH: I'm sure it'll be alright. <Haqim> My father... We parted with strong words, and apoligies left unspoken <Haqim> *apologies <GM> TF well, there's no time like the present. <Haqim> Mostly I worry about a man named Kato, of whom I've yet to tell you. <Haqim> But he seemed... Supportive... when I left <Haqim> Well spoken, Three-Finger <Haqim> Let us ride

  • Haqim spurrs mirriam into a gallop towards the complex on the hill.

<GM> *knocks coconust together*

  • Haqim slaps GM around a bit with a large trout

<GM> *coconuts <Haqim> I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts (doot doot)

  • Haqim reaches the gate into the complex

<Haqim> What-HO! <Haqim> IT IS EVENING, AND WE ARE TIRED <GM> TF, what master? <Haqim> They have probably gone to bed <Haqim> I am simply trying to get the guards attention. <GM> *a Guard emerges* <Haqim> Greetings, Wadjet! Long time! <GM> GENERIC GUARD #4 Who is that? it sounds like... <Haqim> Get a torch down here, if you want to see my face. <Haqim> But 'tis I, Haqim <GM> Wadjet: Is it...? Haqim, Praise the Sun, you're back! <Haqim> Aye <Haqim> And richer than when I left <Haqim> Both in material goods and in the wisdom that makes a man. <GM> You parents thought you dead and Hecto was devasteted when you left. I will wake the house immeadatly. <Haqim> Please! There is no need for great commotion. <Haqim> But I would like to see Said and Willow, at least. <GM> (Joke: Well said - get it? Said= din far, well Said - eh?) <GM> I'm on my way <GM> *the gate opens and you are allowed in*

  • Haqim quickly rides through the gate, followed by his loyal servants

<Haqim> (His disloyal servants can stay outside ;) <GM> *after a few minutes your father enters the courtyard, he looks troubled.* <GM> Said: Is it true

  • Haqim turns towards his father

<GM> *He looks around and sports you* <GM> *spots <Haqim> Greetings, father <Haqim> It has been a long time since last we met. <Haqim> Too long. <GM> Greetings son *gives you a bear hug* <GM> too long my son

  • Haqim accepts the damn hug

<GM> (KAPOW ARMLÅS) <Haqim> Please, is Willow here? <Haqim> HAH! <GM> Yes, she's asleep, but Wadjet'll wake her. <Haqim> Of course he wil <Haqim> *wil <Haqim> *will!!! <Haqim> *Dammit >_< <GM> I was up anyway. *he pauses* 'tis really you. we've, missed you son. <Haqim> And I have missed you as well, father. It is a cold, dark world out there. <Haqim> Please, let me introduce you to some of my companions

  • Haqim turns towards TF and BH

<Haqim> These are Three-Finger and Bronce Hammer <Haqim> Three-Finger I met in Blacksilver, Bronce Hammer is from Great Forks <GM> *TF looks at the ground (he'be never known his own father)*

  • Haqim plays a tiny violin

<Haqim> Ok sorry <Haqim> OOC i MSN, RP i mIRC <GM> ja <GM> *Said greets both your companions* <GM> *enter YOUR MOM!* <Haqim> They are all that I have had for companionship these many months. I have travelled with others, but never with more loy... <Haqim> MOM! <GM> Willow: Haqim!

  • Haqim hugs Willow

<Haqim> Oh it has been too long since last we did htis <Haqim> *this <GM> *melodramatic reunion* <GM> Willow *Crying*: it has.

  • Haqim reaches around Graceful Willows back, hiding her head

<Haqim> Shh. It's okay mom. I'm here again.

  • Haqim starts crying

<Haqim> I've... <Haqim> I've missed you both. <Haqim> Is... <Haqim> Oh never mind. <GM> Willow: hush now, there's a time for stories, but let us savor the moment for now. <Haqim> I love you. I don't care what you're doing, I love you both. <Haqim> *sobbing* Wadjet, please show Three-Finger and Hammer to some empty rooms. <GM> Said: and we love you, your brother, Hecto, has also missed you alot. <GM> Said: of course, the friends of my sons are welcome in my house.

