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These are complete Jutsu that haven ot been playtested and gone through final revising.\\

Wind: Martial Arts\\ \\ This Martial Art centers around concentrating energy into a characters hands, and using that energy to control the wind in the immediate area, creating high power Windforce attacks at close range, or transmitting the force of close range attacks to a distance. Characters may benefit from this charm only barehanded, they may not benefit from any brawling aids or any form of weapon while using this jutsu. At the beginning of each action, a character may choose if they are using the ranged version or the close combat version of the Jutsu.\\ \\ Windhands Reach\\ Cost: 2 motes\\ Duration: Scene\\ Type: Reflexive\\ Minimum Marital Arts: 2\\ Minimum Wind: 1\\ Prerequisite Jutsu: None\\ \\ Forming the wind into a cutting edge, and the forcing this edge forward, a character may either attack at a distance of their Wind Element in yards, or may choose to inflict lethal damage with their bare hands. This allows the character to parry lethal attacks with their bare hands.\\ \\ Windhands Cutter\\ Cost: 4 motes\\ Duration: Scene\\ Type: Reflexive\\ Minimum Marital Arts: 3\\ Minimum Wind: 2\\ Prerequisite Jutsu: Windhands Reach\\ \\ At this level, a character may choose to inflict lethal damage with their ranged attack, or their melee attacks bypass any non-perfect parries, inflicting their Martial Arts in bashing damage on any unsuccessful attacks that were parried or partially parried. If the attack succeeds, even if it is parried, there are no additional benefits.\\ \\ Windhands Tornado\\ Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower\\ Duration: Scene\\ Type: Reflexive\\ Minimum Marital Arts: 4\\ Minimum Wind: 3\\ Prerequisite Jutsu: Windhands Cutter\\ \\ The characters ranged attacks strike with such force as to affect everything in a radius of the characters Wind Element in yards, centered on the original target, and deals bashing equal to the base damage of the attack to each target, soaked as normal. This attack may be dodged or parried as normal, with a dodge or parry roll of difficulty equal to your accuracy on the initial attack.\\ In melee, the characters attacks become exceedingly difficult to parry or dodge, as wind folds around weapons and arms, and strike a much larger area than expected. Parrying the characters blows are at a difficulty of the characters Occult, and dodging them is at a difficulty of ½ their Marital Arts score. \\ Windforce Gust\\ Cost: 4 motes\\ Duration: Scene\\ Type: Reflexive\\ Minimum Marital Arts: 3\\ Minimum Wind: 3\\ Prerequisite Jutsu: Windhands Reach\\ \\ The characters may make marital arts attacks out to a distance of their Wind Element + Martial Arts in yards, or their hand to hand attacks affect all beings in a straight line. For each being after the first in the line, treat it as a new attack, with the same accuracy as the first attack, but with a base damage equal to the amount of damage not soaked by the first being in the line. This attack dissipates after it’s base damage is reduced to 0 or below, or when it reaches a range of the characters Wind Element in yards, whichever comes first. \\ Windhands Mastery\\ Cost: 4 motes, 1 Willpower\\ Duration: Scene\\ Type: Reflexive\\ Minimum Marital Arts: 4\\ Minimum Wind: 4\\ Prerequisite Jutsu: \\ \\ Gaining greater control over directing the winds, a character reaching this level of mastery may perform clinches, holds and parries at a distance of their Wind Element + Martial Arts in yards. These obey all the same rules as normal clinches, holds, and parries, with the exception that their opponent may not clinch back. \\ In hand to hand, they may direct the winds to protect themselves, and use the wind to propel their limbs out of the way of harm, granting them a reflexive dodge pool of their Air Element. \\ \\ Windforce Maelstrom Mastery\\ Cost: 6 motes\\ Duration: Scene\\ Type: Simple\\ Minimum Marital Arts: 5\\ Minimum Wind: 4\\ Prerequisite Jutsu: Windhands Mastery, Windhands Tornado\\ \\ Taking all they have learned of controlling the winds in the area around them, the master of this Jutsu may increase the force of the winds under their control tenfold. This increases the base damage for all attacks benefited by jutsu in this tree by the characters Wind Element, adds their Wind Element to all dodge attempts they make. If they do not have a dodge pool, they may reflexively dodge with their Wind Element. \\