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The Ten Commandments of the Unconquered Sun to his Chosen

  • 1. Thou shalt take no other gods before the Unconquered Sun, for he is lord to all.
  • 2. Thou shalt not bow down in worship of The Chosen, unless thy prayers are directed to their Lord.
  • 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord of Gods in vain, for his name is Unconquered.
  • 4. Remember that each day is a gift from the Lord of Gods, to keep holy. For each day shalt thou labor the Hours of Dawn, Zenith, and Twilight. But keep Night and the Eclipse of Calibration as Sabbath: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor any but those who the Lord of Gods hath directed to work: verily, the Night Caste and the Eclipse, the Lights that shine while he is away, and the servants of the Lights. For the Sun lights the sky for the hours of Dawn, Zenith, and Twilight, but at Night and Eclipse he rests and leaves his house to those whom he trusts.
  • 5. Honor thy father and thy mother, that their days may be long upon the earth the sun lights. For though the Unconquered Sun hath given you the second breath, they have given you the first.
  • 6. Thou shalt hold no relations with the fallen ones, nor with their servants, nor with those given pale form by their unholy power. The dead that walk are Anathema to the Lord of Gods, and thou shall do all within thy power to ensure that what is dead dies truly.
  • 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. To part from thy own flesh is to break the sky in twain.
  • 8. Thou shalt not take gifts from the old ones, neither the conquered nor the fallen, nor shalt thou take anything from them but by force, for though they once ruled their rule has proved poison.
  • 9. Thou shalt hold true all pacts sealed by Sun's light, and shalt feel bound by no other law, for the laws of the Eclipse are the darkness that holds the light together.
  • 10. Thou shalt not covet what the Sun hath not seen fit to provide, nor shalt thou take anything but through the powers he has given, for his gifts are given differently to each according to design.