  • Haqim laughs, while tears run down his cheeks

<Haqim> I'm sure he's tired of doing your accounting <GM> *Said laughes very heartfelt* <GM> Said: He sure it <GM> *si <GM> *is!!!1 <GM> *shitcock <Haqim> *Dammit >_< <GM> Willow *sobbing*: tomorrow well, hold a grand feats. <GM> *we'll <Haqim> *feast <Haqim> Nu vi er igang... <GM> yessir <Haqim> Is Kato still coming around, every few months? <GM> Said: Kato's in Xian, doing something very important, he won't be here before the first harvest. <Haqim> ... <Haqim> More secrets? <Haqim> That's okay <Haqim> I can handle secrets... <Haqim> Sometimes the truth, it is better when hidden. <GM> Said: we'll will tell you in due time, but not now and not like this. <GM> *we <Haqim> Let it never again be like this <Haqim> �Fade to Black <GM> �fade to black <GM> �Haqim is 19 years old, it is early winter. His father has called him to his office

  • GM is now known as Said
  • Haqim knocks on the door

<Haqim> Father? <Haqim> You called for me? <Said> Come in Haqim

  • Haqim opens the door

<Said> take a seat <Haqim> Thank you <Said> it is about time you are told the truth. <Haqim> ... <Haqim> Really? <Haqim> I mean... <Haqim> Sure. <Said> I am sure you have at this time guessed most of it, but it is better to have it out in the open <Haqim> Who are we selling weapons to? <Said> we're not selling them, we're giving them to the White Wolves (white wolf copyright!) in Xian <Haqim> ... <Haqim> Besides being bad business, are you certain this is wise? <Said> ...I made a promise once. <Haqim> You have given your allegiance to the Lord of Xain! <Haqim> Our familys honour is at stake! <Said> *angered* there is no true lord in Xina! <Haqim> What do you mean? <Said> there is no honour in following a tyran! <Haqim> No? So you claim. <Haqim> But I have seen the world, father. <Haqim> And it is not a pretty place. <Said> that is why our Familys Patric left Varang. <Said> to create a place free of tyrany. <Haqim> This world needs tyrants, or organizations like the Guild will be free to do as they see fit <Said> The world needs no dragon-blooded halfgods <Haqim> A yoke �must� be placed on the people, a mighty lord �must� hold the power, or all is anarchy <Haqim> In anarchy, only the strong find advantage <Said> life without freedom is slavery! <Said> there need to be a true lord in Xian <Haqim> Slavery is preferable to sleeping in the rain and eating nothing because the Guild has taken all you have <Haqim> True lord? <Haqim> What do you mean by these words? <Said> A lord that knows he has a duty towards the people <Said> the Strong must protect the weak. <Said> Malak does not protect anything but his concubines! <Haqim> And is it not so? Does the Lord of Xian not protect us, from the ravages of the Fair ones and the barbarians? <Said> our field are being burned by hawkmen and the soldiers in Xian do nothing. <Haqim> Indeed <Haqim> ? <Haqim> Things have gone bad then, since I left for Blacksilver <Haqim> Or has it always been so, and my eyes blinded by the wealth we have? <Said> I fear it is so, though you have shown great compassion towards those not as fortunate as us. I have been so proud ever since you returned three years ago. <Said> I think you will understand one day. <Said> I know you will. The burden of noblilty is not always a pleasent one, but it is ours to bear. <Haqim> It may well be so. Nevertheless, I find treason distasteful. A mans oath is important. <Said> aye, 'tis so that I made two oaths. <Said> and I could only follow one, so I chose the rightous <Haqim> Ah... <Haqim> I will not offer you forgiveness, for you have done nothing that must be forgiven. <Haqim> Filial piety demands that I serve you in this as in all matters <Said> you are indeed wise beyond your years. <Said> I wish that history will judge me as you did. <Haqim> But I still find it distasteful and I am happy. �happy�, that it was you and not I who swore an oath to Malak <Said> I cures the day I did, but had I not he'd have slain your mother.

  • Said sighs

<Haqim> *curse? <Haqim> Very well then <Said> *yeah, quite bitching <Said> you are free to leave <Haqim> If my travels have taught me anything, it is this: In a choice between two paths, I must chose the one that leads to the greater good, even if it is a distasteful path

  • Said nods

<Haqim> And so, I will follow in the traitors footsteps, and hopefully it will not be for nothing. <Haqim> I thank you, father, for letting me know. <Haqim> �Fade to Black� <Said> wow, ninja Fade

  • Said is now known as GM

<GM> �It is early morning, you have been hunting for two days with Three-Finger, already many miles from home you feel that something is wrong and orders TF to stay behind <GM> �Three-finger = TF and some other guys

  • Haqim turns in the saddle

<Haqim> People! <GM> *hushed silence* <Haqim> I have some business to attend! <Haqim> Hopefully it is nothing, but it may be important <GM> TF but we <Haqim> So I urge you, hunt this bear. Bring it down and feast upon it's flesh <Haqim> But it will be without e <Haqim> *without me <Haqim> I must turn back <GM> TF as you command m'lord <Haqim> Three-Finger, you are in charge now <Haqim> Hopefully this will be nothing <GM> TF aye <Haqim> If you don't take care to hide your tracks, I will follow them and find you again <GM> TF if it is your wish. <Haqim> It is. <GM> *the hunting party continiues into the forest casting worried glances at Haqim* <Haqim> I know you are my servants, but I tell you this: I consider you all my companions, and I am honoured that you serve me

  • Haqim sits down in the saddle again, and spurrs Mirriam back towards his fathers complex
  • Haqim rides Mirriam out of the forrest, and sees a pillar of heavy, black smoke

<GM> *as he closes in he can the the trail of an army in the soil* <Haqim> FATHER!

  • Haqim spurrs Mirriam, driving it as fast as he can towards the funeral pyre that he called "home"

<Haqim> MOTHER! <GM> *Your former home is a ruin, devoid of any life save the maggots* <Haqim> It cannot be! <Haqim> It... It �cannot� be! <Haqim> Dad? Mom? DAD? <Haqim> WILLOW? <Haqim> WADJET? <Haqim> HEKTO? <Haqim> ANYONE? <GM> Wadjet: *cough*

  • Haqim leaps from Mirriam

<Haqim> Wadjet! <Haqim> Wadjet, what has happened! <GM> *you find Wadjet, covered in blood and severly wounded* <Haqim> WADJET! <GM> *he spits blood* <Haqim> Here, let me help you <GM> ...Malak's men... <GM> They...

  • Haqim finds a piece of silk cloth in his pocket, and wipes the blood and sweat from Wadjets face

<GM> *you try to help him, but to na awail* <Haqim> No! <Haqim> WADJET!

  • Haqim frantically digs through the ruins, searching for survivors

<GM> *nothing* <Haqim> No... <GM> *only the broken ghosts of a home* <Haqim> It cannot be. Not now. Not when I finally understand

  • Haqim turns towards the sun

<Haqim> Not NOW! <GM> *and then he finally understands, he understands that the thing he feared so much that he did not even dare to think it has come to pass. He sighs heavily*

  • Haqim closes his eyes, and the anger in him streams to the surface
  • Haqim closes his eyes, and the anger in him streams to the surface. In the middle of the pyre, the flames intensify a hundredfold and leap to him, and in the warmth of the sun and the fire, he opens his eyes once more

<Haqim> I am al Haqim ibn Said ibn Asai ibn Haqim, last survivor of the house of Haqim il Wir Fatma! <Haqim> I am the firstborn son of Said il Ibnir, heir to his house, blood of his blood and the continuation of his ideology. <Haqim> I will continue his legacy, I will fight the tyranny he fought. I am my fathers �firstborn�, and mine is the right and the �duty� to continue his life <Haqim> And I have been Chosen, by the Unconquered Sun, my LORD, to bring this world into a new, GLORIOUS future! The importance of this was seen by my father, and his vision lives on in me! In the name of the eternal sun I now fight, and nothing shall stop me before I stand on top of a pile of corpses with the still-beating heart of Cynis Ivaku in my hand! Upon this, �I SWEAR!

  • Haqim strides from the pyre with glorious flames leaping from his body into the sky, illuminating the terrain for miles around

<GM> �fade to black

  • GM is now known as Ga
  • Haqim is now known as medivh

<medivh> Sådan? <Ga> vent <medivh> m'kay

  • medivh is now known as Haqim
  • Ga is now known as GM

<GM> "what a sad end for Said, but at leasts he died fighting for his beliefs", Ga'Leon reflected,"And this is certainly an exciting twist of Fate for Haqim, The maidens always has the upper hand" He smiled an ancient smile "And I think Said will be proud of his firstborn".

  • GM is now known as Arhat
  • Haqim is now known as medivh

<medivh> Man what?

  • Arhat slaps medivh with a large Torsque

<medivh> Skal jeg rette loggen igennem, eller foretrækker du den med huller i? <medivh> @ /Eat no Fish Prana <Arhat> er det ikke for meget arbejde?

  • medivh places his feet slightly apart and a strange focus comes into his eyes. As he activates Blade of the Battle Maiden, his increased prowess is visible to all.

<Arhat> hvad skal du da med loggen? <medivh> HAVE DEN! <medivh> Evt. ligge den på min Wiki side <Arhat> 'tis my precious <Arhat> go ahead <medivh> Okay <medivh> Jeg tror jeg ligger to udgaver <Arhat> så kommer jeg nok ind og ligger kommentaren "oh man, I love your GM" <medivh> En der slet ikke er rettet, og en der er hyper-rettet så Three-Finger hedder Three-Finger fra starten <medivh> OK <medivh> Helt i orden <medivh> Så kan jeg komme med <medivh> :Man what? Ryger du hash? <medivh> Anyway, lad os forlade denne channel, say what? Session Close: Sat Oct 01 22:25:02 2005